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Example sentences for "shrapnel"

Lexicographically close words:
shows; showy; shpake; shpeak; shrank; shrapnels; shred; shredded; shredding; shreddy
  1. Brave Women The French women seemed to think that the best cure for shrapnel or bullet wound was a bottle of wine and a raw egg.

  2. Some of the shrapnel bullets hit our chaps pretty badly, but some were harmless.

  3. They came on us in swarms, but we sent them back time and again, and if it had not been for their shrapnel we could have been peppering them yet.

  4. They were coming along at the double, carrying everything before them, when, without the slightest warning, German batteries posted under the shelter of a wood opened fire upon them with a deadly shower of shrapnel and machine-gun bullets.

  5. I threw three of them consecutively over my shoulder on the point of the bayonet, and the very next moment a shrapnel shell burst right on my rifle.

  6. My horse was grazed by a fragment of shrapnel and lamed, and a sharpshooter missed me, but the bullet went through my rifle-bucket and flattened itself on the nozzle of my rifle.

  7. My next-door neighbour, so to speak, got a shrapnel bullet in his tin, and another two doors off had his biscuit shot out of his hand.

  8. I got shrapnel in the face, and it entered just by my eye and came through my mouth, splitting my face open and fracturing my jaw.

  9. Immediately the officer passed the gap hell was let loose on us, but we got across safely, and I was the only one wounded, and that was with a ricochet shrapnel bullet in the right knee.

  10. Your philosophy, Private Atkins, cannot be upset even when a shrapnel bullet knocks a few inches out of your arm.

  11. We had dismounted, and were talking over matters when quite unexpectedly some shrapnel shells burst over our heads and brought down some of the cottages.

  12. Five minutes later, when I was trying to help a fellow near me who had been hit in the shoulder, I was struck in the right thigh by a pellet from a shrapnel shell.

  13. Several machines have been hit by his shrapnel bullets and bits of his shell.

  14. I lay for about an hour and a half on some corn, with the shrapnel bursting over me all the time.

  15. I have been under X-rays, and I am pleased to say there is nothing left in either shoulder, but there are little bits of shrapnel left in the elbow: Pte.

  16. Half way across they found our range with the guns, and shrapnel dropped all around.

  17. One man was struck fourteen times by the shrapnel fire, and still came out from the trenches to recover.

  18. As he was trying to bind up the wounds, another piece of shrapnel came along and lodged in the same arm.

  19. Another story of a wounded man states that during the fighting on the Aisne, in the village of Vera Neuil, he received two pieces of shrapnel in the chest.

  20. A hideous metallic explosion in the air and a fiendish rattling of bullets upon steel, as a shrapnel burst and sent its contents flying on board.

  21. The shrapnel screeched in the air, and burst right in among the brush and boulders, smashing the scraggy trees, and tearing up the moss that covered the ground in patches.

  22. The shrapnel was too much for them, and they began to bolt towards the other side of the ravine, where our left wing was peppering them.

  23. During this period, smoke helmets and gas goggles were invariably carried, and anti-shrapnel helmets always worn.

  24. Often the whole path which the aeroplane has taken across the sky is literally covered with these little white puffs of shrapnel smoke.

  25. If there was a shortage of anti-shrapnel helmets in the British Army in 1915, there was certainly none in the French.

  26. It is heavier, and, I believe, has proved itself more effective in actual practice, than the French type, as a protection against shrapnel bullets.

  27. If, however, one happens to be directly underneath where the shrapnel shells are bursting and realizes that all that goes up comes down again, one takes more than a spectacular interest in such an incident.

  28. Fewer and fewer buildings left standing, not a piece of glass remaining in any single window frame; the bare walls, perhaps, of a house here and there still standing, but bespattered with shrapnel bullets.

  29. Invented by General Shrapnel to produce, at a long range, the effect of common case; whence they have been also called spherical case.

  30. Spherical case-shot are officially called shrapnel shell (which see).

  31. Bullets hissed past their ears, flying shrapnel splinters wounded them, but with impetuous dash and sublime indifference to death they swept on the gun crew and destroyed it.

  32. Fortunately it was a misty morning, and we could wander about on top, though we did have one or two shrapnel bursts over us.

  33. The gun teams were generally exposed during the advance and were treated to heavy shrapnel fire, but they swung into action at prearranged points and set about wire-cutting with excellent effect.

