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Example sentences for "torments"

Lexicographically close words:
tormenteth; tormenting; tormento; tormentor; tormentors; torn; tornado; tornadoes; torne; torned
  1. So let it fare with all that dare the like: Let sword, let fire, let torments be their end.

  2. O, in that one word such torments do I feel, That I could lash thy ribs with valiant steel.

  3. Desire to joy him still torments my mind: Fear of his want doth add a double grief.

  4. I loved Sara, and I felt so certain of possessing her that I put all desires out of my mind; desires are born only of doubt, and doubt torments the soul.

  5. I do not think any of His servants have endured greater torments than mine during this journey.

  6. I gave her a warm welcome, and she said I was really doing her a great service, as her husband would suffer the torments of hell in trying to find out with whom she had dined.

  7. Crosses of this foolish world Did never grieve my heart with torments more, Than it is now grown light With joy and comfort of this happy sight.

  8. And will you Assume the patronage of envious fortune, By adding torments unto her affliction?

  9. All the torments that Baxter described were devouring me, and my soul was sinking, like the soul of Francis Spira, into sulphureous flames, there to howl and be eternally tormented by the malignant mocks and mows of inexorable fiends!

  10. His desire to be informed torments himself and every man of his acquaintance, which is almost every man he meets; yet, though he lives inquiring, he will die consummately ignorant.

  11. Then for a long time afterwards prayers continue to be recited by the priests, the object being to propitiate Yama, god of Death, and to deliver the deceased from the possible purgatorial torments of one of the hells.

  12. In regard to the Buddhist doctrine of terrific purgatorial torments in some of the numerous Hells see p.

  13. It is found easier, by the short-sighted victims of disease, to palliate their torments by medicine than to prevent them by regimen.

  14. FAUST: Would that I were Up yonder in the glow and whirling smoke, 235 Where the blind million rush impetuously To meet the evil ones; there might I solve Many a riddle that torments me.

  15. Why Saints in Glory will Rejoice to see the Torments of the Damned, 19.

  16. If one has the talent it pushes for utterance and torments one; it will out; and then one is out with it without questioning.

  17. If it be happiness to be rid of a prince who never pays one, but torments him to death, then I am happy.

  18. To a resolute mind these torments are not felt.

  19. The oestrum or gadfly is here meant, which extremely torments cattle in the summer.

  20. And therein they are mightily perplexed; for if the torments they inflict are violent, they are short; if long, they are not then so painful as they desire; and thus plague themselves in choice of the greatest cruelty.

  21. The more antagonism they meet, the more let them show their own good faith; the more torments and calamities they have to face, the more generously let them pass round the bounteous cup.

  22. Call thou to mind the days of Christ, and the afflictions heaped upon Him by the people, and all the torments and tribulations inflicted upon His disciples.

  23. Consider how at the beginning of the Christian era the Apostles were afflicted, and what torments they endured in the pathway of Christ.

  24. Think ye of love and good fellowship as the delights of heaven, think ye of hostility and hatred as the torments of hell.

  25. Tis a madman who torments himself all his life, that people may talk about him when he is dead.

  26. She bewilders them with questions that are never overheard by common ears, and torments them with a mockery that is unobserved by common eyes.

  27. He is in league with the tapsters for the worshipful of the inn, whom he torments next morning with his art, and has their names more perfect than their men.

  28. Even if you had not come and told me of the notary's danger, I think I should have given myself up to the police, to rid myself of the torments which now prey upon my mind.

  29. They have told me of people who died after excruciating torments of many hours, foaming and cursing with the intensity of the pain.

  30. The very worst that can happen to me is but one kind of misfortune; but I have suffered all torments of hell, and for long, long years too!

  31. The very haiduk who brought him his scanty allowance of bread and greens treated him with contempt, and the prisoner was abandoned to all the torments of solitude.

  32. Tribunals for heretics were erected all over Europe, yielding unnumbered victims, whose torments seemed only to fill their persecutors, with all their Christian charity, with a peculiar satisfaction.

  33. The torments of his accusing conscience having now subsided, life once more appeared of value to this mutable-minded man, and his anxiety and dread of discovery returned.

  34. O sad pains and inexpressible torments that this our Sacrifice for sin went under!

  35. Angels died the cursed death because Christ took not hold of them; and they for whom Christ never prayeth, they die the cursed death, for they perish everlastingly in the unutterable torments of hell.

  36. See then what a miserable case he that dies in an unregenerate state is in; he departs from a long sickness to a longer hell; from the gripings of death, to the everlasting torments of hell.

  37. Be often considering the lastingness of the torments of hell.

  38. With a discovery of the usefulness of the Scriptures as our safe-conduct for avoiding the torments of hell.

  39. They still occupied the same room,--a fact which infinitely increased the torments of Curlydown's position.

  40. Even Dick complained, and said that, of all the torments prepared for wicked mortals on earth, this Australian coaching was the worst.

  41. Why will you still preserve this obstinate silence, which chills me, and whence proceeds the seriousness, or rather sorrow, that torments me to the soul?

  42. O you, whom no kindness can touch, whom no honour can bind, whom no faith can hold, enjoy the torments you have inflicted on me!

  43. Prepare yourself, my ever dear and charming Gabrielle, for all the torments of jealousy.

  44. Of all torments self-reproach is the worst.

  45. Well, I can't think of any problem that torments me but the everlasting one of how to sell more generators and motors than my competitors.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "torments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.