After a time, flexion can be made to a right angle; and the limb becomes tolerably useful.
The difficulty only arises when we attempt the trisection of any other than a right angle, its trisection being easily effected with a pair of compasses.
On this subject it has been observed that, "there is no more trouble in trisecting an angle, not a right angle, than in finding a cube root.
Suppose the two forces are unequal, but do not act on the ball in the direction of a right angle, but in that of an acute angle, what will result?
What number of degrees, and what portion of a circle is there in a right angle?
A B; this line is called a tangent, it touches the circumference of the circle, and forms a right angle with a line drawn from that point of the circumference to the centre of the circle C.
Holding in his right hand an iron kitchen poker three feet long and three inches round, he struck upon his bare left arm, between the elbow and the wrist, till he bent the poker nearly to a right angle.
But then too, I noticed when we got to the parking lot when he attempted to turn in a right angle he made the usual mistake of a beginner of turning too much and then having to correct it.
We practiced a number of the things you need to know, to back up, to turn, right angleturn to come to a stop.
I will pick up by repeating when he turned a right angle corner he would turn too far and have to correct.
Do not let the bill point straight out, for it will stretch the skin of the throat too much; neither should it point up at a right angle to the body, for the tip will be catching in everything that comes near it.
Bend the heel at a right angle, and measure from the outer extremity of the angle to the tip end of the longest toe, including the nail.
Then hold the foreleg perfectly straight, at a right angle to the axis of the body, and bend up the foot into the position it would assume if the animal were standing upon it.
Broken at a right angle, it is transverse; at a different angle it becomes oblique, and it may be longitudinal or lengthwise.
If the fingers are used, the middle finger of the left hand should be pressed firmly against the side of the horse and should be struck with the ends of the fingers of the right hand bent at a right angle so as to form a hammer.
From its base on each side a spiniform process emerges, forming a right angle with it.
Belostoma a right angle, and in Notonecta an obtuse one.
Defn: Making a right angle; perpendicular, as two lines or two sides of a triangle, which include a right angle.
The term is used especially when the pieces form a right angle.
Defn: According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle.
The angles where A joins B and E are each to be a right angle; so is the angle where C joins D.
Sew up the breast with a few stitches, and with the following manipulation give the right curve to the neck: Bend it back at a little more than a right angle to the body, pressing with the thumb where the neck joins the body.
Take the first of these plates and square it up, so that each corner is a right angle.
In a few localities, however, rectangular joint sets have been discovered which divide the rock into prisms parallel to the earth’s surface and with the joint series inclined to it each by half a right angle.
The nostril is cleaned with cotton-wool, and if the extremity of the probe used for detecting the presence of a foreign body be curved to a right angle, it will also serve for gently levering or displacing it forwards.
It is an advantage to bend the shaft near the spoon to a right angle.
About one inch at the opposite end from the ring is turned down at a right angle.
If this is merely a tube bent near the end through a right angle, moisture condensed in the tube will in time run down and destroy the bubble occasionally, which is very annoying in a difficult experiment.
In these cases the timber is cut so that the joint is at 45 degrees to the face, and the two pieces, when placed together, form an angle of 90 degrees (a right angle).
The term mitreing, however, is not confined to the fitting of timber around a right angle; it may be justly applied to the fitting of a moulding around an angle irrespective of the number of its degrees.
Halved Joint" at the corner of the frame where the two pieces form a right angle (see Fig.
The pieces are turned back to back, the mitres thus making a right angle.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "right angle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.