He next began subsidizing small weeklies which should advocate his reforms, but this resulted in little.
Davis of the Swinton-Scudder-Davis Company, whose imprint on books, magazines and weeklies was as common throughout the length and breadth of the land as that of Oxford is upon the English bible.
By the weeklies I do not mean journals like The Outlook, The Independent, Vanity Fair, which are merely special varieties of the typically American magazine.
The success of these weeklies has been out of proportion to their circulation.
Fill out the following Order Blank and send it to us with the price of the Weeklies you want and we will send them to you by return mail.
The effective range of the weeklies and monthlies and even of the city dailies was widened, while the resulting competition tended to weed out the weaker and more local.
Occasionally one gets an hour off in the morning (I get three in the week) and this is spent either in writing letters, taking the illustrated weeklies from the House Room, or in going for a lonely walk or bathe.
After a period of difficult competition with city dailies the survivingweeklies are becoming recognized as community institutions.
The real country weeklieswill not become agricultural text hooks; but the news of the farms, the improvements to farm buildings, and the experiences of successful local farmers will find much space in their columns.
Write out and fill in your Order and send it to us with the price of the weeklies you want and we will send them to you by return mail.
Improved transportation facilities, however, led to the retreat of the weeklies before the increasing circulation of the daily papers.
Besides the Grand Forks Herald, two weeklies were established, the Red River Valley Citizen and the Normanden, the latter in the Norwegian language.
Although it does not control as many weeklies now as it formerly did, it still has a strong hand in the editorial policies of many papers in the State.
With the daily press usually unanimously opposed to its program, the league has purchased weeklies through which it has exercised a great influence on the rural population.
To develop your ability as a dramatic reporter, watch the theatrical criticisms in reputable dailies and weeklies and learn from them.
Expand the weeklies into dailies simultaneously in every Australian capital," said George, waxing enthusiastic.
They haven't been able to runweeklies yet," said George, authoritatively.
The old Hebrew organs ha-Melitz and ha-Tzefirah took on a new lease of life, and grew from weeklies into dailies.
The shoal of English novels conscientiously reviewed every seventh day in the London weeklies would preserve their present character and gain in firmness of texture if they were made by machinery.
At our present rate of progress, the drawings in all our amusing weeklies will soon be as good as those in the 'Fliegende Blatter.
Few of the editors of those weeklies gained wealth or distinction, but they deserve to be remembered for a splendid work.
The paper is one of the largest German weeklies in the state, publishing from twelve to twenty-four pages each issue and going all over the state.
The comic weeklies returned his jokes and humorous verse, and the light society verse he wrote for the large magazines found no abiding-place.
He discovered a bread-and-butter field in the agricultural weeklies and trade journals, though among the religious weeklies he found he could easily starve.
He toiled on till dark, when he went out to the reading-room and explored magazines and weeklies until the place closed at ten o'clock.
It began with the stampede of the entire staff of one of our most brilliant and enterprising weeklies to the banks of the Seine and the heights of Montmartre.
At five o'clock Jerton made his way to the hotel lounge; he had spent a diligent but fruitless quarter of an hour among the illustrated weeklies in the smoking-room.
At some of them only the morning or evening journals are kept, but others offer all the weeklies and the illustrated papers as well.
Wells and Shaw and the serious sixpenny weeklieswill sit on its head.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weeklies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.