  34. Lighter guns searched other positions and whiffs of shrapnel kept Turks from their business.

  35. Shrapnel and mauler," he added, his hands protecting the place where the shrapnel had found him.

  36. Neither mauser nor shrapnel nor maxim brought them down as they made their way to the abandoned gun beside which Stafford lay.

  37. This renders parapets unnecessary, and probably no more protection will be used than light splinter-proof screens to stop shrapnel bullets or fragments of common shell.

  38. Also the use of shrapnel made it impossible for troops to find cover on the terreplein of a work some distance behind the parapet.

  39. It follows that a parapet is thick enough if it suffices to stop rifle bullets, since the same thickness will a fortiori keep out shrapnel bullets or splinters of shell.

  40. It is the contents of the shell, whether shrapnel or explosive, that is the source of danger and not the shell itself.

  41. Thus the enemy's object is to burst his common shell immediately behind the parapet, or his shrapnel a short distance in front of it, in order to get searching effect.

  42. A single shrapnel penetrating the outer wall may kill all the occupants of a room; a single field-howitzer shell may practically ruin a house.

  43. Just then the howitzer spoke again, and another shrapnel flew wide of the schooner and burst among the sand dunes.

  44. We ran foul of a howitzer launch, which turned loose on us with shrapnel and canister, and gave me this broken arm and Beardsley a black and blue shoulder.

  45. We sighted the Hollins inside Diamond Shoals, threw a couple of shrapnel at her and she came to; that's all there was of it.

  46. It should be explained that shrapnel consists of a thin, hollow shell of iron, filled with leaden bullets.

  47. Not only was his sight injured, he had received a piece of shrapnel in his groin and a bullet lodged in his body in the region of his heart.

  48. But as yet her rĂ´le had been a purely defensive one; she had never gone over the German trenches, hostile anti-aircraft had not as yet sent their shrapnel shells bursting all around her.

  49. It was by no means a one-sided engagement, for shrapnel shells were bursting heavily all around the British machines.

  50. Two of her guns were replying to those of the battleplane, firing a sort of combined high explosive and shrapnel three-pounder shell.

  51. And they will fire shrapnel at the poor bougres who have to put out the fires," said the little man with the imperial.

  52. A high, clear whistle cleaved the flame-lit sky, and about thirty small shrapnel shells burst beyond us.

  53. He was wounded by a shrapnel ball in the groin early in the spring, but is now at the front again.

  54. Half a dozen shrapnel had certainly hit it, but they had only chipped off some bits of stone and broken all the windows at the eastern end.

  55. As the shrapnel were bursting in large numbers overhead, I got the men well extended, as best I could, but some of course were hit.

  56. On another occasion, however, a few shrapnel exploded just outside the kitchen window.

  57. Two nights after, a doctor's horse which was in there was all but killed, for a shrapnel burst through the window and drove fourteen bullets into his head and neck.

  58. Horses of course flew all over the place; Cadell and his horse came down, and I thought he was hit, but he only lost his cap, and his horse only got a nasty flesh wound from a bit of shrapnel in his hindquarters.

  59. However, the Germans must have suffered considerably themselves, for they did not attack us in the morning, although their Field Artillery kept up a heavy shrapnel fire.

  60. We turned Beilby, our veterinary officer, on to "first aid" for many of them and sent them on; but some of the shrapnel wounds were appalling.

  61. If a yellow jacket should sting me, I'd say what a little thing it is, compared with the piece of shrapnel that hit me at some battle not yet fought.

  62. Shells and shrapnel rained death over a wide area, and the air was filled with whistling bullets.

  63. The shrapnel was very successful in keeping down the fire from the edge of the trees, but our troops received a good deal of damage from infantry and guns that were posted to the east of the Forest on a hill near Theydon Bois.

  64. We then plastered their trenches with shrapnel to such an extent that they did not dare to show a finger above them, and finally carried the northern corner by assault.

  65. Through the glasses the shrapnel could be seen bursting, half a dozen together, in front of the advancing Germans, who began to fall fast.

  66. For this reason the field artillery, who were largely armed with quick-firing guns, capable of pouring in a hail of shrapnel on any exposed point, were enabled to push on much further than would have been otherwise possible.

  67. Two surgeons, with their assistants, were already busily engaged with a number of wounded men, most of whom were badly hit by shrapnel bullets about the upper part of the body.

  68. I had arrived at the checking of our advance near Loddard's Hill by the blast of shrapnel from the German field batteries.

