Of pulmonary emphysema there are two forms, true vesicularand interstitial (or interlobular).
In Notodelphis ovipara, in which the eggs are carried in a dorsal pouch of the mother, the embryos are provided with longvesicular gills attached to the neck by delicate threads.
On the close of segmentation, about six days after impregnation, it assumes (Hensen) a vesicular form not unlike that of other Mammalia.
If the nocturnal emission does occur, it will carry away not alone the vesicular secretion, but also more or less of the nascent spermatozoa and other constituents of the vital fluid.
The nourishment is supplied by the albumin and proteid of the vesicular and prostatic secretions.
One can cite no better example of this stimulant action than the influence of these vesicular and prostatic salts upon the activity of the spermatozoa.
Rarely we find virile, continent men whosevesicular secretion is so scanty that they are never conscious of its emission.
They tramped on, hoping to find a stream, but another two miles were traversed before they came upon a rushing rivulet, gurgling down from among piled-up masses of blackish vesicular rock, which the major at once dubbed scoria.
In these cases a vesicular fold appears in the gullet of the embryo at an early stage, and gradually takes the shape of two spacious sacs, which are afterwards filled with air.
Far behind the eyes, over the last gill-arches, we see a vesicular rudiment of the auscultory organ.
This is the only material difference between ourvesicular gastrula (perigastrula) and the original form of the bell-gastrula (archigastrula).
Of the three vesicular appendages of the amniote embryo which we have now described the amnion has no blood-vessels at any moment of its existence.
This vesicular condition of the provertebra is of the greatest phylogenetic interest; we must, according to the coelom theory, regard it as an hereditary reproduction of the hollow dorsal somites of the amphioxus (Figures 1.
The distinctive form of gastrula that comes of it is the "vesicular gastrula" (Perigastrula).
A wall ceased to have a primary value as a constituent part of a cell, the necessary vesicular character of which therefore could no longer be entertained.
About half a mile west of Nukunase a vesicular doleritic basaltic andesite forms a spur protruding at the coast.
The rocks are neither vesicular nor scoriaceous, and are usually massive; but exhibit at times a rudely columnar structure.
The larger are angular or sub-angular, and are composed of hemicrystalline basaltic andesites, scoriaceous and vesicular and sometimes amygdaloidal.
Stout crystals of augite can be picked out of it, and it contains also lapilli up to an inch in size of a basic vesicular semi-vitreous basalt.
It should, however, be not forgotten that vesicular and pumiceous materials may be discharged during a submarine eruption.
At 1,700 feet is displayed a vesicular basic andesite, semi-vitreous in character, and above this I found a porphyritic basaltic andesite.
A little east of the spur there is another dyke apparently vertical and formed of a vesicular rather than a scoriaceous basaltic andesite referred to genus 1 of the augite-andesites (page 267).
Typically, they are neither vesicular nor scoriaceous, and in this respect they possess the character of submarine lava-flows.
The clouds are of a similarvesicular character, and rain does not fall till the vesicles unite to form drops.
The distinction is apparent in these diseases by the lack ofvesicular eruption on the mucous membrane or skin, and also by lack of evidences of infection in the herd or neighboring animals.
The vesicular murmur is heard only where the lung contains air and its function is active.
This contagious disease is called coital exanthema or vesicular exanthema, and is more or less prevalent on the Continent.
The air going in and out of the lungs makes a certain soft, rustling sound, known as the vesicular murmur, which can be heard distinctly in a healthy state of the animal, especially upon inspiration.
A vesicular eruption of the skin may occur, seen principally between the toes and on the inside of the flank and in the armpits, with subsequent loss of hair and epidermis.
The disease may run an acute course and then disappear, or it may become chronic; therefore two varieties are recognized, vesicular (or pustular) and chronic eczema.
The lesions of no other disease of cattle closely simulate the vesicular eruption of foot-and-mouth disease on the lining membrane of the mouth.
The vesicular murmur disappears when air is excluded by the accumulation, of inflammatory product, as in pneumonia, and when the lungs are compressed by fluid in the chest cavity.
The paralyzed limb becomes cold and dry, due to the suspension of proper circulation; the joints may swell and become edematous; vesicular eruptions appear on the skin; and frequently gangrenous sloughs form on the paralyzed parts.
This soft, rustling sound is known as vesicular murmur, and wherever it is heard it signifies that the lung contains air and is functionally active.
The vesicular murmur becomes rough and harsh in the early stages of inflammation of the lungs, and this is often the first sign of the beginning of pneumonia.
The vesicular murmur is weakened when there is an inflammatory infiltration of the lung tissue or when the lungs are compressed by fluid in the chest cavity.
