Now, as a scientific study of the Aryan languages became possible only after the discovery of Sanskrit, a scientific study of the Aryan religion dates really from the discovery of the Veda.
We have to remind the reader, again, that though language was then used with great ability for rhetorical and dialectical purposes, there existed as yet hardly any systematic or scientific studyof it in either of these branches.
Whether I endeavor to explain the general nature of scientific study, whether I investigate the intellect or the theory of understanding, it all amounts to the same thing.
It is not a result of scientific study, but merely a freak of philosophy on the part of Schleiden to deny the reality and truth of light phenomena, to call them fantasmagoria created by the free play of the mind.
Taylor, of the West Virginia Collegiate Institute, is now making a scientific study of the influence of the Negro congressmen on the legislation of Congress and on the general policy of the country.
While Professor Wright has not altogether succeeded in meeting the requirements for this more scientific study of the free Negro, he has done his task much better than those who have hitherto invaded this field.
It remains for me, before closing this address, to say a few words on what I have called the subjective aspect of scientific study.
In consequence he removed to Paris in 1823, where the reputation he had so deservedly earned at Geneva won for him a cordial reception at what was then the chief center of scientific study in Europe.
This is perhaps the place to point out the similar function of the "hallucination téléologique" of which the public reads occasionally, although it has not yet been submitted to a scientific study.
It is necessarily always only the collective part of an individual psychology that can be the subject of scientific study, for the individual is--according to definition--something unique and incomparable.
Defn: One learned in science; a scientific investigator; one devoted to scientific study; a savant.
The high school boy and the high school girl are being made the subjects of close, careful, scientific study.
The Optician and the Oculist have made the most careful, scientific study of the eye.
And no one can make a scientific studyof his own rupture any more than he can perform an operation on himself.
And the trusses they give you, because not based on a scientific study of rupture, don't make proper provision for your requirements.
Sidenote: How We Study Your Case] The first thing we do, when a man writes for a Cluthe Truss, is to make a careful, scientific study of his case.
He therefore obtained the permission of Mr. William Sellers, who was at that time the President of the Midvale Steel Company, to spend some money in a careful, scientific study of the time required to do various kinds of work.
Thompson, who undertook a scientific study of the whole process, we decided, therefore, to shorten the working hours.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scientific study" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.