After this, the spirit is severed from earthly trammels, and attains heavenly bliss.
It is thought auspicious for the head to besevered at one blow, and, apparently, pujaris who are skilful in decapitation are much in request.
But that cometh all to one in this question; for if severed they be good, the conjunction cannot be hurtful.
In presence of these long romances, found among so many widely severed peoples, conjecture is, at present, almost idle.
He cruelly severed the sinews which united Heaven and Earth.
In the Purusha Sukta, the ninetieth hymn of the tenth book of the Rig-Veda Sanhita, we have a description of the creation of all things out of the severed limbs of a magnified non-natural man, Purusha.
Even among the Maoris, the conduct of the children who severed their father and mother is regarded as a singular instance of iniquity, and is told to children as a moral warning, an example to be condemned.
Down my blanket was slipping a severed braid of hair, perhaps a foot in length, jaggedly cut across at the end farthest from my hand.
She listened, with many comments and exclamations, to the story of the unseen lady, the legend of the fair witch, the dagger that was a paper-knife by day and the severed tresses.
The blood which spurts from the severed arteries is scattered like rain by the breath which escapes from the lungs, and as the breath is drawn in it enters the gullet and lungs with a loud rattling noise.
Under his rule was severed the bond which had united Israel and Egypt since Solomon's marriage with the Egyptian princess.
The head and one of the arms of the Syrian commander were severed from the body, and hung as trophies on the walls of Jerusalem.
The steel that he draws out from the severed heart of his victim he is ready to plunge into his own vitals: no other religion can vaunt as much of its priests.
Breathless and noiseless she severed the reeds with her swift feet, and lightly as a swallow on the wing passed through the dreary portals into Arslan's chamber.
Her one brief dream of gladness was severed sharply, as with a sword, and killed forever.
There came a soft shiver of the air, as though it were severed by some eager bird.
All signs of human life lay far behind; severedfrom them by those steep scorched slopes swept only by the plovers and the bees.
Laud was found guilty of six hundred counts of gross inhumanity and violation of his priestly oath, and was beheaded with a single stroke of the ax that had severed the head of Raleigh.
And so we find Charles Bradlaugh absolutely severed from his parents.
Divinity severed from the Universe by the Spiritualists, 667-m.
His attributes, severed from Himself, are unrealities.
Light forthshone from Deity not severed or diverse from Him, 748-m.
Billy McLean was my dearest pal; we had enlisted together and had formed one of those attachments that men sometimes make and is only severed by death, and we shared each other's most intimate thoughts.
His hand had been almost severed by a fragment from the shell and was hanging to the wrist by a shred.
One of his cartridge slings hangs severed from his belt.
Noble and simple, learned and lewd, severed by the Conquest, were united in the church, and our cathedrals are in the truest sense the creations of the people.
It is the most momentous crisis of his development, the point where he becomes a human being, severed by a wide gap from other animals, and incomparably above them.
Genius is not a thing apart by itself, severed from the rest of the world.
In England culture hassevered itself entirely from popular life.
Nothing but a sharp ax had severed it so smoothly.
The machine gun was immediately turned upon him and before he reached it, he fell with one leg nearly severed above the knee by the rain of lead and with several bullets through his body.
When the day broke, Javel, junior, took the severed portion of his arm and examined it for a long time.
But Javel would not go to bed until he got back his severed arm, and he returned at once to the dock to look for the barrel which he had marked with a cross.
Aristotle had severed the deity from Nature and placed it outside the latter as an incorporeal being whose chief determining factor was reason.
Hence its mighty religious power, its inevitable victory over a school of thought which had severed all connexion with tradition.
Then envy got the better of him and anger spurred him, so that he took out a knife and setting it to the child's gullet, cut his throat and would havesevered his windpipe.
Then he went up to his brother and cutting his throat, severed his head from his body, after which he left him and went away.
Indeed, I have made my intent with God a pure and sincere intent and have severed my expectation from the help of the creature; and whoso seeketh help [of God] findeth of his desire that which Bekhtzeman found.
At this his son Basagante ran to the rescue, but Amadis, disengaging himself from his fallen steed, drew his sword and severed one of Basagante's legs from the trunk.
And down to dust the severed arm, the severed steel-capped head Fall lifeless, and the charger's hoofs trample the gory dead.
Recovering himself, he drew his sword and severed the monster's arm at the shoulder.
Each couple absolutely severed from the outside world, forbidden to get intoxicated by their religion, with no excitements to speak of, and the wife in strict seclusion--there is really no alternative left for them than to be virtuous.
Khorassan and Sistan stand on quite a different footing, being severed from the West by the great Salt Desert, and must be set apart for the moment and dealt with specially.
Then hesevered the cords with a stiletto, threw the lamps over and extinguished them, calling to the Count to keep the stiletto and defend himself.
The executioner rubbed his hands in a mechanical way, and an assistant took the severed blood-streaming head from the little basket into which it had fallen and placed it in the large basket into which the body had already been turned.
He had since heard of Pierre's marriage, and was aware that he had for ever severed all religious ties.
This was one of the poor errand girl's little hands, which had been severed at the wrist.
But the knife fell with a dull, heavy, forcible thud, and two long jets of blood spurted from the severed arteries, while the dead man's feet moved convulsively.
This it was which had severed the last tie between himself and his mother, all piety and propriety.
Therein lay the grievous, torturing problem, into the midst of which Pierre was sinking; he, a priest, severed by vows of chastity and superstition from the rest of mankind.
Your Royal Highness is through your exalted position cut off from rude actuality, severed from it by delicate precautions.
Hell would be my portion did I grant any to thee," cried Kirkpatrick; and with one stroke of the ax hesevered the head from its body.
But she, regardless of all other evils than that of being severed from her dearest and best friend, exclaimed in bitter sorrow: "Wherever I am, still and forever shall all of Wallace that remains on earth be with me.
Thou shalt have it, severed from my head by this accurse steel," answered Wallace, taking off his bonnet, and letting his amber locks fall in tresses on his shoulders.