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Example sentences for "burned"

Lexicographically close words:
burlesquing; burletta; burly; burn; burne; burner; burners; burneth; burnie; burnies
  1. An open park-like country, beautiful with trees and turf, is defaced only by charred spots where the cork-woods have been burned by the natives to effect clearings much less in extent than the space thus denuded.

  2. Ten acres of cork trees will be thoughtlessly burned to make one of fig-orchard.

  3. Her face burned with the man's coarse words: "In this world people have to pay for what they want.

  4. Milly's ears burned with the winged words, and she smiled all the time.

  5. And it must have burned the artist like acid on his wound.

  6. Now the rage of battle burned in Felix; his eyes gleamed, his lips were open, his nostrils wide like a horse running a race.

  7. Frequently they caught fire, as it seemed, and burned as they flew or floated in the air.

  8. By degrees approaching the canoe his alarm subsided, for although it burned it was not injured; the canvas of the sail was not even scorched.

  9. A dry heat like an oven burned his blood in his veins.

  10. In the first impulse of his despair at leaving Rome, he burned his own copy of the still incomplete poem.

  11. Zima had long and to no purpose burned and yearned for love of Messer Francesco's very fair and no less virtuous wife.

  12. Around which toad, none venturing to approach it, they set a stout ring-fence of faggots, and burned it together with the sage.

  13. While thus they burned in secret for one another, the lady, desiring of all things a meeting with Guiscardo, but being shy of making any her confidant, hit upon a novel expedient to concert the affair with him.

  14. Nay," said the monk, "she sent them, but they were burned at the masses.

  15. What you have already said has been indelibly burned upon my mind and soul.

  16. In return for this compliance, the emperor delivered over to the pope his troublesome rival Arnold of Brescia, who was burned alive by Nicholas Breakspear, the only English successor of St Peter.

  17. Merx infers that the fact of Jacob's going to Alexandria as a student tells against the view that the Arabs burned the great library (Hist.

  18. Jumbo waved them to silence and Perry's blood burned to fire in his veins as he realized the break he had made.

  19. His guest turned on him a face pale as parchment in which two distraught eyes burned like great red letters.

  20. And so, thinking, and dreading to go to his cheerless cave, he sat while his fire burned low and the sun sank from sight and the long and gloomy twilight gathered.

  21. These were lighted and burned with a smoky, yellow flame.

  22. I believe, if a man were to be burned in any of our cities to-morrow for heresy, there would be found a master of ceremonies that knew just how many fagots were necessary, and the best way of arranging the whole matter.

  23. One might as well expect a new Savonarola, who was likewise a friar in this establishment, to preach against Pio Nono, and to get himself burned in the Piazza for his pains.

  24. They burned the stacks, and so found a way to force the rich people to attend to them.

  25. Among them is a portrait of Savonarola; but as the reformer was burned half a century before Poccetti was born, it has not even the merit of authenticity.

  26. With a lacerated heart, Gilbert forgot all to follow her into the parlor where again she sat at the instrument; her candle still burned beside it.

  27. Will you not make Sartines arrest the guilty ones--Maupeou sentence them to death--and the whole gang be burned with their fellows on Execution Place?

  28. Furthermore she had shown anger that he should have looked at her music book; had he touched it, he did not doubt that he would be thought fit to be burned at the stake.

  29. In this process, the bodies of thousands of auks were burned as fuel, in working up the remains of tens of thousands of others.

  30. Its favourite place of growth is on shady clearings, though it seems to grow best where timber has been burned on the ground.

  31. From one to three pounds of this, according to the size of the room, is burned by a specially prepared lamp in a pan placed in the centre of a dishpan of water, and the vapor thus made is a very powerful disinfectant.

  32. But another most important use is to wash out all the waste substances from the different organs and tissues and carry them to the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin, where they can be burned up and got rid of.

  33. The old idea that, when burned up in the body, they give rise to waste products, which are either more poisonous or more difficult to get rid of than those of vegetable foods, is now regarded as having no sufficient foundation.

