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Example sentences for "right over"

  • You go right over to the bleachers, and we'll be dressed on the field in a few minutes.

  • He went to the desk and asked the librarian seated there, if he had seen "a paper box, so long, right over there.

  • The football field is right over there," added Frank, pointing.

  • Give a man a right over my subsistence," says Alexander Hamilton, "and he has a right over my whole moral being.

  • To each Bergmeister is attached a clerk, who writes out a schedule signifying to the applicant for a right over a mine, the day and hour on which the right is granted, the name of the applicant, and the location of the mine.

  • As a right over a man's subsistence is a power over his moral being, so a right over a woman's subsistence enslaves her will, degrades her pride and vitiates her whole moral nature.

  • Well, now, go right over, Maria, if you feel moved to.

  • It's right over there," and he pointed to a broad stretch of meadows across the valley flats about three miles off.

  • Uncle Bert, your farm, or part of it, anyhow, is right over a salt mine.

  • I believe that knot is tied more than any other knot because it is right over right, right over right, and it is usually used by people wrapping packages who want it tied securely so the package will not come open.

  • And you tie that left over right, right over left, is that the formula?

  • He has no right over my actions, except in so far as he gives me a right over yours.

  • But you do not do it in the manner that she wishes, and since you have no right over her, you can only retain her by doing whatever she pleases.

  • Come on; we'll go right over to the Larken, wherever that may be," and he exhibited as much sudden haste as if he had seen seventy people actually starving before his very eyes.

  • Just put on your hat and go right over to Barrister," directed Johnson; "and take a blank check with you.

  • I told him that you were here and he said that he would be right over.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "right over" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    backed chair; bauxite mining; born citizen; heart good; right about; right ascension; right away; right down; right guard; right honorable; right honourable; right judgment; right line; right noble; right reason; right side; right tackle; right understanding; right whale; right willingly; right worshipful; right wrist; strong fort; when boiling; worth having; young fella