They supposed that every combustible body held in composition a pure, ethereal substance which they called phlogiston, a Greek word which signifies burned, and that in combustion this phlogiston escaped.
Commonly the rapid union of oxygen with some combustible substance, attended with the evolution of heat.
In order to extinguish fire one of two things must be done: either the supply of oxygen must be cut off or the combustible must be cooled down to a temperature below the burning point, when the combustion will cease of itself.
Timber constructions bearingcombustible matters, used by the Chinese to destroy an enemy's vessel.
A vessel filled with combustible materials, and fitted with grappling-irons, to hook and set fire to the enemy's ships.
Train also signifies a line of gunpowder or other combustible material forming a communication with any body intended to be set on fire or exploded.
A combustible invented by the knights of Malta to throw among their besiegers, and afterwards used in boarding Turkish galleys.
For this service, the Intrepid was fitted out, being filled with powder, shells, and other combustible materials.
They next filled a cart with hemp, flax, and other combustible materials; and this, after they set it on fire, they thrust backward with their long poles.
In the eighth place, the meteors were combustible bodies, and were constituted of light and transparent materials.
In the sixth place, the meteors consisted of combustible matter, and took fire, and were consumed, in traversing the atmosphere.
The traveller almost fancies he can hear the crackling of the flames as they seize all combustible substances in their course.
Newton's famous inference that the diamond is combustible is sometimes quoted as an argument from analogy.
A pipe for leading combustible gases downward from the top of the blast furnace to the hot-blast stoves, boilers, etc.
We have an accumulating mass of combustiblematerials in our midst.
A blind obstinacy on the part of the ministers increased the opposition of the people, inducing a rapid accumulation of combustible materials, increasing the volcanic fires by their own strong exertions.
When dry it is very combustible and burns readily when ignited, but it can be quenched by pouring water upon it.
In 1742 he married Elizabeth Clapham, of Stackhouse, who was also a member of an old Giggleswick family.
The peculiar nature of the commodity prevents any accumulation of stock; its combustible character--requiring the simple agency of friction to ignite it--renders it dangerous for large quantities of the article to be kept in one place.
If the body requires a certain amount of energy for its needs, this energy, measured in Calories, can be supplied by a definite quantity of combustible food.
Since ash is not a combustible foodstuff, it cannot be included in the foodstuffs whose energy requirement can be measured.
Number of Calories yielded by one ounce of each of thecombustible foodstuffs.
The body should be nourished by all the combustible foodstuffs,--carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
Fuel value expresses the nutritive value only of the combustible foodstuffs,--carbohydrates, fats, and protein.
Becher and Stahl had taught that every combustible substance contained a combustible principle--phlogiston--and that to the elimination of this principle the phenomena of combustion were due.
Had the balloon been less cumbersome it would have been conveyed to the island, whence the start would have been effected; but as it was, it was more convenient to bring the combustible material to the balloon.
Would not another exploring expedition possibly result in the discovery of a vein of coal or other combustible matter, which could be turned to account in warming some erection which they might hope to put up?
Then followed a discharge of muskets, all of which were levelled at the glancing light that was glaring in fearful proximity to the combustible materials which filled the most of the out-buildings.
The gases being mainly composed of carbon monoxide are further combustibleand may be used for heat, light, and power purposes.
Combustible matter is placed in the bottom of the tube, and on striking the plunger a sharp blow this is ignited.
Finally, the army was obliged to draw back, and to abandon all that was combustible in the vast construction they had reared, to the devouring flames.
With this, he applied the burning brand to the combustiblematter of the beacon.
Strong parties with faggots and other combustible material were set to work; three hundred houses were given ruthlessly to the flames, and their occupants pushed out in the open air without food or shelter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "combustible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.