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Example sentences for "spoored"

Lexicographically close words:
spooning; spoons; spoonsful; spoony; spoor; spooring; spoors; spoort; sporadic; sporadically
  1. We spoored the lion for half a mile down the river to a piece of dense jungle, where it had lain up over the remains of a small buck, which it had killed, probably on the previous evening.

  2. Stephen explained that he and the Hottentots had spoored everywhere around the stable for leopards, but could find no trace.

  3. Three Bushmen spoored for them, and besides these, two native servants, fair shots and reliable hunters, carried rifles and accompanied the Boers on foot.

  4. The whole party had spoored me from the first kloof to where I lay.

  5. I tell you I spoored the sheep slap into Nteya's kraal.

  6. I've spoored them right into your location as straight as a line.

  7. Don't I tell you I have spoored the sheep right bang into your kraal?

  8. You will be spoored here, and there will be plenty of traces of what has become of me.

  9. Dumela spoored them easily to Sand Drift," went on Brian, "and then it got too dark.

  10. They moved on in silence, and, after going three hundred yards farther, spoored the lion and its prey to a dense, triangular piece of bush lying close to the little stream that ran through the valley.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spoored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.