  34. When they have burned up their surplus food-fuel, they call for more; and when this demand has been telegraphed to the brain, we say we are hungry, and that exercise has given us an appetite.

  35. Air is also constantly being purified by the heat and light of the sunbeams, burned clean in streaks by the jagged bolt of the lightning in summer, and frozen sweet and pure by the frosts every winter.

  36. It was built of stone, and was lighted by means of crevices through the wall by day, and by means of a saucer of tallow and a string or rush which burned during the night and served mainly to show how dark it was.

  37. Henry succeeded in catching a heretic, in 1401, and burned him at the stake.

  38. The spirit which bent 'neath its power, How it longed--how it burned to be free!

  39. The heat of the handle at times is so intense that it often results in a burned hand.

  40. The openings left where the metal was raised are used for dropping the burned matches into the box.

  41. Care should be taken to use a separable attachment for connecting, as an ordinary lamp socket may be burned out by turning off the current, it being adapted only to a small capacity.

  42. After the sulphur has burned away, the jar should be kept closed for a few minutes and when the articles are removed, the stains will be gone.

  43. I swore that night that through neither God nor devil should another lose his life as Rene had--and for fourteen years I burned the light, and laughed at the Perigeau as it gnawed its teeth in the storms.

  44. For fourteen years the man he held in his arms had burned that light--and the light was out now forever.

  45. Paul Valmain's face was positively livid, the eyes burned as though consumed with fever, the hands shook, and the tall form quivered in the most astonishing fashion.

  46. There must be some mistake--for fourteen years that light had burned in the window, and it could be seen from this point on the road--there must be some mistake.

  47. Two little incandescents burned yellow from the stanchions overhead--there was no other light.

  48. Before he reached the door of the workshop, however, the candle which had burned down very low--quite in the socket of the candlestick, suddenly went out.

  49. Chiavatta was burned to ashes, and the inhabitants, without regard to sex or age, were cut to pieces.

  50. Whoever might visit in later years Antelope with a population nearing twenty thousand would not recognize in the rich merchants of the place those pitiless warriors who fifteen years before had burned Chiavatta.

  51. In short, we diligently, conscientiously, and with a perverse satisfaction burned the candle of life at both ends and in the middle.

  52. In the meantime the risen sun has burned a way through the fog, splendoring a part of the beleaguered city.

  53. He could not, but from his statistics he could know how many houses in ten thousand of that kind burned in their first year, how many in their second, their third, and so on.

  54. The sun burned crimson in a gray-blue sky through a delicate Indian-summer haze, as beautiful as a day-dream in paradise.

  55. At Shiloh, during the first day's fighting, wide tracts of woodland were burned over in this way and scores of wounded who might have recovered perished in slow torture.

  56. It had only resulted in bringing disappointment and the shame, the outraged womanhood that had burned upon her cheeks.

  57. As she reached the station she felt that she had burned her bridges behind her.

  58. Now and then, a hole was burned in the mediaeval night by a cresset on a church tower or porch, or shot out from a cabaret's fire through an opened door.

  59. They worked together on their notes later, and gathered great store of material; but the result amounted to nothing, and they were posthumously lucky in that their unfinished manuscript was finally burned by accident in 1726.

  60. He addressed the crowd, in "the scraggiest prophetic discourse ever uttered by man," and they had games, and burned in effigy Atheism and Selfishness and Vice!

  61. These signatures were destroyed when all the ancient church registers, then stored in the Hotel de Ville, were burned by the Commune.

  62. And Essie, wet and freezing, and Ally with her two blistered legs and burned and ragged woolens, were huddled in the greatcoats and mounted one on each shoulder, and Uncle Billy ran with them as if he wore seven-league boots.

  63. After dinner they had burned the remnant, and washed the dishes together.

  64. In a flash she was living through the shameful past, and the consuming desire to conquer which had upheld her--a desire that burned the more with every fresh stain and degradation that she had had to endure.

  65. Christophe found men in whose souls there burned brands of the age-old fire.

  66. No doubt there was nothing left of the child in whom an innocent love had burned in silence.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.