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Example sentences for "unchanged"

Lexicographically close words:
unchallenged; unchancy; unchangeable; unchangeableness; unchangeably; unchanging; unchaperoned; uncharacteristic; uncharged; uncharitable
  1. The Czar's Government also promised that Batoum should be a free port, and left unchanged the regulations respecting the navigation of the Dardanelles and Bosporus.

  2. It is not surprising, therefore, that matters should have remained almost unchanged for the comparatively long period of nearly thirty years.

  3. This tribal and agricultural religion can hardly have maintained itself unchanged at the great Aegean centres, like Cnossus and Mycenae.

  4. It does not appear that the Samals produced any change in this respect, and the same worship and social organization which the Sulus had remained unchanged until the Mohammedans reached the Archipelago.

  5. He made no further alteration in the Christian church, and it remains as it was left by Justinian, unchanged for 1300 years, the most perfect and splendid monument of the arts of the Lower Empire.

  6. But common, essential and unchanged within all these as well, is simple, pure humility.

  7. Thus by means of mercy, freely offered and freely received, through mutual fellowship in moral suffering, wrong may be comprehended, and fully overcome, in the unchanged dominion of the right.

  8. But strong and clear within his reverent and lowly acceptance of divine rebukes, stands unbent and unchanged his steadfast, invincible pledge to reveal, on his own and on his Nation's behalf, the sovereign grandeur of civic reliability.

  9. But enduring and undying, common and unchanged within them all is simple, spiritual purity.

  10. The bread in Holy Communion is unchanged in substance; but some new and glorious relation is superadded to it.

  11. They say it is quite unchanged among the rich.

  12. The gardens we have seen to-day are the old Japan unchanged since they were made a thousand years ago, when they took the ancient ideas of China and India for models.

  13. Sometimes I leave the water unchanged for days, and the fish seem livelier.

  14. Once a day is sufficient to change the water, although if you have certain kinds of water-plants in your globe or aquarium, the water may go unchanged for days, and still remain pure.

  15. The propositions of mathematics seem to be independent of this or that special fact of experience, and to remain unchanged even when the concrete matter of experience varies.

  16. So before he lets any light shine on it, except red light which has no effect on the silver salt, he dissolves off all the white unchanged part of the silver salt, in another kind of chemical called the fixing bath.

  17. But these other salts have to be washed off with chemicals since they do not come off in water, as the unchanged part of the iron salt comes off when you fix the blueprint paper in the water bath.

  18. The outlines of the bay had remained absolutely unchanged during the year that had elapsed.

  19. This view has received much support from the fact that the extra spectral rays are crossed with numerous dark lines, and that in the chemical impressions these lines are marked by unchanged spaces which exactly coincide with them.

  20. Church lordships, the easiest to trace, appear to have retained their hidation unchanged from early times, and the 'possessio decem familiarum' of Bede seems to carry the decimal system back to very early days.

  21. While he rode on the highest crest of Fortune's wave the one member of his family who had remained unchanged fell ill.

  22. With each repetition the unchanged formula took on an added ferocity--a deeper meaning.

  23. There it had been from the foundation of the earth, and there it would remain unaltered and unchanged till time should be no longer.

  24. The Imperative mood is unchanged in form.

  25. The blue veins on his bulging temples were a little more pronounced, his thin features a little more pinched, but otherwise he was unchanged and he seemed equal to another strain as heavy as the one he had undergone.

  26. Unchanged and unchangeable," was the reply.

  27. Again she regarded me so icily, I felt at once that her opinion of me--her feeling towards me--was unchanged and unchangeable.

  28. The arrangements thus established by Augustus continued almost unchanged till the time of Constantine, and formed the basis of all subsequent administrative divisions until the fall of the Western empire.

  29. The drug is excreted unchanged in the urine.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unchanged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abiding; alike; automatic; balanced; changeless; consistent; consonant; constant; continuing; continuous; correspondent; durable; enduring; equable; equal; eternal; even; firm; fixed; flat; frozen; homogeneous; immobile; immutable; inconvertible; indefeasible; inert; intact; invariable; inviolate; irretrievable; irreversible; irrevocable; lasting; level; measured; mechanical; methodical; monolithic; noble; ordered; orderly; permanent; perpetual; persistent; quiescent; regular; remaining; rigid; same; smooth; solid; stable; static; stationary; steadfast; steady; sustained; systematic; timeless; torpid; unalterable; unaltered; unbroken; unchangeable; unchanging; unchecked; undeviating; undifferentiated; unfading; unfailing; uniform; unremitting; unruffled; unsusceptible; unvarying