Baroja's father was a noted mining engineer, and while without reputation as a man of letters he was an occasional contributor to various periodicals and dailies.
Don Rafael must have been a man of modern sympathies, for he bought a printing press and began to issue pamphlets and evenoccasional books.
I knew of no residences in this vicinity except an occasional farmhouse; it was remote even from any village.
After an hour the twittering of birds began, at first in occasional chirps, and finally in a chorus of matutinal gossip.
The bookcases which run around the walls are of mahogany, as are the small, occasional tables, and the large table in the center of the room.
It would not be so successful in a room one lived in all the year around, but it is a good example of what one can do with a tempting wall paper in an occasional room, a guest room, for instance.
During these intervals the serving people in an absent way would scatter an occasional carafe-full of water on the dancing floor to lay the dust.
Bakkus sang his ballads and an occasional humorous song of the moment to Andrew's accompaniment on mandolin or one-stringed violin, and Andrew conjured and juggled comically, using Bakkus as his dull-witted foil.
His pre-war savings had amounted to no fortune, and in spite of Elodie's economy and occasional earnings with her birds, they were well-nigh spent.
An occasional puff of the horribly offensive odor came to the nostrils of the sightseers; but the captain sheered off, and they got very little of it.
The custom is really discontinued, though an occasional instance of it comes to light.
They made an occasional dart at the human performers, who dodged them as though they had been in their native jungles, with their business fangs in order for deadly work.
The occasional visibility of the dark side of Venus may be caused by an electrical glow due to the friction of the perpetually overflowing and inflowing atmosphere, this being increased by reflection from a vast surface of perpetual snow.
Since there were so many barbers in Panama, the need for an occasionalgathering without attracting too much attention became apparent.
The life of the German war veteran seemed to be confined to working in the Navy Yard, returning home unobtrusively to work on ships' models and making his occasional visits to Nordenholz's garret.
Although the ornamentation of the manuscript is infrequent, there are occasional beautiful examples which compare in richness with those in the Book of Kells.
The breeze and sunshine entered freely; but the first visitant brought no spring perfume on its wings, only an occasional sulphur-puff from the soot-thick column of smoke rushing sable from the gaunt mill-chimney.
Seldom did he trouble himself about Caroline's movements, but a vague idea possessed him that she was fond of going to Hollow's Cottage; also he suspected that she liked Robert Moore's occasional presence at the rectory.
These occasional visits were as beneficial to Maxwell’s moral condition as the meat and wine were to his physical man.
Under these circumstances, bars were sometimes left undrawn and locks unturned, nor was Walter ignorant of the occasional negligence in which lay his only chance of escape.
Notwithstanding his buoyancy and occasional high spirits all through his long years of work, James Gilmour had been subject to spells of severe depression.
Weapons, some of stone, some of bronze, andoccasional ornaments of gold and amber shed further light upon this departed race of Salisbury Plain.
The Cotswold shepherd looks downward on their folds, and marks the gleaming white of the occasional chalk pit which breaks the surface of their scarp.
The Barrows on the Plain were built of the materials most easily accessible, mould, chalk, and flints, with occasional fragments of Sarsen.
A vaulted cavern belonging to the free knights--nearly in the centre a large brazen door, in the archway a practicable parapet, and occasional apertures in the broken fragments of the rock.
She, unable to repress the joy and pride which swelled her sawdust bosom till the seams gaped, gave an occasional bounce as the wind waved her yellow skirts, or made the blue boots dance a sort of jig upon the door.
He, therefore, after a few turns, ensconced himself as comfortably as possible on the lee side of the building during the violence of the storm, taking advantage of occasional intermissions to resume his walk.
Some would creep in, and the colony resembled a draught of fishes from the rivers in the spring, when the schools are running; wherein, although the great majority are shad or salmon, occasional intruders of other scales and stripes are found.
She remained in this position for perhaps a quarter of an hour, during which time only an occasional sob escaped her, and then rising, passed into an inner chamber.
If an occasional exception occurs, it is but a solitary ray of light shooting across the surrounding gloom.
Unequivocal symptoms of a disordered stomach induced Pinel to prescribe some opening medicines, and for some days occasional draughts of whey.
After this period, he was subject to occasional pain over the right brow, accompanied with great mental despondency, the prevailing apprehension being that of eternal damnation.
She had generally enjoyed good health, with the exception of occasional attacks of sickness of the stomach, and headache.
Her occasional remarks, made with genuine modesty, indicated good sense and discrimination.
The Stranger was a domestic and personal servant, and in some instances mechanical; both were occasional and temporary.
The prohibitions and penalties of the law are not sufficient to prevent occasional and even frequent outbreakings of violence, so that the negroes even yet suffer much of the rigor of slavery.
One is permanent, the other occasional and temporary, and therefore in this case called "hired[A].
One is permanent, the other occasional and temporary, and therefore in this case called "hired.
One is permanent, and the other occasional and temporary, and therefore in this case called "hired.
Whatever is occasional merely, as the washing of a family, is done by persons hired expressly for the purpose.
As his opponent began to speak, Martin lazily read through his papers, making an occasional note on a loose sheet of legal cap.
He noted with secret satisfaction the occasional presence in the crowd of a dark-skinned soldier in British uniform, and he observed with some surprise the vast number of Abyssinian Arabs, whom he recognized by their peculiar dress.
A deep silence, broken only by the occasional low of a cow, had enwrapped the town.
A broad path, with occasional smears of blood, showed where he had dragged his victim through the long grass to a cluster of trees a couple of hundred yards from the village.
But as soon as his head touched the sand the sound was repeated, and this time it was more definable--a steady, rustling noise, with anoccasional low splash that seemed to come from the water.
The occasional cannibalism of the Jews was caused by famine, but that of the Americans was a regular institution.
It is only known through an occasional reference or quotation in the writings of Brasseur de Bourbourg.
I have compared the American past to a dark sea, from the bluff coast line of which projects an occasional cape terminating in precipitous cliffs, quicksands, and sunken rocks, beyond which some faint lights are floated by buoys.
III-45] Unfortunately it has never been published, and its contents are only known by occasional references in the works of Brasseur de Bourbourg, who had a copy of the document.
This time is usually spent in the tent sketching, dozing, and reading, with occasional "goes" of claret cup.
The only noise in the column marching behind the lithe, wiry guide was the occasional muffled cough of a man and the sharp snort of an excited horse.
Hence the occasional skirmishes and alarms which may lead my friends to misdoubt my absolute detachment from sublunary affairs.
Such was his routine, broken by occasional visits to town on business, for he was still Dean of the Royal College of Science and a trustee of the British Museum.
His diary still contains a note of occasional long walks; and once more he was the centre of a circle of friends, whose cordial recollections of their pleasant intercourse afterwards found expression in a lasting memorial.