Then it is subjected to a second but much less laborious kneading, in order to distribute the generated gas as evenly as possible among its parts, so that they may all partake equally of the vesicular structure.
Each of them consists of a vesicular integument, of the nature of stearine, and an interior fluid like elaine, which afterwards exudes.
Bread which has been raised with the common carbonate of ammonia as used by the pastry-cooks, is porous no doubt, but not spongy with vesicular spaces, like that made in the ordinary way.
No patches were found on the arms; but at these sites were dark, almost black, papules, which slowly became vesicular and umbilicated.
The patients, it is claimed, passed directly from the vesicular stage into convalescence, and neither pitting nor pigmentation of the skin was observed.
After primary vaccination in man there is a stage of incubation lasting for from forty-eight to seventy-two hours; a papule then develops, and by the end of the third or fourth day this has begun to show umbilication and a vesicular structure.
In general the disease is readily recognized when the case is typical and the eruption has reached the vesicular or pustular stage.
Later in the disease the eruption may be vesicular on the head while still papular on the body.
The hollows in some of the fragments of vesicular lava of which the breccias and conglomerates are composed are partially filled with calc-sinter, being thus half converted into amygdaloids.
The porous and vesicular nature of a large part, both of the basaltic and trachytic lavas, affords cavities in which silex and carbonate of lime are readily deposited.
Dikes of vesicular and amygdaloidal lava are also seen traversing marine tuff or peperino, west of Palagonia, some of the pores of the lava being empty, while others are filled with carbonate of lime.
Rupture of the uterus is liable to occur when the uterine wall has been weakened by the changes which accompany the completion of the menopause, or has been infiltrated by carcinoma, or, more rarely, by vesicular mole.
The actual cautery is best for serpiginous corneal ulcers, carbolic acid being more satisfactory for those of the vesicular type.
There were also many large blocks of vesicular basalt, with the cavities beautifully lined with chabasie (?
Green Mountain, there is one stream of quite black, vesicular basalt, containing minute crystals of glassy feldspar, which have a rounded appearance.
The lava where first met with is 130 feet in thickness: it there consists of two, three, or perhaps more streams, divided from each other by vesicular spheroids like those on the surface.
The middle bed is coarser, and less hard, and hence weathers into very sharp pinnacles; it includes very small fragments of granite, and innumerable ones of all sizes of grey vesicular trachyte, some of which were distinctly rounded.
The whole mass is vesicular, but the surface is darker coloured and much more vesicular than any other part.
In these bare hills and on the open grassy plains, old vesicular lava abounded; small loose elongated fragments lay on the round hills, having a red scorified appearance and being also so cellular as to be nearly as light as pumice.
Vesicular lava and amygdaloid are the chief ingredients of some of the best parts of Australia Felix.
Further back the rugged crests of a wooded range of a different formation rendered the level character of this ancient lava or vesicular trap more obvious.
Superficial glossitis, again, is sometimes manifested by the eruption of vesicles on the tongue, under which circumstance it is often denominated vesicular glossitis, sometimes herpetic glossitis.
A few vesicular bodies which may have been enlarged lymphatics were also present"--probably cross-sections of lymphatic vessels.
Warmth and moisture and the friction of the sensitive surfaces excite vesicular and pustular eruptions where the {996} scrotum and labiae come in contact with the thighs.
Some of the larger cells were filled with fat-granules, and represented granular cells; others had a single or double vesicular nucleus; a few were acuminated at two opposite points and somewhat compressed.
Vesicles indicate the vesicular variety of superficial glossitis; irregular whitish patches, the psoriatic variety; and hard, horny patches with intervening fissures, the ichthyotic variety.
Nervous irritation, such as of the chorda-tympani nerve, is attributed as a causal influence of unilateral vesicular glossitis, herpetic or otherwise, and as a probable factor in other varieties of unilateral glossitis.
When the superficial inflammatory process is a vesicular one, eventually sheathing the surface of the organ in whole or in part with a membranous envelope, it constitutes herpetic or membranous tonsillitis.
It is by some fortuitous circumstance only that it is observed in the vesicular stage.
The greatest difficulty will present in cases of common membranous sore throat, for it is sometimes impossible to make the differentiation from diphtheria, especially as the vesicular stage is rarely seen.
They are a portion of a flow of dense blackvesicular lava, dipping northeastward at a low angle, but little changed as yet by the weather, and about as destitute of soil as a glacial pavement.
From near the base of the cone a flood of extremely rough black vesicular lava extends across what was once a portion of the bottom of the lake into the forest of yellow pine.
The rock is rather vesicular than cavernous in its structure.