Dazzling lights shone in the Elephant's one eye that was not in the drift.
After a bit, when it grew dark outside, and the lights were lit inside the store, Mr. Mugg locked the front door and came back into the rear room.
Lights burst slowly, here, there, then the whole upper way was white with electric radiance.
In due course of time they got things organized, and lights were out in the cabin at nine o'clock.
The broad shining street swept its gleaming length, with the misty lights reflecting themselves.
He takes the ancient and mouldy parts of speech--the liver and lights of harangues by Dr.
He looked up at the indistinct black object on the bench, then back wistfully at the red and violet lights of the drug store.
Her fleece-lined canvas coat was buttoned to the throat, and she leaned negligently against the rail, watching from under the broad brim of her Stetson the twinkling lights increase.
On the other side of the street red and violet lights were shining through the frosted windows of "Doc" Fussel's drug store.
Hurry up and blow out your lights so I can git to my readin'.
It was tacitly understood that lesser social lightswould take their cue from them.
Kate stood on the rear platform of the swaying caboose looking with wearied unkindled eyes at the myriad lights of the first city she had ever seen.
In this regard how sad it is that some of the brightest lights that ever illuminated the world were clouded all their days by inherited errors.
In the spiritual world, as in the natural, God has made greater lights and lesser lights.
Soon after dark the Tornado and her French consort steamed in towards the harbour, steering by the lights which had been placed on shore.
A look-out was kept on every side, and at night bluelights were burned frequently to attract their attention should they be in the neighbourhood.
Before the ship was under way, blue lights had been burned and guns fired to recall them; but it had been at the time when they were having their first skirmish with the birds, and the signals had not been observed.
The lightswere so placed as to enable them to know with terrible accuracy the position of the forts into which they were to fire.
And he remembered the lights and shadows on Juliette's hair as he looked down upon her bent head.
Thus the boat plunged out toward the sea and the flickering lightsthat mark the channel, tacking right across to that spit of land lying between the Gironde and the broad Atlantic, where grows a wine without match in all the world.
The rector was reading aloud an endless collection of letters, from which the careful student could scarcely fail to gather side-lights on history.
The street was deserted, but thelights within the cottages glowed warmly through red blinds here and there.
Sidenote: Always Too Late] The golden lights in her eyes were dancing and her hair shimmered in the sun.
It was daybreak, and grey lights on the far horizon foreshadowed the sunrise.
Wistfulness was in every line of her face and figure, from the small white-shod foot that rested upon the pedal to the glorious hair that shimmered and shone but still held its tangled lights safely in its silken strands.
In the sunlight the taper lights on the altar gleamed like great stars suddenly come to earth.
The brown eyes were cold now, and their soft lights had become a glitter.
Across her open window struck the single long deepening shadow that precedes daybreak, then grey lightsdawned on the far horizon, paling the stars to points of pearl upon dim purple mists.
It made golden lights in her brown eyes, caressed the ivory softness of her skin, and deepened the scarlet of her lips.
The golden lights of her eyes were thrown into shadow now, for it was afternoon and they were driving east.
The golden lights in them seemed signal fires now, summoning him mysteriously onward to some high service, not alien, even though apart from her.
He had preceded Nicko up the ramp and as he came to the hatch, the lights of the ship flashed on and Talbott stepped forth holding a Terran pistol.
The H'Lorkan warrior, last into the room, fought bravely, but when the lights were turned on, the prisoners had been swiftly cuffed and subdued.
They've passed the word below to let the lights stand for further orders, and have turned the hands up for a frolic.
A chain oflights connected the whole of the long line, and placed the means of communication in the power of the captains.
I hope the order to show no lights is duly attended to.
Captain Drinkwater bowses up his lights to the gaff-end, and I can see him always ten minutes sooner than any other ship in the fleet, under the same circumstances.
Go aloft then, and ascertain if the lightsof any of Sir Gervaise's squadron are to be seen.
By the lights of moving ships Neville knew that sometimes he was above the sea.
Sometimes twinkling lights in towns or solitary farms, or the sudden blaze of a great city told him that the land was beneath him.
