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Example sentences for "piecemeal"

Lexicographically close words:
pie; piebald; piece; pieced; piecee; pieces; piecework; piecing; pied; piedad
  1. She went through it all piecemeal with open-mouthed interest.

  2. It saves him the trouble, so common among ourselves, of finding them out for himself piecemeal in the course of his later relations.

  3. Church, crown, and constitution might fall apart piecemeal before Maud Sartoris’s eyes, and she would take no notice of them.

  4. Show me, tell me where she is, that I may seize her in my hands, and tear piecemeal and mangle her body.

  5. But they tear men piecemeal with their devouring jaws.

  6. Whom may I at some time see and his bride torn piecemeal with their very houses, who dare to injure me first.

  7. There were electric rotating piecemeal signs advertising cellular phones and internet providers (instantaneous messages not for his patronage).

  8. Do not I know that you, though bound To silence for my sake, are perishing Piecemeal beside me?

  9. Who tore him piecemeal ere his cry brought help.

  10. It cannot get down upon the flat level of experience and interpolate itself piecemeal between distinct portions of nature, as those who believe, for example, in divine aid coming in response to prayer, are bound to think it must.

  11. Our difficulties and our ideals are all piecemeal affairs, but the Absolute can do no piecework for us; so that all the interests which our poor souls compass raise their heads too late.

  12. The result of this piecemeal legislation and enactment by by-laws is a chaos of intricate regulations, applicable to persons of different age and different sex, varying from trade to trade and from place to place.

  13. Succeeding generations have attempted to keep pace by reforming in piecemeal fashion this or that attendant abuse.

  14. Consider what the seemingly piecemeal struggles of these six years add up to in terms of realistic national preparedness.

  15. It remains to be seen whether it is wiser to secure that which is now within reach, and then press forward for other advantages, or to reject piecemeal reforms in the hope of ultimately gaining larger ones.

  16. He likens those who are trying to make piecemeal progress to persons who are trying to push cars along a track by putting their shoulders against the cars.

  17. Tell life that it needs the quickening of this spirit, that it may not drop piecemeal through the corruptions of sin into the darkness and rottenness of the pit.

  18. So negotiations, emphasized by piecemeal destruction, went on till sickness and the lateness of the season put the English in a sorry fix.

  19. Drake, however, might be crushed piecemeal in the offing when still with his aftermost ships in the Sound.

  20. What we were discussing was the idea of a world growing not integrally but piecemeal by the contributions of its several parts.

  21. Velikie-Louki was restored to him, but Polotzk remained in the hands of the victors, and Livland, snatched piecemeal from the Teutonic knights and contested inch by inch for a quarter of a century, was yielded at one wrench to Poland.

  22. We publish these things reluctantly, on account of our readers; but we must tell the truth, though it be piecemeal and in fractional parts, rather than in the full view of its naked reality.

  23. The Catholic church, from which the Protestants stole their piecemeal Bible, always regarded the book of Machabeus as the inspired word of God.

  24. In such cases the dead bone must be broken up in situ and then removed piecemeal through either the anterior or posterior nares.

  25. Another method of treating these cases is by the operation of morcellement, which consists in removing the tumour piecemeal by means of specially made forceps.

  26. The innermost portion of the upper posterior wall of the auditory canal, that is, the outer wall of the attic, is now removed piecemeal by means of a small gouge (Fig.

  27. The opening is gradually enlarged by removing the growths piecemeal with the chisel or gouge.

  28. Ships are there, it is true, but only insignificant traders, diminished by sombre cliffs up which their cargo is hauled piecemeal to vanish instantly into mid-air caverns; London absorbs all they have as morsels.

  29. The poet may assume a hundred personalities in as many poems, or manifest a hundred influences, or he may work a single sham personality threadbare or render piecemeal an undigested influence.

  30. I'll not play hypocrite To own my heart: I yield you do come sometimes; but That piecemeal peace is poor peace.

  31. On him, who squatted down, they stuck their fangs, And having rent him piecemeal bore away The tortur'd limbs.

  32. They with their hands alone Struck not, but with the head, the breast, the feet, Cutting each other piecemeal with their fangs.

  33. But would he leave him to perish piecemeal in the wall?

  34. The ancient Japanese recognized the divinity of the universe in a very imperfect, piecemeal fashion, and almost exclusively in those physical aspects by which they were more directly affected.

  35. I would rather describe his mental attitude as a piecemeal conception of the universe as alive, just as he looks on his fellow man as alive without analyzing him into the two distinct entities of body and soul.

  36. The piecemeal immigration of the Japanese race from the continent of Asia must have done much to break up their original tribal system and to destroy any institutions associated with it.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "piecemeal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apart; asunder; gradual; incomplete; piecemeal; separately; severally