This character was that of the leader of men, the zealot for the cause of the under dog.
A charming zealot with a soul that laughed and wanted all mankind to be happy with it--a soul that translated itself by her famous grin.
To the zealot whose whole thought was of the fight with Rome, such an assertion seemed the claim of a right to mutiny in the camp, a right of breaking up Protestant England into a host of sects too feeble to hold Rome at bay.
Catesby, a Catholic zealot who had taken part in the rising of Essex, had busied himself during the last years of Elizabeth in preparing for a revolt at the Queen's death, and in seeking for his project the aid of Spain.
Once more our Martian guest is besieged by the Hebrew Zealot to examine the divine revelation of his religion.
The Hebrew Zealot relents somewhat to explain that perhaps this was not revealed, but found its way into the divine text as a moral lesson to the primitive tribes for which it was written.
The real Puritan Zealot spent an incredible amount of his time in weeping like a silly old woman.
The craven, with desires expecting to be blest, is a zealot of the faith which ascribes the direction of events to the outer world.
He lacked the zealot's conviction of his unique importance, yet one must be such a zealot to give a message effectively.
Do you know," the Zealot broke in, "I should not be surprised if some of the Pharisees would join us when we show our strength!
After much, entreaty, this humble zealotwas induced to take a sweet lime, occasionally, to cool her poor parched mouth.
But human nature is slowly asserting itself, and the days of the glum tyrannical zealot are assuredly numbered.
We read of one zealot devoting a whole winter to the task of combating shinty and tobacco.
Such of the champions of freedom in Galilee as escaped betook themselves to Jerusalem; amongst these was the Zealot leader John of Giscala.
The people, up to this point divided in their mind, now took the side of the zealot for Jehovah, laid hold of the prophets of Baal, and slaughtered them down below at the brook.
Upon the night of the burning of the Temple, Caleb, escaping the slaughter, was driven with Simon the Zealot across the bridge into the Upper City, which bridge they broke down behind them.
Caleb made no answer, for he knew the venom and power of thisZealot Simeon, who was the chosen friend and instrument of the savage John of Gischala.
The more incongruous is it that after this invective he puts into Eleazar's mouth two long speeches, calling on his men to kill themselves rather than fall into the hands of the Romans, which sum up eloquently the Zealot attitude.
Adopting the Roman standpoint, he denounced the whole Zealot policy, and for John of Gischala, their leader, he entertained a special loathing.
Joseph the son of Gorion and Ananias the high priest, both members of the moderate party, were chosen as governors of Jerusalem, with a particular charge to repair the walls, and the Zealot leader Eleazar the son of Simon was passed over.
In the reign of Vespasian, after the Zealot rising in Cyrene had been put down, the leader, Jonathan, who was brought as a prisoner to Rome, charged Josephus before the Emperor with having sent him both weapons and money.
He had been a leader of the Zealot party in Tiberias, and had roused the people of that city against the double-dealing commander; but on the breakdown of the revolt he entered the service of Agrippa II.
Thus the young zealot makes no slavish sacrifice of intellect and will; at least, so he is taught: for he sacrifices them, not to man, but to his Maker.
A proud noble, an aspiring soldier, a graceful courtier, an ardent and daring gallant was metamorphosed by that stroke into the zealot whose brain engendered and brought forth the mighty Society of Jesus.
Brother Philip, a Zealot of the Clarisses, had made haste to secure for them from Ugolini the privileges which had already been under consideration.
We shall see farther on the wrath of Francis against Brother Philip, a Zealot of the Poor Ladies, who had accepted this privilege in his absence.