Wistful lights were stealing into Inna's eyes, and Dick had a suspicion that there were tears in them.
Inna's cheeks flushed, and sweet lights stole into her eyes.
There gleam no lovely hues of hanging wood, No spot of sunshine lights her sullen side; For horror shaped the wild in wrathful mood, And o'er the tempest heaved the mountains' pride.
The lights in the house were fading and the orchestra had swung into a soft and measured air.
He saw that they were linked together by a wrist and as the coat of one blew aside, the lights of the motor glinted from a nickel star--the badge of a deputy-sheriff.
He saw himself turn to gaze into the face of the girl across the court-room--knew the swift rush of the motor, the blazing arc lights and that final stab of realisation!
At midnight that night the home city of Harry Sevier was ablaze with lights and throbbing with the last feverish activity of a strenuous campaign.
Then the organ crashed and lights flared up about her and Harry vanished and all that was left was Craig's face, sneering at her, with a red blotch on his temple.
At the time he had left the matter open, pleading the dinner engagement, but now it occurred to him suddenly that an hour of lights and music would be welcome.
Now that the lights are out we may have these heroes crawling up to take us unawares.
The fools had not thought to put out the lights and to attack in the dark, but Merlin thought of it at that moment.
A sense of restlessness seemed to come from nowhere and to show itself in the wavering lights and shadows that played under the boughs of the beeches.
The old man said: “The Chief of the Northern Lights will send you home, friend.
The players all seemed to have lights on their heads, and they wore curious girdles, called “Memquon,†or Rainbow belts.
The fiend, whose lantern lightsthe mead, Were better mate than I!
In spite of rock and tempest's roar, In spite of false lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the sea!
The reflections of the lights lay upon the mud in golden patches, which the people and horses tramped upon and extinguished.
At night bluish, trembling lightsstrayed over the marsh, said to be the homeless spirits of sinners.
The lights and the fires and the empty chairs were there; that was all.
Here an exquisite bust of Proserpine looked forlornly through it; and there a noble painting of Alston's shewed in richer lightsthan ever before, its harmony of colouring.
Do you see after what a sleep-inviting fashion the lightsare twinkling all down the shore?
How fair the lights in their own windows looked then!
Mr. Linden as if indeed one of the lights of the solar system had been out before his arrival.
Yet not for him, nor for themselves by the loss of him, are they called to sorrow as without hope; for lives like his shine but as purer and brighter lights in the world, after the lamp which fed them is extinct, than before.
Where are those lights so many and fair, That signal made but now?
Thy country, in her darkest hour, When heroes bend at Mammon's shrine, And virtue sells herself to Power, Lights up in smiles at deeds like thine!
It cannot be--each hope and fear, That lights the eye or clouds the brow, Proclaims there is a happier sphere Than this bleak world that holds us now!
It looked like a half-sphere of dark metal, shimmering with lights of blue and green and occasional black.
And then Maya saw countless bright, sharp little lights surrounding the moon in the heavens--oh, so still and beautiful, unlike any shining things she had ever seen before.
To his astonishment the lightsdid not seem to waver.
Peggy turned off as she marked the glowinglights beneath her, and presently the Golden Butterfly was skimming along above dark woodlands and gloom-enshrouded meadows.
Once or twice as they were hurried helplessly along, the propeller beating desperately against the wind, they saw, far below them, the cheerful lights of some farmhouse.
It seemed only a few seconds later that the red and green lights of a semaphore signal flashed up below them.
Further off a glare against the sky indicated the lights of Sandy Bay.
No doubt of that," was the rather grudging reply, as the red and green lights soared up and up.
Neither of them thought to look back at the red and green lights in the sky behind them.
Well, he's beaten me out at my own particular specialty," he exclaimed presently, after an interval in which the lights had climbed far above the Golden Butterfly.
There is something melancholy in the last ball, though the music ever seems louder, and the lights more glaring than usual.
To tell the truth, I was thinking that these lights resembled a little your conversation; all the wondrous things you are always saying or telling us.