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Example sentences for "jingle"

Lexicographically close words:
jine; jined; jines; jingal; jingalls; jingled; jingles; jingling; jingoes; jingoism
  1. And let their voices be gladly blent With a watery jingle of pans and spoons, And a motherly chirrup of sweet content, And neighborly gossip and merriment, And old-time fiddle-tunes!

  2. Oh, a jingle for Punch might pass, you know; something clever, with a snapper to it.

  3. At present he could jingle but seven-and-six in his pocket; and jingle it frequently he did, to assure himself that it was not wearing away.

  4. Jingle bowed respectfully, trembled very much as he took Mr. Pickwick's proffered hand, and withdrew.

  5. In compliance with this unceremonious invitation, Jingle and Job walked into the room, but, seeing Mr. Pickwick, stopped short in some confusion.

  6. Mr. Jingle thrust his hands into the place where his trousers pockets used to be, and, dropping his chin upon his breast, sank back into his chair.

  7. The sharp involuntary glance Jingle had cast at a small piece of raw loin of mutton, which Job had brought in with him, said more of their reduced state than two hours' explanation could have done.

  8. Jingle delivered this singular summary of his prospects in life, with his accustomed volubility, and with various twitches of the countenance to counterfeit smiles.

  9. The jingle of the copper coin awakened his intelligence, and though he could not fathom my antipathy to the fumes of bad tobacco, he deposited the weapon in his capacious side pocket, and with a short nod, bade me follow him.

  10. However, time passed; the jingle of the bells on the mules' harness warned us that our equipage waited, and I dipped the pen in the ink and handed it to Laura.

  11. And presently you hear the gallop of the Horse Guards and the rattle and jingle of their accoutrements.

  12. In this somewhat exiguous apartment Tupman and Jingle danced, and the bellicose Dr.

  13. Many Dickens commentators have long cherished what Horace Walpole might have styled a "historic doubt" as to what house was that one in Rochester referred to by Jingle as Wright's.

  14. It was the first sound that for an hour had interrupted the monotonous jingle of his spurs or the hollow beat of his horse's hoofs.

  15. His quick ear detected the sound of voices and the jingle of Mexican spurs, apparently approaching behind him.

  16. His rhymes are not the music of a poetic faculty; but rather the jingle of a parrot.

  17. And I love to hear the jingle of his spurs, and to watch the glitter of his sabre.

  18. There was a clatter and jingle behind us, and out of the wood rode a company of horsemen, all in uniform.

  19. Save for the steady tramp of the horses' feet, the subdued jingle of the harness and accoutrements, they might have been a company of phantoms.

  20. There was a clatter and jingle below, and three or four Cossacks cantered along.

  21. But all too soon came the jingle of bells and the muffled stamping of the horse, brought up from the red farm house below.

  22. The merry jingle of the bells sounded in his ears.

  23. So, with jingle of arms and clatter of hoofs, they rode across the Bridge of Avon, while the burghers shouted lustily for the flag of the five roses and its gallant guard.

  24. There were steps in the hall, and the jingle of spurs.

  25. There was a heavy step on the uncarpeted floor, the jingle of spurs, and a startled exclamation from the girl.

  26. The jingle of her bracelets sounded familiar to him, and he knew the face with patches of powder on it; he recognised her as the lady with whom he had once so inappropriately dined before his marriage.

  27. Yagitch was walking about on the carpet in the next room with a soft jingle of spurs, thinking about something.

  28. Three times the tiny bell was rung, a pause followed, and thrice again the clear jingle of the metal broke the solemn stillness.

  29. But he remembered the jingle of the Joblilies, and I trust you will not forget it: "Work!

  30. Sukey started up to see where this funny jingle came from.

  31. My ear told me at once that they were many riders and moving at a trot; and a minute later the jingle of metal gave me an inkling of the truth.

  32. The English verses, compared with the Latin, are poor enough, with the canting jingle of a cheap religion and a thin philosophy, but by contrast and comparison they give higher value to the Latin.

  33. A jingle of bells rose upwards suddenly and grew loud.

  34. But it's not stopping here;" and the jingle grew fainter and died away.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jingle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accent; alliteration; anapest; assonance; ballad; beat; bucolic; cadence; caesura; chime; chiming; chink; clang; clank; clink; counterpoint; dactyl; ding; dirge; dong; drone; elegy; emphasis; epic; epigram; foot; gong; humdrum; iambic; ictus; idyll; jangle; jingle; jingling; knell; lilt; lyric; madrigal; measure; meter; monody; monotone; monotony; movement; numbers; ode; palinode; pastoral; peal; pealing; period; piece; poem; pun; quantity; rhyme; rhythm; ring; ringing; roundel; roundelay; satire; scan; singsong; song; sonnet; sound; stress; swing; tedium; thesis; tingle; tingling; tinkle; tinkling; toll; tolling; trochee; trot; verse