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Example sentences for "unchangeably"

Lexicographically close words:
unchallengeable; unchallenged; unchancy; unchangeable; unchangeableness; unchanged; unchanging; unchaperoned; uncharacteristic; uncharged
  1. Are they good, and only good, and perfectly good, and unchangeably and eternally good?

  2. The desires of her soft little body had made him what he must unchangeably remain.

  3. Yes, I will be unchangeably I, till the end.

  4. Were an Oriental necessarily and unchangeably Oriental, it would have been impossible for Japan to have come into such close and sympathetic touch with the West.

  5. The West knows not the 'Ri'[BG] of the virtues of the heart which are in all men unchangeably the same.

  6. Farewell, then, my beloved Herbert, beloved faithfully, unchangeably in death as you have been in life.

  7. May the God of infinite love, the Father of unclouded mercies, who hath been so unchangeably merciful to his servants, look down from His resplendent throne and bless you, my beloved!

  8. What you have just acknowledged, unchangeably stares you in the face.

  9. It then follows that we are to believe that God has given us eternal life in his Son before the world began, and unchangeably promised it.

  10. This disgraceful condition, in which their murderers viewed them as unchangeably sleeping, stands in contrast with their triumphant exaltation at the coming of Christ.

  11. We receive an evidence of pardon, and enjoy it through faith, while God has remained unchangeably the same.

  12. He is unchangeably the same in all his brilliant perfections.

  13. These angels and men, thus predestinated and foreordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed, and their number is so certain and definite, that it cannot be either increased or diminished.

  14. Babington, and Barrington] become stereotyped as a charge, and is continuously and unchangeably used as such, whereas doubtless it may have been no more originally than a mere mark of cadency.

  15. If the crest have a lawful existence, one or other of them will unchangeably belong to the crest, of which it now is considered to be an integral part.

  16. Further, it is requisite of every virtue that one should persist unchangeably in the work of that virtue, as stated in Ethic.

  17. The virtue of perseverance, so far as it is concerned, inclines one to persevere: yet since it is a habit, and a habit is a thing one uses at will, it does not follow that a person who has the habit of virtue uses it unchangeably until death.

  18. The kind hand that had once patted him on the shoulder touched him again; the kind voice that had cheered him spoke unchangeably in the old friendly tones.

  19. Not a hard word or a harsh look ever escaped him in her presence; he was unchangeably loving and forbearing with her to the very last.

  20. These angels and men thus predestinated and foreordained are particularly and unchangeably designed, and their number is so certain and definite that it can neither be increased nor diminished.

  21. The Confession of Faith gives the following deliverance on the subject--"God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably foreordain whatsoever comes to pass.

  22. The noun, according to the same authority, denotes the act of decreeing or foreordaining events; the act of God, by which He hath from eternity unchangeably appointed or determined whatsoever comes to pass.

  23. Further, if fate is unchangeable, what is subject to fate happens unchangeably and of necessity.

  24. In the government of the world, God has as unchangeably fixed his laws producing moral influences, as he has those which relate to material objects.

  25. For a rare and too lofty a vision is it, to behold Thy Eternity, O Lord, unchangeably making things changeable; and thereby before them.

  26. But how learned men can talk of God's permitting what he has eternally and unchangeably ordained, is a mystery to some of the unlearned.

  27. That all things that come to pass in time, have been eternally and unchangeably foreordained, because most certainly foreknown to the infinitely perfect Jehovah.

  28. Those angels and men, thus predestinated and foreordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed; and their number is so certain and definite, that it cannot be either increased or diminished.

  29. He freely and unchangeably predestinated the act from all eternity.

  30. Yes: from all eternity, he hath, for his own glory, unchangeably foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.

  31. The nature of that "ordering and governing" is explained in the declaration that "God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.

  32. He may use effective influences in bringing it to pass, so that it may be said, in truth, that he freely and unchangeably preordained and produced it, and yet he may be perfectly holy.

  33. Nathanael remained standing at the window as if glued to the spot by a wizard's spell, his gaze rivetted unchangeably upon the divinely beautiful Olimpia.

  34. And yet she perhaps did, for she sat with her eyes fixed unchangeably upon his, sighing repeatedly, "Ach!

  35. Whilst the young man had been speaking, Salvator had kept his eyes fixed unchangeably upon him; he now clasped him tumultuously to his heart.

  36. But upon whom does the friendly star of good fortune shine unchangeably with the same degree of splendour at all times?

  37. After gazing unchangeably before him for some minutes without speaking, he relieved his labouring breast by saying in a significant tone, "So that was it!

  38. Let me for once relieve my heart, by saying how entirely,--how unchangeably I love you.

  39. His mercies are unchangeably the same, ready to be communicated to every sincere penitent.

  40. Thus the sinner, by turning away from God, becomes his own tormentor; whilst God continues unchangeably just and good in all his works (Ps.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unchangeably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    firmly; grimly; rigidly; rigorously