Smirking at himself, the wry smile soon fell flat at the thought that even ugly pimps who were affluent from their brutish, sexual peccadilloes might be considered equally sexy; and he sighed at his bland fame.
The Laotian was still seated in front of him as before, but with a furrowed forehead and a smirking countenance as if puzzled not by what to say but on how best to say it.
He heard much noise, yet distinguished nothing till he seemed to wake suddenly at finding Willie Enslee smirking up at him.
When he came back to the carriage, his usually benign and smirking countenance was obscured by some sorrow.
Once more she surveyed her circle of smirking admirers, but no one answered the call.
Here two minutes later Louis found him; and if Blondel still cherished hope, if he still fought against fear, or maintained courage, the lad's smirking face was enough to end all.
Zakhar's face was distorted by a smirking smile, which seemed to embrace even his eyebrows and his side-whiskers, which for this reason spread apart; and over his whole face up to his very forehead extended a ruddy spot.
But God knows the facts look ugly," he retorted, with smirking composure.
There is such smirking and smiling between my mother and him!
She turned her lovely eyes upon Dionysius Hogan as he stood smirking and bowing at the door.
Your painter of smirkinggoddesses finds his vocation at the Fair of St. Bartolemy.
He felt that he had raised a devil in that abominable smirking ruffian.
He turned to the smirking face before him, which from behind the table was watching for the signs of trepidation he had hoped to surprise.
Cur," Carter cried, and drove straight for the neck he knew held a smirking face.
Hardly had I looked out of the main door that morning, desiring no more than to pass away the time till the trial should begin again, before I saw the Lubber Fiend, smirking and becking across the way.
On regaining my inn, I was not a little surprised to hear the smirking barmaid announce me by my christian and surname, directing the waiter to place candles for Mr. Bernard Blackmantle in the sanctum.
I observed numbers of lambs of the most shining whiteness, with black ears and noses; just such neat little animals as those I remember to have seen in the era of Dresden china, at the feet of smirking shepherdesses.
I jostled along to the presence chamber, where his Majesty was dining alone in a circular enclosure of fine clothes and smirking faces.
Monsieur Varbarriere, after a second's scrutiny of the valet's dark, smirking visage.
There was a hubbub, which gradually resolved itself into three columns of girls, two and two, standingsmirking in the passage.
The son stood in his wet clothes, haggard, lined, ghastly in contrast to the startling red of his lips, looking at his smirking father: then he leaned over and touched a bell.
The lawyer, smirking at the hidden joke, pointed to the man standing by the table.
And I'm not one of your fanciful ones either," she went on, smirking at the effect she had made.