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Example sentences for "pools"

Lexicographically close words:
pooled; pooles; pooling; poolroom; poolrooms; poon; poonch; poond; poop; pooped
  1. To cast a glance into certain of those pools and plashes, and trace whither they run, must, for a chapter or two, form the limit of our endeavour.

  2. Low down it indeed collects again into pools and plashes; yet only at a great distance, and with difficulty, if at all, into a general stream.

  3. These worms are not uncommon objects in pools containing weed; and they are to be found usually crawling among the weed.

  4. When the storm was over, however, and the sun came out again, they found many pools in hollow places in the rocks, and from these they drank their fill.

  5. The wide lake at the lower end of the valley was gone, and there were no longer any quiet marshy pools along the edge of the stream, in which fish might live.

  6. There were many hummocks of grass, with muddy pools between, but although he searched very carefully, in none of them could he find any fish.

  7. The thunder and roar was succeeded by quiet pools and swiftly-flowing currents, calm and clear, rippling in the afternoon sunlight.

  8. They splashed the rocks and put shining pools in the hollows among the moss.

  9. The Big and Little Cedar rose from their pools of shadow, beautifully poised.

  10. Otherwise the darkness would simply fall in lumps, and lie about in pools and blocks, unfinished--a ruin instead of a building.

  11. The expedition to Kordofan could not be undertaken till after the rains, when the wells in the desert would be full, and pools of water would have been formed.

  12. On the 9th October Colonel Farquhar made a reconnaissance 30 miles forward, and ascertained that the pools were barely sufficient for a rapid march to Sarakna, at which village there are a few wells.

  13. We have depended upon pools of rain-water for supply, which we have fortunately found.

  14. And so we rode on and on till we came to the pools by Pillenreuth.

  15. On the open ground near the head of the bay, there were some pools of water just outside the bush, where the elephants were fond of drinking during the night.

  16. I found several small fish in the various pools which had been left by the high tide, and these I intended to cook and eat on the morrow, because fish will not last fresh as long as will flesh, especially when the weather is very hot.

  17. From information I had gained from the Caffres, I learned that the elephants usually drank every other night, and that unless disturbed they would drink at the same pools of water.

  18. They are found in all kinds of water, but especially in stagnant pools and in decomposing solutions or infusions of vegetable matters.

  19. They are common in long-kept infusions and among Confervæ in the water of pools and ditches.

  20. In the water of ponds and pools a young larva (Pl.

  21. Many of them are very common, existing in every pond or ditch; but they abound most in clear open boggy pools on heaths.

  22. Several nights before we escaped from the pack the frost had been intense, and good sliding was to be had on the pools formed by summer heat on the floes.

  23. Landing at Cape Martyr, wet up to our necks with splashing through the pools of water, nowhere less than knee-deep, and often a mile in extent, we did not willingly leave the dry land again.

  24. The springs whence the pools are supplied seem to have been secured with great care, having, says the author of the Journey from Aleppo, "no avenue to them but by a little hole like to the mouth of a narrow well.

  25. I will make Babylon a possession for the bittern and pools of water.

  26. Those Pools of Solomon are three immense reservoirs of water which the Wise King made to supply the Temple at Jerusalem.

  27. Leaving Scott in the trees, the little party trotted smartly up the road, picking their way through the pools and across the brawling streams that tore over the trail toward Duke Morgan's place.

  28. It lay in shallow pools underfoot and slipped in running sheets over the sloping rocks that lay in their obscure path.

  29. Pools had already collected in depressions of the road, the slightly sunken lawn under his window was like a marsh, and the trees dripped heavily and dismally.

  30. Then he crossed a swale of brown reeds and tussock set with little pools of water, opaque and grey in the rain.

  31. The trodden way was soggy with little pools full of drenched grasses and dead leaves; but at length came rising ground, and the blue-green, glimmering wastes of gorse stretching away before him through the curtained fog.

  32. I have heard men sing songs of the scarlet pools of the sunset.

  33. The thistledown clouds and the sky grey-white and grey-violet are mirrored in your dark eyes as in the changing pools of the mountain.

  34. Sings the yellow man: I have heard men sing songs of how in the scarlet pools that spurt from the sun trodden like a grape under the feet of darkness a woman with great breasts bathes her nakedness.

  35. I am alone in the swirling mist beside the frozen pools of the mountain.

  36. There are enough roses; now we will go for the wild smilax and honeysuckle; perhaps the cool air of the pools will restore your mental activities.

  37. Words come to me while listening Where the rocks and waters meet, And the little shells are glistening In sand-pools at my feet.

  38. Dull horrid pools no motion making; No bubble on the surface breaking; Through the dead heavy air, no sound; Asleep and moveless on the marshy ground.

  39. They are very fond of water, and are never known to abound but near vast pools or rivers.

  40. Great pools of water afterwards appeared, which, when dried by the sun, left only a plain of barren sand, without a single trace of its former inhabitants.

  41. She stared at me through a pair of dead, black, enormous pools that passed for eyes.

  42. She stared at everyone through a pair of dead, black, enormous pools that passed for eyes.

  43. A squalid, damp, close room, with the earthen floor sunk in many places and holding pools of water.

  44. Used as I had got to this phenomenon, I was often tempted that morning to turn a few hundred yards from my route, and give my horse a drink at one of the broad glassy pools that seemed to lie right and left.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pools" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.