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Example sentences for "racecourse"

Lexicographically close words:
rables; rabo; rabs; raccoons; race; raced; racehorse; racehorses; raceme; racemes
  1. Few able-bodied Londoners of our generation have not by one route or other visited Epsom, which has four railway lines from the capital, two of them indeed not taking the trouble to come beyond the famous racecourse on the Downs.

  2. On a height to the south of the racecourse stands the last and latest village of Surrey, making a strong contrast with its time-weathered neighbours.

  3. I should be quite willing to undertake never to put my foot on a racecourse again this minute.

  4. But I will stay away and never put my foot on another racecourse if you, my cousin, will ask me.

  5. Next day Colonel Guentchitch took us to see alternative camp sites, but nothing half as suitable as the racecourse was available, and upon this we decided.

  6. The principal difference probably would be, that on the colonial racecourse people know much more about one another than they do at home; and there is strong personal interest felt in the result of the races.

  7. His thoughts were with Captain Brereton and Kildare, and he kept regretting that he was not with them and that he should not be on the racecourse to see the horse win the Diggers' Plate.

  8. Racecourse scenes are like one another all the world over.

  9. Do you remember that day on the racecourse when Cockney Bill and his pals tried the system of going for the banker at faro and jumping his satchel?

  10. Inspector Sharp of Scotland Yard had tracked him out to the Diamond Fields, and just arrived by the coach in time to get up to the racecourse and see him go down to the start on Induna.

  11. The racecourse itself was not large, but its surroundings were in every way attractive.

  12. Jane, and received no answer to her question, and then she saw that Miss Sherard was not looking at the racecourse at all.

  13. I went for a fortnight to every racecourse near town and asked after Marvel from bookmakers of his stamp.

  14. It will be easy enough to find him, for I should know him in an instant, and shall probably meet him at the first racecourse I go to.

  15. For the next week Captain Hampton frequented every racecourse within a short distance of London, but without meeting the man he was looking for.

  16. After all, an English racecourse makes but a dull show by the side of an Indian one.

  17. He waved his hand over towards the great space which the racecourse enclosed.

  18. Then it was the Viceroy in his box at the racecourse and all Calcutta upon the lawn which swept past his eyes.

  19. Cannon Kopje is due south of the town, the cemetery north, the native stadt west, the racecourse east.

  20. Between the farm and the ground to the north-east is the racecourse and the waterworks, which are connected by a pipe with The Springs, a natural water-hole to the east of the town.

  21. At last we reached the hippodrome, the racecourse of Groenendal, and were just in time to see the great steeple-chase of the year.

  22. There was a lovely miniature racecourse at Boitsfort, just beyond the Parc de la Cambre.

  23. All races are equal on a course, Miss Drummond; and a racecourse is, practically, the only place where the native meets us on equal terms.

  24. She stood looking at him without replying for a moment, and the half-puzzled expression which had been in her face when she had watched him and the child standing hand-in-hand at the racecourse returned to it.

  25. The road from Epsom town to the racecourse climbs to the east of the Durdans and strikes away south-west, on its true course again, exactly at the inn.

  26. But with all this the poor man can point to too many instances where rich hooligans running amok with a motor car in Regent Street or assaulting the police on a racecourse are let off with a fine.

  27. The road thither leads past the racecourse on the way to Maybole, and crosses the romantic wooded dell through which flows the Water of Doon, by the Auld Brig, the senior by some years of the Brig of Ayr itself.

  28. On reaching the racecourse I was surprised to see aunt Helen there.

  29. Before we got to the racecourse Barney went lame through getting a stone in his hoof; this caused a delay which enabled the Five-Bob trap to catch us, and we pulled rein a little distance apart at the same time, to alight.

  30. Complaints of racecourse gambling began early in the present century.

  31. The only public form of gambling on the racecourse then were the lotteries, which were held the night before at the race-stand, and they were quite big ones, numbers of them on each race.

  32. Thus our conversation was stopped, and the brother of a judge earned twopence by writing a letter for a racecourse thief.

  33. A man who is a racecourse thief and "ramper" hailed me affably.

  34. On the miniature racecourse which sloped towards the stream, Ulrich's lanky figure was to be seen, surrounded by a crowd of golden-brown thoroughbred colts, which were pressing against him to be caressed by his hand.

  35. Or how he bundled me about from racecourse to gambling-saloon, and from gambling-saloon to racecourse.

  36. He saw the racecourse as the train went past and wound at a steady pace up the hill.

  37. He was used to the howling of the winds and the roar and lashing of the waves, but the turmoil of the racecourse was new to him.

  38. Now he was on Lewes racecourse and felt the wind whistle past his face, and buzz in his ears, as he made a desperate effort to land Topsy Turvy first past the post.

  39. Onwards, down Broad Street we went, took the Quay, and so got on that way to Pitchcroft--as the racecourse is called.

  40. That will be a safe hour, for they will be on the racecourse and out of the way.

  41. Almost its oldest houses are those on Hall Cross Hill, as the traveller passes the elm-avenue by the racecourse and enters the town from the direction of London; and they are scarce older than the days of the Prince Regent.

  42. He had consented to appear upon the racecourse in compliance with his daughter's most urgent entreaties.

  43. A racecourse had been laid out, and there were 'sky' races and more formal meetings.

  44. Pollock marched unmolested to Cabul on the 15th, and camped on the old racecourse to the east of the city.

  45. The Happy Valley, where the racecourse and the cemeteries are.

  46. Surely no other racecourse in the world is set in such lovely scenery as this in its arena, surrounded by the mountains that tower above it on every side.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "racecourse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    course; court; diamond; fairway; field; gridiron; gymnasium; infield; outfield; oval; playground; playroom; poolroom; race; racecourse; rink; stretch; track; turf