But this strenuous adhesion to a settled aim, characteristic of all men born for influence, is a very different quality from that unreasoning zealotry which belongs to weak minds.
This faction was as blind in its zealotry in favor of Johnston, as in its prejudice against Davis.
Zealotry is set by the ear; the hornet's nest is stirred.
On all sides zealotry raises and shakes a protesting hand; on all sides it shrieks, objurgating, threatening.
A more apostolic fervour of holy zealotry in this great cause had not been seen since the days of Bartholomew las Casas, who showed the same excess of feeling in another direction.
So stood matters some twelve or fourteen years; after which period a "craze" arose on the subject of Burns, which allowed no voice to be heard but that of zealotry and violent partisanship.