I knew such behavior on my behalf would not only have been uncharacteristic of me but futile as well; people were not like spark plugs.
I continued to pursue happiness through a confused sense of individualism and an uncharacteristic flurry of activity.
This uncharacteristic perturbation of the former President reveals in startling fashion the bitterness of the strife over the calling of the convention, and over the issues confronting that body in making a new constitution for Virginia.
So disturbed was Marshall by Roane's attacks that he did a thoroughly uncharacteristic thing.
Suddenly he did a simple thing, but so uncharacteristic that it moved her.
But from that he began indulging in one of those strange impersonal speculations, so uncharacteristic of a Forsyte, wherein lay, in part, the secret of his supremacy amongst them.
It is all of that, Highness," Borla agreed, displaying more of his uncharacteristic crocodile grin.
It was uncharacteristic for Sorpiala to touch such filth with her hands, and Si'Wren could only wonder at what could have motivated one such as she to do such a thing.
He approached slowly, reading a blue paper, with his level grey eyes divided by a little uncharacteristic frown.
Karen believed that Mrs. Talcott had actually been feeling lonely, uncharacteristic as that seemed.
Shy, by temperament, as he saw, to the point of suffering, he felt sure that only the infection of the crowd had carried her to the act of uncharacteristic daring.
So with uncharacteristic tact she switched off to shooting and fishing and all was well.
There was something about the girl, a new dignity, a riper air, an uncharacteristic quietude that was caught at once by the three Vanderdykes and especially by Aunt Honoria.
Malcolm had the knack of saying things that were true, and this that he had just said, with uncharacteristic heat, was dead true.
But a strange fastidiousness, a most uncharacteristic anxiety about the smallest matters, delayed him through every stage of his present undertaking.
The manuscript is wholly in the handwriting of its author, and is done with uncharacteristic painstaking; for later, writing was painful and irksome to him, and even his letters are in great part illegible.
Isobel guided him, her voice quiet and still maintaining its uncharacteristic demure quality.
Jack Peters followed him but not before tipping an uncharacteristic wink at Homer.
Chapter Fourth is comparatively easy, but probably largely secondary, because uncharacteristic of her teaching.
It is far too long, elaborate, and uncharacteristic to be authentic.
There was no mistaking his manner, even if it had been possible to mistake the uncharacteristic readiness which his words expressed, to submit his own plans and projects to the convenience of others.
It was so very uncharacteristic of such a robust person as dear Marian to be ill, that I could only suppose she had met with an accident.
Miss Halcombe, after once or twice hesitating and checking herself, in a most uncharacteristic manner, spoke at last.
The doctor was in, and after a few profane formalities-- tempered when we informed him of a female presence--he listened with uncharacteristic attentiveness.
He listened in uncharacteristic silence, beginning to appear a little more convinced.
Let me see," she said, with an uncharacteristic touch of womanliness that must have been brought out by the flaming feminism of Lola.
She hurried to get that in, astonished at heruncharacteristic womanliness.
After a moment of very uncharacteristic hesitation, he considerately quitted the room.
He said those words with a cautious choice of expression very uncharacteristic of him, and, without further explanation, made abruptly for the door.
He said those words with an abruptness, almost with a violence, which was strangely uncharacteristicof his ordinary manner.
Then we have plausibility of what may be called uncharacteristic event--of such events as are independent of the will of the characters, and are not conditioned by their psychology.
For anomalies and uncharacteristic episodes in Napoleon's career we must go to books; the playhouse is not the place for them.
But these compositions are somewhat uncharacteristicand derivative.
The piano sonatina of the Funeral March, although by no means as insignificant, is nevertheless uncharacteristic in the resemblances it bears the music of Ravel.
And yet such a lapse was veryuncharacteristic of her.
She felt that her vitality was low, and she supposed that out of that lowered vitality had come her uncharacteristic desire for peace.
The style, the manner, would be the man, not in his unreasoned and really uncharacteristic caprices, involuntary or affected, but in absolutely sincere apprehension of what is most real to him.
A sudden hush enveloped the room as the Shahbandar examined Hawksworth with uncharacteristic surprise.
The abuse must have been very harsh and unjust; for Marshall, who seldom gave way to resentment, complained to Pickering with uncharacteristic temper.
But they did their best, for it was plain that Madison's Jeffersonized appeal, so uncharacteristic of that former Nationalist, must be answered.
The flowing grace of the "Menuet Italien" makes it an uncharacteristic but charming work.
And then Howard, with an uncharacteristic awkwardness, and looking very young, made a quick step forward, and with a sort of gentle roughness grasped Martin by the arm.
She had confided to Primrose with a sudden burst of uncharacteristic incaution that she seemed doomed to become an old man's darling.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncharacteristic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.