And crazy Congreve scarce could spare A shilling to discharge a chair,' writes Swift, and 'crazy' indicates that Congreve was gouty before he was rich.
Perhaps, sir, there was scarce anything of moment done but an humble servant of yours, that shall be nameless, was an eye-witness of.
As for Sir Paul, my wise father-in-law that is to be, my dear Cynthia has such a share in his fatherly fondness, he would scarce make her a moment uneasy to have her happy hereafter.
Why, then, you can know nothing, sir: I am afraid you scarce know the history of the late war in Flanders, with all its particulars.
But had it been acted, when it was first written, more might have been said in its behalf: ignorance of the town and stage would then have been excuses in a young writer, which now almost four years' experience will scarce allow of.
Elbow-room has been quite scarce in Nashville during the past week.
Paper is so scarce in the South that the editor of the Morning Traitor writes his editorials with stolen chalk on the sole of his boot, and goes barefooted while his boy sets up the manuscript!
During the long drought of last summer, an American paper says, water became so scarce in a certain parish that the farmers' wives were obliged to send their milk to town genuine.
Clapp sat with his fingers upon the wrist of his patient, where he could scarcefeel the fluttering pulse.
It was not, however, till assisted by the Doctor (for his trembling knees would scarce support him) that Mr. Reynolds could speak.
One can scarce think that he would go so far for pastime as to Argiers.
For, besides the sermons and lectures, there is a month already gone in which I have scarce done anything, in such wise that I am almost ashamed to live thus useless.
Without that, all the good and holy ordinances which you can make, will scarce avail for the reformation of the heart in good earnest.
Men and women alike will scarce endure to read any book which urges this unalterable fact upon their attention.
Many a trifle, too, and trinket, And for what use, scarceman would think it.
Tibullus lies Here burnt, whose small return Of ashesscarce suffice To fill a little urn.
They had scarce put foot on the porch before six or seven guns, being all that the conspirators could muster, and which the owners held in readiness, were discharged at them, and then they were set upon by others with the spears.
I, so confounded by the sight and his stolid merriment (for he laughed again while exposing the fruit of his degrading habit) that I scarce knew what I said.
I had scarce asked myself the question before it was answered by the gentleman himself, who had been speaking, though I know not what, all the time I was talking with Tibbikens, and while I was cogitating afterward.
In the same way, it is not improbable that other persons besides myself may possess the faculty of reanimating dead bodies, without suspecting it; for I can scarce believe the faculty should be confined entirely to myself.
There was scarce a word in it that did not contribute to increase the evil spirit which its first paragraph had excited among my companions.
I certainly had a very large and fine library in my house, and there was scarce a week passed by in which I did not receive a huge bundle of the newest publications from a book-seller, who had long had it in charge thus to supply me.
It is but a poor thing, and scarce worth the sending, but it was as much as I could carry.
Kempion and his brother had scarcecome within a mile of the land when the beast saw them, and raised itself.
After a while he came to a stile, and sitting on the top of the stile was a little man scarce two feet high; he was dressed all in green and a red cap was lying beside him.
Scarce had he set out again when the wind began to blow fiercely; so, seeing a smooth, sandy beach, they drove the ships ashore and dragged them out of reach of the waves, and waited till the storm should abate.
Then, scarce knowing what he sought, he girded on his armor, thinking perchance that he might yet win some place of vantage or at the least might avenge himself on the enemy or find honor in his death.
Are words so scarce that you are obliged to use exactly those of Cais?
I scarceknow a flower More prized than is the cowslip.
Sometimes the two would drive in the broad, low pony-cart for hours, with scarce a word said on either side.
With scarce any preamble, Lady Wantley plunged into the middle of her story.
But the ingenious author of that work could scarce act prudently were he to stake the soundness of his hypothesis on the integrity of the restoration.
This portrait of the Ness is, I fear, scarce true to the ordinary character of the river.
Had the ingenious author of the "Vestiges" taken lessons for but a short time at the same form, he would scarce have thought of reviving in those latter ages the dream of Oken and Maillet.
Cousin William, whom I had scarce expected to see, but who had snatched an hour from business, and walked down all the way to Leith to bid me farewell, came forward to grasp me by the hand.
Ere we had gained the Walworth Road, Yelverton, so breathless in his haste that he could scarce gasp "Good night" to the small crowd who saluted him as he passed, overtook us.
In London one may be a householder for ten years without knowing the name of one's next-door neighbour, and may live and work all one's life without making scarce a single friend.
Then, scarcedaring to breathe, I waited to catch their words.
He tells me you saved his life; and although I can scarce credit the tale, seeing how young you are, yet courage and skill dwell not necessarily in great bodies.
Fortunately, neither cloth nor tailors are scarce in our good town of Dort, and you will find a fresh suit in readiness for you to attire yourself in tomorrow.
But to rebut those statements of Gregorovius's there is scarce the need to pose these questions; sufficiently does Gregorovius himself rebut them.
Scarce was Alexander's body cold than the duke's enemies began to lift their heads.
Further, and in view of that same protection, the Orsini were already treating with him for a reconciliation, despite the fact that the Orsini blood was scarce dry upon his hands.
Of this such striking instances abound in our own time that there can scarce be the need to labour the point.