  69. The car contained a Krupp seven-point-five-centimetres automatic gun, firing twelve-pounder shrapnel shells specially intended for use against hostile aeroplanes.

  70. A dose of shrapnel would knock the whole concern to smithereens, while one of our seaplanes with a one-pounder automatic gun would make rings round her.

  71. The top of the wooden upright is shattered by a bullet, while one arm of the figure of Jesus has been carried away by a shrapnel shell.

  72. Well, when this Russian soldier recovered consciousness after having one of his feet torn off, he found himself lying in a depression of the ground, with shrapnel and rifle-bullets whistling over him.

  73. Then a burst of shrapnel fell upon the masses as they were in the act of crossing.

  74. First the artillery deluges the right shore with shells, and then infantry detachments approach the river; but Russian shrapnel causes them enormous losses.

  75. The more like a mere slit the open top of the trench is, the fewer shrapnel bullets will get in.

  76. With your men scattered around you can safely let the enemy fill your trench to the brim with shrapnel bullets.

  77. Several men were hit, and there was no reason why the enemy should cease to rain shrapnel over us until we were all killed.

  78. Of these, seven only had been hit by the shrapnel and rifle-fire from the front.

  79. Though to stop a shrapnel bullet much less actual thickness of earth is necessary than to stop a rifle bullet, yet this earth must be in the right place.

  80. Very shortly "boom" went a gun from the top of Incidentamba, and a shrapnel shell burst not far from us.

  81. The waste of good and valuable shrapnel shell by the enemy was the cause of much amusement to the men, who were in great spirits, and, as one of them remarked, were "as cosy as cockroaches in a crack.

  82. Once during the retreat Sergeant Oosthuizen halted, directed his gun, and fired three rounds of shrapnel at the enemy, hitched his horses to again and drove on.

  83. All of a sudden I saw a great long jet of flame, and instantly the thunder of a cannon broke upon the startled air, and presently behind us I could hear the shrapnel bullets falling on the ground.

  84. Presently the British cannon opened a tremendous fire on the ridges behind the burghers and the shrapnel burst everywhere with terrific sound.

  85. The brave twenty-five had to retire from the ridge, and the commando was scattered, retreating in confusion past the south of Heilbron, with shrapnel bursting right and left of them.

  86. From the east the burghers of Vrede also made their appearance, and pursued these troops; but when the enemy began to fire shrapnel at them, they ceased the pursuit and returned to the laager.

  87. The one cannon was already across, and the second one nearly saved, when the shrill shriek of the English shrapnel was heard.

  88. It was of the sound, sharp and shrill, of a shrapnel that went over our heads.

  89. A Rough Rider paled and limped down the hill and Blackford shook his hand--a piece of shrapnel had fallen harmlessly on his wrist.

  90. Another and yet another mass of shrapnel went screaming, and still there was no response, no sign.

  91. Horse Artillery guns on the ridge to the north, which fired a few rounds of shrapnel at detached parties of the enemy.

  92. The cannon in the redoubts were turned against their former occupants, and the guns of the Royal Horse Artillery rained shrapnel shell on the fugitives.

  93. This and a shrapnel shell silenced the enemy, not, however, before one of Graham's men had been killed and two wounded.

  94. Armstrong guns were struck by shrapnel bullets, and the fifth gun from the left, an 8-inch Armstrong, was struck on the coil by a shell.

  95. The scarp also suffered severely, both at the bastions and on the curtain; and the right face of the bastion was much marked by shrapnel bullets.

  96. After bombarding at long range for an hour, the flotilla moved up abreast of the position, and poured shell and shrapnel into any place where the enemy was supposed to be.

  97. After being under case and shrapnel fire for a short time, what was left of the garrison threw down arms and formed a stream of fugitives who, with ghastly wounds, poured out from the redoubt, and scattered over the country.

  98. The former was, however, scored with forty-nine hits from a 10-inch shrapnel shell, the greatest depth of any hit being 5 inches.

  99. Only those who had doubted had perished, said the Mullah, and displayed a bruise which was, he informed them, the sole effect of a twelve-pound shrapnel shell on his sacred person.

  100. The battery immediately exploded two shrapnel shells in their midst with great effect.

  101. The battery advanced to within 600 yards of the enemy's line, and opened a rapid fire of shrapnel to clear those spurs that commanded the line of retirement.

  102. Twice during the night the camp was approached by the tribesmen, but a few rounds of shrapnel were sufficient to drive these away.

  103. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shrapnel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.