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Example sentences for "wording"

Lexicographically close words:
word; worde; worded; worden; wordes; wordis; wordless; wordlessly; wordly; words
  1. To that end he promised to suggest some changes in wording that would produce "a policy with some play in the joints.

  2. The wording of the press release on the conference implied, moreover, that the administration's entire program had been approved by White and the others.

  3. With the Manava is clearly connected the Kathaka Grihya Sutra, not only in the principle of its arrangement, but even in the wording of many passages.

  4. The prose in which these works are composed is so compressed that the wording of the most laconic telegram would often appear diffuse compared with it.

  5. No more appropriate or convincing wording could be given of it than by quoting Fergusson's estimate, which sums it up as being "the most beautifully designed spire in Europe, surpassing even Strasburg and Antwerp.

  6. And if they [the Indians] have received any injury, they shall correct it and shall take measures to prevent what is conceded to and enjoined upon us by the wording of the said concession, from being exceeded.

  7. Then in a semi-humorous, indifferent way she gave alternately its actual wording and the upshot of some of its passages.

  8. The wording of this--"never" during the last forty-eight hours!

  9. Bald confirmation comes of the wording of the message; no interpretation.

  10. And I should do so just the same if the re-wording were made.

  11. Newport would so far alter the wording of the motion, as not to assume the existence of the guilty practices which were to constitute the subject of inquiry.

  12. Mr. Brougham observed, that there was something so singular in the wording of this document as to warrant jealousy of their designs.

  13. Her portion of shame was dreadful to bear; her bold avowal of love for Christian, her atrocious wording of hate intervolved to double disgrace.

  14. It is hereby declared that when a final decision is reached, there shall be a revision of the wording of the text.

  15. Am I, possibly, misconstruing the wording of the Constitution in order to extricate myself from an embarrassing criminal process?

  16. It is inserted here without essential alteration, except that the size recommended for the forms is slightly reduced and minor changes have been made in the wording of the directions.

  17. Sometimes the subject hesitates to begin, thinking, in spite of our wording of the instructions, that a perfect reproduction is expected.

  18. Note that the wording of the first part of the questions is slightly different from that in year IV, test 5.

  19. It is advisable to guard against the usual foolish and somewhat bombastic manner of wording testimonials.

  20. And again, the more the idea and wording meet with the personal or local trend of the community in which it is distributed, the better it will be accepted.

  21. Let’s use motifs and scenes and wording which create the charm of our home section, and we will find that the card will be doubly welcomed by the recipient on that account.

  22. Some of the extra men, having in mind the wording of the guarantee of a full month's pay, cherished the hope that there was no further use for their services and that they would be paid off and told to leave.

  23. Secretary Hayes: I have agonized over the wording of my response to you, though I knew right away what my answer should be.

  24. But it is usually better to bring the subjects of the books together, regardless of the wording of the title.

  25. In primary entries the titles must be accurately followed, but in references it is often much more convenient to dispense with the wording chosen by the author.

  26. By following the wording of the title in this way you do not get a true index.

  27. It is not necessary to follow the exact wording of a title in the reference but it will be often more convenient for the cataloguer to make a heading which may include several references.

  28. That the adoption of an asterisk in catalogues to denote an academical dissertation or thesis relieves us of the necessity of repeating a large amount of redundant wording to each title.

  29. The wording of the resolution was purposely involved.

  30. The wording of the bill and its general tenor gave the impression that the prohibition of slavery would continue during the territorial status, unless in the meantime the courts should declare the Missouri Compromise null and void.

  31. He declared again, in defiant tones, that the right of the people to permit or exclude was clearly included in the wording of the measure.

  32. The wording of the clause indicates that he regarded the popular ratification of the constitution to be a matter of course.

  33. To Douglas there was nothing ambiguous or misleading in the wording of the clause.

  34. The wording of the territorial bills, which would compass these ends, was carefully agreed upon and put in writing.

  35. The draft of this despatch was submitted to the Queen, and, in the opinion of the Prince Consort, the wording was of somewhat too peremptory a character.

  36. He then said that much time would be lost if I did not let him have a copy of your despatch 'unofficially and informally'; that so much depended upon the wording of it, that it was impossible to come to a decision without reading it.

  37. I should suggest a very careful consideration of the meaning of the restoration to the Sultan of the right to open the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus at pleasure, and a very cautious wording of the article establishing it.

  38. The wording of that will seemed to be adjusted to the peculiarities of Mrs. Wilson's disease; and the death of the testator occurred under a peculiar set of circumstances which seemed to be exactly adjusted to the wording of the will.

  39. These are all writers who flourished in the first three quarters of the second century, and I have only mentioned those whose writings, from the wording of his notices, Eusebius appears to have seen himself.

  40. There is no particularly advanced philosophic terminology here, and yet there is a profound difference between both the thought and wording of this sentence of Philo and St. John's four enunciations of the Logos.

  41. The reward is to be given to--but you see the plain wording of it.

  42. These questions are all clear enough so far as their wording is concerned, but they belong to the college or theological seminary age instead of to the intermediate age.

  43. But the body of the story is better given extemporaneously even if the wording is not as perfect as it could be made by reading or reciting the matter.

  44. I here follow the wording of the second edition.

  45. We may note, in passing, two sentences in which, as in that quoted above, a distinction between representations and their objects is recognised in wording if not in fact.

  46. The actual wording of its two last paragraphs would lead to that conclusion.

  47. And this largely determines the wording of his exposition, even in passages in which the demands of the synthetic method are being quite amply fulfilled.

  48. The reason probably was that the first edition's wording might seem to imply that the form is (as the Dissertation taught) capable in and by itself of ordering the manifold.

  49. This at least would seem to be implied in the wording of his later positions; it is not explicitly avowed.

  50. The wording of the passage seems to imply that such symbolisation of time through space is helpful but not indispensably necessary for its apprehension.

  51. As Vaihinger remarks, the wording of this section would seem to indicate that it is Kant's first attempt at formulating that new doctrine.

  52. The wording of this paragraph is in keeping with the increased emphasis which in the Introduction to the second edition is given to the problem, how a priori synthetic judgments are possible.

  53. The wording is still not altogether unambiguous, but the main point is made sufficiently clear.

  54. But a strictly literal interpretation of its actual wording is more in keeping with what, as we shall find, is the general trend of the Aesthetic as a whole.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wording" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    composition; dialect; diction; expression; formulation; grammar; idiom; language; locution; parlance; phrase; phraseology; phrasing; print; rhetoric; speech; style; talk; terminology; text; usage; verbiage; wording