By and by zomebody zays to the kippur, thuck William's got a dog as plays th' devil wi' ael th' game.
What vur du 'ee go gadding London ways, zays I, when there be zuch a turble lot to zee arter?
Zo I tould un, sir; but they zaysas they must zee youâ€.
Baint no vault o’ maine, sir; but there coom two genelmen chaps, as zays they musten zee youâ€.
I don't want to hurt anybody; but when a man zays he's going to fire at me as if I was a wild beast, I don't feel to mind what I do to him.
I zays to ze leedel boys here you's von big vool, and zo you vas!
I zays you's von big vool, the biggest vool of all ze vools I vas know," he cried in his deep tones.
A bittle up thuck tree did clim, And scarnvully did look at him; Zays he, "Zur harnet, who giv thee A right to zet in thuck there tree?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "zays" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.