Sutler, and soup stands sprung up all over the prison, where vegetables and soup were sold at rates that would seem exorbitant in any other place than the Confederacy.
She is said to have sprungfrom the foam of the sea, and was immediately carried to the abode of the gods on Olympus, where they were all charmed with her extreme beauty.
The famous winged horse which was said to have sprung from the blood of Medusa when her head was cut off by Perseus.
Sprung from the noble house of Mendoza, she was proud, vindictive and passionate, unflinching in the gratification of her desires and reckless as to the means.
A friendship had sprung up between them, and when parting they had exchanged photographs.
The tale of tapestry itself carries us back to the unfathomable East which has a trick at dates, making the Christian Era a modern epoch, and making of us but a newly-sprung civilisation in the history of the old grey world.
Life might have remained hid in God, eternal life might have resided in Christ, the fountain, for all eternity, and nothing diminished of their happiness if these had never sprung out and vented themselves.
In spite of some little difficulty at the last moment, the trap was sprung almost exactly at ten o'clock.
Had I known the experience which awaited me in the course of the next twelve hours I should even then at the last moment have sprung upon the shore, and made my escape from the accursed vessel.
Sprung from a decent Salem family, his ill-doing seemed to be a recoil from the austerity of their religion, and he brought to vice all the physical strength and energy with which the virtues of his ancestors had endowed him.
In that instant he had flung off the carpenter and, amid a spatter of pistol bullets, had sprung the bulwarks and was swimming for his life.
In recent years, several rivals to building societies have sprung up.
A practice of receiving deposits repayable at call had sprung up, which must lead to embarrassment where the funds are invested in loans repayable during a long term of years.
But there can be no doubt that a considerable import and export trade with the continent hadsprung up quite early.
He sprung forward, he lifted her in his arms, and exhibiting to the astonished eyes of the assembled monks and nuns the orders both of her father and the Minister, he bore her to the open air.
Luis waited not to answer him, but, throwing his horse's bridle to a bystander, as did Pedro, he sprung up the steps near him.
Luis sprung eagerly up stairs, and, entering a room, found himself in the warm-hearted embrace of his kind friend, Captain Pinto.
A few slight scratches had been received by the assailants, which appeared to satisfy them with fighting, and they were retreating, forgetful of their wounded friend, when Luis sprung forward to aid him.
Pedro through the body, had not the captain and Luis, unsheathing their weapons, also sprung forward to rescue him.
All hands, shorten sail," was echoed through the ship, as the sailors sprung with alacrity on deck.
A suburb, as it were, of houses and cottages has sprungup around it.
It was now perfectly dark, when two men, whom I had not previously observed, sprung upon me from behind.
Before she could wholly recover her posture, I sprung upon her, seized hold of the weapon, and had nearly wrested it from her.
Saying this, she sprung up, and prepared to attack me with redoubled fury.
But in consequence of having sprung from slaves they had no legislative power, and moreover were treated with great contempt.
The uneasiness, which, a few days before, had sprung up among the friends of the abolition, on the report that this event was probable, began now to show itself throughout the kingdom.
Wherever the woman had put her foot a score of distressing complications had sprung up, like the sudden growth of strange and puzzling flowers.
Mrs. Sieppe set down the mousetrap with such violence that it sprung with a sharp snap.
A light breeze had now sprung up, and the Foam was gliding rapidly towards the island.
The Illyrian had sprung forward over the bodies of the two Germans--first hewing off with his sword the handle of the battle axe still sticking in his shield--amid the wild, exulting shouts of his countrymen who had witnessed the struggle.
The earth is trembling; the abyss is opening; the altar stones have sprung apart!
The rider had sprung up unhurt and was now running toward her--only a few steps away, brandishing his dagger.
And, Bruna, didn't she once kiss you between the eyes, when I told her how you had sprung to Adalo's assistance in the chase and torn the furious wild bull which was goring his horse?
Your she-bear understands Latin," said Saturninus, who had sprung to help her, smiling.
But a spirit of liberty had sprung up in France during his absence, which seemed to be the more vigorous from having been so long repressed.
The protective tariff did make manufacturing more profitable than any other business, and mills and factories of every sort have sprungup in all parts of the country.
Monopolies were never so abundant as to-day, never so powerful, never so threatening; and with unimportant exceptions they have all sprung up with our modern industrial development.
Finally, slaves inform her that the body had been borne out to sea by the waves, and that it had been cast up at Byblos, where an enormous tree had sprung up about it, enclosing within its trunk the body of the god and his floating dwelling.
My brethren are all older than I,--they are from the first marriage; only my sister and I have sprung from the second.
Many strange and droll legends had sprung up on this account.
But Sulamith had already sprung up from the bed, and with one move dashed toward the dark figure of a man with a gleaming sword in his hand.
For centuries the people of France have writhed beneath the armed heel of the nobility, and their blood, unjustly and wantonly shed, has saturated the soil until from that seed has sprung this overwhelming retribution.
Then the fierceness died out of his mien and manner as suddenly as it had sprung up.
She assured me that he was sprungfrom the dregs of the people, and that she had a great deal of trouble to teach him his proper place.
I am like a season, and the child of the seasons, sprung from the womb of endless space, from the light, from the luminous Brahman.
Upon this, the outlaw sprung back against a tree, and setting his horn to his mouth, made in a moment all the wood to ring.
Shamanism, or a vague fear of invisible evils and the sorcerer, may indeed have sprung up independently in Tartary, Central Africa, Finland, and North America.
As regards the early religion of both races, it is simply identical, and it is far too peculiar in its many similar details to have simply sprung up, as many might assume, from the common likeness in customs of all savages.
From this marriage sprung a Hugo de Groot, distinguished for his learning in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew and five times burgomaster of his native city.
In the winter of 1604, there had sprungout of his legal practice the idea of a treatise entitled "De Jure Praedae," fully written out, but never printed by its author.
This improvement was promoted by means of the frequent intercourse which had sprung up between the commercial cities of Italy and the Greek empire.
Alphabetical writing evidently sprung from successive improvements in the hieroglyphical system, since a great part of the latter has been lately discovered to be syllabic or alphabetic.