The scalded hogs were taken out and placed upon a revolving wheel, covered with scrapers, which took all the hair off excepting around the head and legs.
It was Mr. Baxter whom Mrs. Godwin tried to put off by the story of Godwin's scalded legs.
So Ali Baba examined them severally and found in each a man fully armed and accoutred and all layscalded to death.
When this was done she baled it out in potfuls and poured it seething hot into the leathern vessels one by one while the thieves unable to escape were scalded to death and every jar contained a corpse.
He scalded his coffee-pot, put in the ground coffee and the boiling water, and put that and a little can of milk on the coals.
For good breakfast coffee, cream, scalded milk, and block sugar are necessary.
I know what I'm doing, and if you obey me I'll not be scalded but an instant; for then I'll resume my own form.
You'd bescalded to death, and then I'd be a murderer!
A few meals ofscalded food will complete the cure.
Scalded shorts are exceedingly valuable in this complaint, as also are boiled carrots, parsnips, &e.
If the animal recovers, he should be fed, very sparingly, on scalded food, consisting of equal parts of meal and shorts, with the addition of a few grains of caraway seeds.
Scalded shorts will be the most suitable food, if any is required; but, generally, abstinence is necessary, especially if the animal be fat.
The animal should be fed on boiled carrots, scalded shorts, into which a few handfuls of meal or flour may be stirred.
During convalescence, the diet must be light and of an unirritating character, such as boiled carrots, scalded meal, &c.
Suppose the animal to have received an injury; then rest and a scalded diet are all that are necessary.
It is scarcely ever necessary to repeat the dose, provided the animal is allowed a few scalded shorts.
Divide into six portions, and give one, night and morning, in the food, which ought to consist of scalded meal and shorts.
Flour gruel and scalded meal will be the most appropriate.
Fomentations of marshmallows; a light diet of scalded shorts; an occasional drink of thoroughwort tea.
We usually prepare the animal by allowing a scalded mash every night, within a few days of the operation.
He was given to drink, this little man who was scalded by life.
Altogether the room gave one the impression that it had been scalded with boiling water.
Pour milk in pans that have been scalded and drained dry in the sun or, in damp weather, by the stove.
He feels it keenly if you do not feed him at the fixed hour, and will very likely let you know it, and woe betide you if he finds out that you have not properly scalded out his bottle before and after each meal.
And later on, when we'd done what we could for the burned and scalded bodies and limbs, I got hold of the boy for a moment.
Have a gallon jug scaldedand drained; put in grapes and cover with a syrup made of two pounds of sugar and eight cups of water; fill jug with boiling water; cork tightly.