Item one bed of tapestry work of a white field, with a stag standing under a great tree and on either side lilies and a red border, with the complete tester and three curtains of white boulter[1018].
We desire to state to the Roman farmers that we do not test their wheat with the crooked brass tester that has made more money for Messrs.
He very frequently went to see a patient with a lung tester under one arm and the revised statutes under the other.
Tester offered no resistance, but persuaded the peasants that, having lost his wings, he could not possibly escape.
With our shaggy jackets drawn about our shoulders, we now passed the Tomahawk from one to the other, till slowly there grew over us a blue hanging tester of smoke, illuminated by the flame of the new-lit lamp.
Whether it was that this undulating tester rolled the savage away to far distant scenes, I know not, but he now spoke of his native island; and, eager to hear his history, I begged him to go on and tell it.
Ellaby looked at the personnel testerin unpokered alarm.
The ten-over-mode male wrestling tester pinned Ellaby in less than two minutes, a fact which was duly noted on his employment blank.
This tester has a horizontal cornice with brattishing above and cornice braces between pendant pieces below.
All Saints' has ogee canopies under a coved horizontaltester with supporting shafts, as in the cathedral.
The tester concluded it must have been wood ashes when actually the potassium came from organic matter itself.
Because so many people in the Maritime northwest heat with firewood, the soil tester had mistakenly assumed that the soil became alkaline and developed such a potassium imbalance from heavy applications of wood ashes.
The four waited patiently for their opportunity, which came when the safes were sent to Chubbs' to be repaired; and Chubbs sent them back, but only with one key, in such a way that Tester had possession of this key for a time.
At Redhill, Tester met the train and relieved the thieves of a portion of the stolen gold.
One night Tester whispered to Agar and Pierce, "All right," as they cautiously lounged about London Bridge.
The former corresponds with that of Aquileja, but has the rare addition of a flat canopy or tester supported in front by two columns, which rest on the side walls of the steps leading up to the seat.
Much more beautiful generally is the curtained tester often put above the figure, on either side of which guardian angels, holding back the folds of the draperies, allow us to join them in looking at the figure on the tomb.
In short, the test should be carried out with great care so that the tester is certain of the results obtained.
They had only just time to go through the ceremony of breaking a tester between them before a shrill call of "Emlyn" resounded down the garden.
At t'other end a great testerbedstead with dark curtains.
My grandsire gied Sandie a siller tester to pit in his gun wi' the leid draps, bein' mair deidly again bogles.
When the corp was examined the leid draps hadna played buff upon the warlock's body; sorrow a leid drap was to be fund; but there was grandfaither's siller tester in the puddock's heart of him.
Mr. Bill and the two old ladies came out upon the portico, and the Governor was lifted down by Uncle Shadrach and Hosea and laid upon the high tester bed in the room behind the parlour.
With the glow on her bared arms and her hair unbound upon her shoulders, she sat close against the chimney; and while Virginia slept in the tester bed, went dreaming out into the night.
They were all newly swept and scented with lavender, and the high tester beds, with their slender fluted posts, looked as if they had stood spotless and untouched for generations.
From the centre of her tester bed, the old lady calmly regarded him.
The boy sat down on the steps of the tester bed, and looked anxiously round the three-cornered room, with its sloping windows filled with small, square panes of glass.
Again there was silence while the Viscount stared up at the tester and Barnabas frowned down at the clenched fist on his knee.
The farmer who turns a deaf ear to argument can offer no effective reply to a corn-tester in which only one kernel in three has sprouted.
My dear Miss McDonald: "The rag-baby tester is causing a whole lot of excitement.
Old Mrs. Tester bustled past her with the hot breakfast.
When they reached the lodge, old Mrs. Tester came out to open the gates.
Mrs. Bertram was not wrong when she guessed that Tester and his wife did not live on these dainty viands.
She washed herself well first, though, and Mrs. Tester said that she came out of her bath as fair as a lily, and her hair shining like red gold.
Then you say you have no money, and yet you gave Tester a shilling.
Mrs. Tester said she had left her, but might return again.
The little place looked picturesque without; and within, honest, hard-working Mrs. Tester contrived with plentiful scouring and washing to give a clean and cosy effect.
I will write my note quietly, and when it is written take it down to Tester at the lodge.
Tester has been very careless; he has never closed the side gate.
It was you then, who bribed Tester to keep the lodge gate open?
Old Tester thought his mistress foolishly particular on this point, and wondered at so close a lady going to the expense of new locks, which were sent down from London, and were particularly good and expensive.
Tester said she was out of the house by six o'clock.
I'll walk with you as far as the gate, and then I'll wake up Tester to lock it after you.
I went to the lodge early this morning, and Tester told me that she got up early, and took a bit of bread in her pocket; but she would not even wait for a cup of tea.
Beadwork and embroidery of dyed porcupine quills were prevalent, even the tester which roofed the four-post bedstead was ornamented with fringes of buckskin and designs made of beads and porcupine quills.
When the corp was examined the leid draps hadnae played buff upon the warlock's body; sorrow a leid drap was to be fund; but there was grandfather's siller tester in the puddock's heart of him.
As she is a piano tester in the factory she is dressed neither so roughly as a working woman nor perhaps so fashionably as a stenographer.
He thought that he was back again at dinner at the Manor Green, but that the room was curiously like the hall of Brazenface, and that Mrs. Tester and Dr.
Mrs. Tester then finished putting away the tea and coffee, and entered into further particulars about her late son; though what connection there was between him and the packages of tea, our hero could not perceive.
Upon this, Mrs. Tester appeared to be greatly overcome.
By the connivance of a guard named Tester this was accomplished, and yet the duplicate keys thus made were useless until Agar had travelled seven or eight times to Folkestone with the chests, altering the keys until they fitted.
Pierce knew a man named Tester who was in the office of the Superintendent of Traffic, andTester could get possession of the keys for them.
Tester was the clerk who corresponded with Mr. Chubb on the subject of the alterations, and by his means the impression of a key which opened one lock of each box was obtained.