Then they preach; after which thessthat please to walk may do it.
Tour, turn The sone he brought in as the embleme of Justice ever minding his father of his bloody death and sufferings, to the effect that he take vengeance for it even on thess that crucifies him afresh.
The fellow that hes a care of thess that are brought hither told us of a Mademoisselle who was extraordinarly distracted and who was fully recovered by this means.
The Jurisdiction ofthess they call Consuls in France is to decide controversies arising betuixt marchand and marchand.
Thess for 10 souse are as big again as our 6 penie loaves, and some of them as fine.
The apostle Paul saith that he and his companions were bold in their God, to profess and stand to the word of God (1 Thess 2:2).
Ef a man can thess git his answers right all his life, why nobody ain't a-goin' to pester him about how he worked his figur's.
Enoch hates me thess because he's got a stupid boy--like ez ef that was any o' my fault.
Sonny ain’t but, ez I said, thess not quite six year old, an’ they seemed to be time enough.
I offered him everything on the farm ef he’d thess roll up his little sleeve an’ let the doctor look at his arm—promised him thet he wouldn’t tech a needle to it tell he said the word.
The letter then commands the Scotch Privy Council to learn "upon what warrant they ["the landislordis of the Yles wher the fisching is"] tak thess dewteis.
He didn't vaccinate him; he thess tried to do it; but Sonny, he wouldn't begin to allow it.
I offered him everything on the farm ef he'd thess roll up his little sleeve an' let the doctor look at his arm--promised him thet he wouldn't tech a needle to it tell he said the word.
He thess let on thet Kit had to be did whe'r or no.
Now as this is called the gospel of peace, so it is called the gospel of God (1 Thess 2:9).
Hence Paul prays, that the Lord would direct the hearts of the people into the love of God (2 Thess 3:5).
God hath chosen us unto salvation, and therefore will not frustrate his own purposes (1 Thess 5:9).
You thess up an' tell um that, an' I'll be mighty much erbleege to you.
While he wuz a turnin' the acorn aroun' he spied a worm hole in it, an' he was thess about ter break it open when he heard somebody callin'.
There were to be two rows of thess pomegranates for one net-work, and so two rows of them for the other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thess" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.