We seem perversely bent on tormenting and being tormented.
Triumph setteth thee on fire, the fear of failure maddeneth thee, tearing thee to pieces, tormenting thee with dread of the judgments of men; then again ariseth the terror of dying with thy task unfinished.
No, I do not oppose you, you are mistaken; I love you, Octave; cease tormentingme thus.
Thus spoke jealousy; thus, forgetting so many tears and all that I had suffered, I had come at the end of two days to a point where I was tormenting myself with the idea that Brigitte had yielded too easily.
I had it all before me how he 'd go on, tormenting and harassing me from daylight to dark.
These were the bitter thoughts which each of us had now to revolve in secret, tormenting our several ingenuities to find a remedy for the evil.
Once for all, I beg to tell you that there's no earthly use in tormenting and teasing us about the state the house is in at Dodsborough; how the roof is broken here, and the walls given way there.
But to wait in a state of such tormenting uncertainty was beyond the philosophy of Mary, so she suddenly stopped, saying, "Elizabeth!
And then, all those three years, I tried to understand why men should be for ever tormenting themselves.
These are your best feelings; you are onlytormenting yourself.
It was impossible for me to go on living when life was full of such detestable, strange, tormenting forms.
He could always name her and recognize her anywhere; but, strange, she seemed to have quite a different face from hers, as he had known it, and he felt a tormenting desire to be able to say she was not the same woman.
Employ yourselves as much as possible in love and praise: for love expelleth tormenting fear; there is no fear in love, 1 John iv.
It is just with God to give up that person to sadness of heart, and to uncomfortable, self-tormenting melancholy, that will not be persuaded by the greatness and multitude of mercies, to be frequent in the sweet returns of thanks.
It dishonoureth religion, by making men believe that it is a melancholy, vexatious, self-tormenting life.
And how quickly will that face be the index of a pained body, or a grieved, self-tormenting mind!
Love casteth out this tormenting fear, and freeth the soul from the spirit of bondage.
Make use of the natural love of quietness, and thy natural weariness of tormenting cares, and fears, and sorrows, to move thee to cast thyself on God, and quiet thy soul in trusting on him.
And as a christian groweth, his love increaseth, till perfect love in the state of perfection have cast out all tormenting fear, though not our reverence or filial fear of God.
Nor is it every thing in the devil that is loved: none loveth his hatred to man, nor his cruelty in tormenting men.
Perhaps if the winds would give one some rest from their tormenting importunity, both you and I should get on faster.
Your description of the effects you feel from the restless, tormenting winds would serve well to represent my experience too.
But my dear husband's condition is less satisfactory, his headaches still tormenting him.
And she began singing, and then hung over him, tormenting him lovingly while he read.
Mark was in the habit of so saying for the purpose of tormenting the Doctor, who held stoutly to his old belief, that John Briggs was a very clever man, and would turn up some day as a distinguished literary character.
Tom knew the whole state of the case; but he liked tormenting Heale now and then.
With the coming of the darkness a fine breeze blew up from the river, and he was overjoyed again when it proved strong enough to drive the tormenting mosquitoes back into the forest.
A representation of all the crowned heads of Europe, each of whom is smoking a pipe very vigorously, uniting in tormenting Bonaparte with their tobacco smoke.
The difference between his morning and evening self was not so great as his companion had imagined that it might be; the delight in tormenting was perhaps even the stronger because his spirits were rather less highly pitched.
He saw plainly enough that the old man wanted to exercise his power by tormenting him a little, and also probably to get some satisfaction out of seeing him on unpleasant terms with Bulstrode.
Lydgate, half thinking that Rosamond was tormenting him prettily, and half fearing that she really shrank from speedy marriage.
This infamous league was contrived to have a plea for tormenting poor William, hoping, by that means, to effect the ruin of Nancy.
It was impossible to answer these tormentingquestions satisfactorily.
Then why was he tormenting her thus--playing with her as a cat might play with a mouse?
What strange twist it was in Archelaus, what sardonic cruelty, inherited perhaps from the old Squire, that made him take pleasure in tormenting the helpless Phoebe it would have been hard to say.
Meanwhile Lord -- continued to act in the character of a fiend, tormenting me with his nauseous importunities.
For there is always the tormenting thought of how much hay one might have been piling up if the sun would only shine.
It seems, Miss, as if you thought only of your error, and believed you atoned sufficiently in exaggerating it in your imagination and tormenting yourself with these exaggerated ideas.
Eugen, as if stung by some tormenting thought, sprung up and we left the wood.
The first we shall mention, who partook of the nature of both these classes, was Lady Jane Granville: she was a sincere and warm friend, but a tormenting family adviser and director.
They will prove their love to torment good folks, and only show their hatred to me, an innocent man, but wise enough to torment them by hindering them fromtormenting others.
Extreme indulgence had rendered him so selfish, that he only thought of himself; and from tormenting insects and animals, he became the despot of his brothers, and still more of his sisters.
If I had any thing more to say to you, it is all flown, and absorbed by the most tormenting apprehensions, yet I scarcely know what new form of misery I have to dread.
He seemed to take a peculiar pleasure in tormenting and humbling me; and if I ever ventured to complain of this treatment to either my father or mother, I was rudely rebuffed for presuming to judge of the conduct of my eldest brother.