Meanwhile, sick almost to the point of death, and scarce able to stir hand or foot, so weak in body had he been left by the heroic treatment to which he had submitted, Cesare continued mentally a miracle of energy and self-possession.
With the Greek tragic satire it had scarce any analogy whatever; for it was not in dialogue, and contained no allusion to the mythological Satyrs who formed the chorus of the Greek dramas.
No sooner did he that, than there were twenty miles of blackthorn wood, so thick that scarce a weasel could go through it.
A very scarce summer came, and they didn't know how they'd live till the new potatoes would be fit for eating.
For myself, I scarce know whether to believe all things, or to grant faith to none.
Her light, agile form, a model of artless grace, seemed so ethereal as scarce to touch the earth.
When I beheld Ozema, I no longer wondered at thy change of feeling--scarce blamed it.
Scarce can I open my mouth, but it is known what I wish to say, which is knowledge to make one party great and the other party little!
Colon would scarce send thee as a verbal expositor.
The advantages to all concerned, that will flow from it, have, therefore, scarce been forgotten.
Indeed, it isscarce possible for the imagination to conceive of the magnitude of the results that await our success, while naught but ridicule and contempt could attend a hasty and inconsiderate return.
Should he be so fortunate as to enjoy a conscientious religious adviser, he can scarce escape both, prayer being so often ordered in the way of penance.
The monument is already erected at Llera, and we may feel regret for the loss of the sweet girl, but can scarce mourn for her.
Thy reasoning hath, at least, a savor of religion; and, though faulty, can scarcebe condemned.
Thou knowest, Dona Isabella, how sorely my father is beset by his enemies, and I need scarce tell thee that his coffers are empty.
She is my sovereign, mistress, and, I might almost say, mother; Dona Beatriz herself scarcemanifesting greater interest in my welfare.
I scarce seem to have decided, while the principal personage of the great adventure is journeying from the court.
O, 'tis a day for reverence, E'en my own birthday scarce so dear, For my Maecenas counts from thence Each added year.
Scarce any single qualification was more useful in organizing the army than that of using and handling considerable bodies of men such as mechanics and railway employees.
I said it seemed absurd that with nearly a million of men in the field, the Register of the Army of the United States should show an organization of some twenty regiments only, of which scarce a dozen had been in active service.
Here in the Pall Mall the day was not yet begun, tho' for some scarce ended.
The way of adventurers is hard, and he could scarce lay claim then to a better name.
The words were scarce out of his mouth when we heard a loud rap on the door, which I opened to discover a Swiss fellow in a private livery, come to say that his master begged the young gentleman would sup with him.
The John had scarce cleared the Solway before Maxwell showed signs of impudence and rebellion.
This Davie was gifted with a dangerous kind of humour which I have heard called innuendo, and he soon had the bar packed with listeners who laughed and cursed turn about, filling the room to a closeness scarce supportable.
I was more touched than I cared to show over his offer, which I scarce knew how to refuse.
That is scarce three years gone, when I was just turned one and twenty.
For according to Lowrie, there was scarce a man or woman in Kirkcudbrightshire who did not know that John Paul was master of the John, and (in their hearts) that he would be master of more in days to come.
So it went; and often a lump would rise in my throat that I could not eat, famished as I was, and the mother and sisters scarce touched a morsel of the feast.
I followed, scarce knowing what I did, halted at the threshold and drew back, for I had been upon holy ground.
And they had scarce hooked the ship's side when I sprang up the sea-ladder, to the great gaping of the boat's crew, and stood with the water running off me in rivulets before the captain himself.
I scarce know which was the more astonished, the landlord, John Paul, or I.
Barry got his bottle of soda water, and swallowed about two glasses of whiskey in it, for brandy was beginning to be scarce with him; and then commenced his toilet.
But you will scarce believe it when you see the prisoners.
There is scarce an article of taste, or valuable of any sort whatever, but may be found here, brought from all parts of the world.
I was ready to play the subject; I scarce kept myself from an oriental prostration.
You will not say that this is done for the paltry recompense, which at bestscarce shields the body from the icy winds of winter, or the scorching rays of summer.
I fear unless you make a different and a better one, you will scarce open the lips of our fierce patriot,' answered Gracchus.
Scarce anything is left but the walls and buildings, which are uninjured, the lives and the industry of the inhabitants.
It would grieve my mother's heart, I need scarce assure thee, were Julia unhappy.
Aye,' he replied, 'and that is scarce soon enough to keep the soldiers quiet.
In the streets, I meet scarce any who are not engaged in some service connected with the army.
Fausta, as she has wandered with us through this wilderness of woe, has uttered scarce a word.
I have just taken up a paper in which I read: "Female domestics are scarce in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and obtain employment readily at good prices in almost all the river towns.
Good female workers have always been scarce since I have been in the business--twenty years.
In a newspaper, we met with the following paragraph some time ago; "Females are so scarce in some of the interior towns of California, that men have to be employed to do the chamberwork.
We have seen it stated that female teachers are growing scarce in Maine, because the wages are so low.
Good boarding houses for workwomen are scarce in all large cities, particularly New York.
Infant schools are scarce in the United States; but still they exist in some parts of New England.
Is there any woman, not entirely devoid of all sensibility, but desires an amelioration in the condition of the working class of her sex--those who earn a mere pittance, scarce enough to keep body and soul together?
Makers of ladies' dress caps and ironers of new shirts have been scarce in New York city.