They thus, like the rich, lose the stimulus to exertion which this desire gives to men of the middle class, and which is one of the chief factors in the development of rational creatures.
Recollection now makes my heart bound to thee; but it is not to thy money-getting face, though I cannot be seriously displeased with the exertion which increases my esteem, or rather is what I should have expected from thy character.
My agent writes me word that he used every exertion to procure the best.
I fear the habit is growing on me, in spite of every exertion I make.
For a gentleman, like himself, accustomed before the war to every luxury that unbounded wealth could supply, this was naturally disagreeable, and I determined to omit no exertion to effect his escape.
In spite of every exertion to overcome the obstacles in the roads, it was nearly sunrise before we reached open ground.
The French hoped to form an agricultural settlement of Indians in the neighborhood of Villemarie; and they spared no exertion to this end, giving them tools, and aiding them to till the fields.
The disease in no case proved fatal; but scarcely had health begun to return to their household, when an unforeseen calamity demanded the exertion of all their energies.
His demeanor betrayed all the pride of the commoner about to receive the youthful representative of a long line of noble ancestry, all the self-satisfaction of a man who has climbed aloft through the exertion of his individual force.
He looked pale and worn, the ride through the woods seeming to have been an exertion to him rather than a pleasure.
The physical exertion eased the inward tumult, but she would not slacken for an instant.
The security of Baring's protecting presence was infinitely comforting, but her fright and subsequent exertion had made her feel very weak.
The others were soon at his side, working with a will; and this necessary exertion was most beneficial, since it prevented the little party from dwelling on their misfortunes.
They rowed as if it was a great exertion even to lift the oars, and on reaching the steamer sat in the yawl some time before coming aboard.
The exertion even of cooking supper seemed too great; but it was a task which must be performed, and all hands aided in it, thus bringing the meal to a much earlier close than if Jim had officiated at the stove alone.
I feel, however, so much fatigued with my present exertion that I cannot resume the pen till to-morrow.
Every exertion was now made to discover the criminals.
He was breathing hard from the mere exertion of preventing his unruly feet from running to the gate, of keeping his unruly hand from diving deep into his pocket for the entrance fee.
The interest, once discovered, must be the means for stimulating to greater exertion and to closer unification of the child's activities.
Never before and never again has the individual the endurance and the energy for such self-sacrifice, for such devotion, for such exertion in behalf of the purest of ideals.
In the alternating moods of excessiveexertion and indolence there is the possibility of girls and boys learning the value of alternation of work and play and rest.
Young men should never hear any language but this: "You have your own way to make, and it depends upon your exertion whether you starve or not.
He need not have confined his remarks to blood royal; it is politeness in every body; and know that whenever you fail to meet an engagement promptly, which by exertion you might have done, you are guilty of a gross breach of etiquette.
One man's individual exertion seems to go for nothing.
An aged person whose thoughts revert to a life of self-denial and exertion in virtue's ways has a source of happiness, pure and unalloyed, which is denied to him whose guiding rule of life has been selfishness.
They seem to precede the march of events, to foresee results in the chrysalis of their causes, and to seize that moment for exertion which others use in deliberation.
It may be said that in the formation of a good name personal exertion is the first, the second, and the last virtue.
When grief sits down, folds its hands, and mournfully feeds upon its own tears, weaving the dim shadows that a little exertion might sweep away into oblivion, the strong spirit is shorn of its might, and sorrow becomes our master.
As in the exercises of the gymnasium the value consists in the exertions required to perform them, so that knowledge and mental power acquired by arduous exertion is of the most lasting and real value.
Obstinacy must not be confounded with perseverance; for obstinacy presumptuously declines to listen to reason, but perseverance only continues its exertion while satisfied that good judgment sustains its course.
I could do with a mutton chop or two, after the scanty fare and hard exertion of the recent twelve hours.
The hammering of my heart, with the exertion and excitement, seemed loud enough to awaken the other sleepers as I stepped, actually over some of them.
But, beyond this last exertion of the strong instinct of paternal love, every other active emotion seemed dead within him.
She was insensible to every sensation but fear, incapable of any other exertion than flight.
By a desperate exertion he extricated himself from under it--only to swoon from the fresh anguish caused to him by the effort.
In some places the bricks yielded easily to his efforts; in others, their resistance was only to be overcome by the exertion of his utmost strength.
Indeed, there appeared to be no alternative, for they had both resisted every exertion to separate them.
Literary honors were little in his eyes compared with the exertion of a moral and philosophic influence.
Moreover, the plain chant demands no violent exertion on the part of the singer.
It will not cost you any exertion to lose me," was her light answer.
There had been something unnatural in the exertion necessary to sit upright and keep his mind decently clear.
It was true that she immediately scrambled up again and would not own to anything unusual in her behaviour; but he insisted on piling cushions at her back, and would not allow her to risk the exertion of pouring out tea for him.
The organs necessary for the enjoyment of such things from long disuse had become decayed, and he shrank from the mental exertion required to galvanise them into activity once more.
If grief, anger, or excessive joy are able to vitiate secretions, and cause sickness and death, a happy frame of mind, intellectual exertion and moral excellence tend to the perfect health of these secretions.
With hope came back the spirit of exertion which had been crushed beneath despair.
Urged by young Teach to exertion superhuman, the boat actually shot under the quarter of the galleon before the squall broke.
We are told that all exertion will be vain, and that the admission of a new Slave State is "a foregone conclusion.
But is it not too often construed so as to exclude exertion in any other walk, or to serve as a cloak for indifference to other things?
Each day witnessed his untiring exertion in scenes little attractive to his gentle and studious nature.
The state and the church, laws and manners, are now torn asunder: labor is divided from enjoyment, the means from the end, the exertion from the reward.
But that field of exertion is very limited, and is soon filled by regular professional people, trained and equipped for the service.
The constant threats of descent appeared to paralyse every exertion but that of domestic security; while the enemy were carrying on their schemes of distant conquest under the panic which these had produced.
May I now beg that you will assure the Officers and men, how highly sensible I am of their meritorious services, and of the zeal and exertionwhich ever marked their conduct.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exertion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.