In all these prints he relates man and nature to each other with a vividness and dramatic power foreign to his great rival Hiroshige.
Each picture records with unfailing vividness and originality some famous scene along the crowded national highway.
The place had been so impressed upon her mind, that it returned with startling vividness to haunt her, whenever her mind was unoccupied.
This is that which she desired, and the scene which she saw with the vividness of delirium.
It is told with greatvividness in the second book of Samuel.
So swift was her change of voice, so impulsive the gesture with which she turned to him, that the vividness of a suggested Max startled him.
Such a possibility is suggested with some vividness by the familiar contrast between the modern communities of Fiji and Samoa--the former cruel, cannibalistic, and religious, the latter much less austerely religious and much more humane.
Unsought, undesired, what had forced it with merciless vividness before his eyes?
She saw with extraordinary vividness all that was going on around her, even to the faces of the boys and girls who passed them in taxis; but she was incapable of concentrated thought.
In proportion as there is less energy absorbed in interpreting the symbols, there is more left for representing the idea, and, consequently, greater vividness of the idea.
It gave objective vividness to the concept of development which Spencer had already realised in regard to societary forms.
The author has tried to compass the natural history of the animal and to blend vividness with learning.
Hays achieved more vividness in reputation than narratives about him have attained to.
When the insect was decapitated the rings remained uninterruptedly bright, but not so brilliant as before: local irritation with a needle always increased the vividness of the light.
In speaking, then, of Philip as “taking doses of trouble,” Theopompus has laid hold on a phrase which describes with peculiar vividness one who for the sake of advantage endured what was base and sordid with patience and cheerfulness.
This last scene has also been delineated by Simonides with a vividness which leaves him inferior to none.
No lowland blossoms have such vividness of colouring, or grow in such conspicuous patches.
The factors that strengthen these tendencies or connections are the frequency, recency, primacy, and vividness of experience.
If the last experience was an unusual one, such as a death or a marriage, then it has a value due to its vividness and intensity and its emotional aspects.
Together with the question of the apprehension and the vividness of the impression, we must acknowledge the frequency of repetition as an equally important factor.
Vers libre is not new, but it is valuable to give vividness when vividness is desired.
I have occasionally been awakened suddenly by some loud sound, and on those occasions I have come out of dreams of an intensity and vividness that I have never known equalled.
During the Other-World night it is difficult to move about, on account of the vividness with which the things of this world are visible.
And now he studied again the scene in which Kedzie took down the draught of bitter beer, and there was a superhuman vividness in the close-up, with its magnified details in which every tiny muscle revealed its soul.
Startled by the vividness of the murder, Jim looked up from the book, thinking that he had heard indeed the shrieks of Charity in a death-agony.
She came on and on, and finally as he reached his seat, a close-up of her brought them face to face with a vividness that almost knocked him over.
In its vividness and force the story is a strong, fresh picture of American life.
Another historical romance of the vividness and intensity of 'The Seats of the Mighty' has never come from the pen of an American.
The inmost lusts and passions of men's hearts are laid bare with a cool and audacious frankness, and the results are inexorably traced in all their revolting vividness of action and character.
What new authority and vividness have Jesus Christ and His Cross put into them?
Often the effectiveness of a description is determined more by the impression which it makes upon our feelings than by the vividness of the picture which it presents.
We may say in general that they should contain matter interesting to the recipient, and that they should be characterized by vividness and naturalness.
The charm of this story, or one of its charms, for they are many, consists in the life which Eckstein has imparted to his characters, and the vividness with which he has realized the scenes in which they lived, moved and had their being.
The work is also very attractive in the cleverness and the vividness with which the manners and people of ancient Egypt are depicted, showing in this aspect careful thought and study.