On the 22d of March General Scott, having landed his troops, began tobombard the city of Vera Cruz.
A body of four or five thousand Mexican troops placed themselves upon the Cerro de Borrego, high above the town, whence they threatened to bombard it.
As he refused to surrender, and as the town had declared in his favour, I thought we would have to bombard it.
The Pizarro had come to bombard the town, and her consorts were now on their way for the same purpose.
On the other hand, as soon as Xuarez had completed his plans, he would doubtless come south with his ships andbombard Tlatonac from the sea.
June 21--Austrian naval planes bombard the railway stations at Bari and Brindisi, doing considerable damage; allied aeroplanes bombard Turkish batteries on Asiatic side of the Dardanelles.
The German plan of action was to move up the road from Vanga to Mombasa, arriving at the latter place somewhere about the time the Königsburg was expected to arrive and bombard it from the sea.
Noumea had been very worried since the war began, lest the German fleet from Samoa would come along and bombard the place.
July 9--In the upper Ansici Valley the Italian artillery bombards Platzwisce Fort; Italian artillery continues to bombard the defenses of Malborgeth and Predil Pass.
June 21--Allied ships bombard Turkish batteries on Asiatic side of the Dardanelles.
June 21--Turkish Asiatic batteries bombard allied columns on way to new positions.
That was the galleon called "Santa Helena," which was carrying the pieces to bombard the fortress, and considerable of the other ammunition and apparatus.
The Spanish banners and standards were flung from it, without it having been necessary for them to bombard the walls, as they had expected; and the fort was taken at so slight cost to the Spaniards.
You never see them over the trenches, it is safer to bombard civilians in cities.
From this conversation I learned that we were to bombard the German lines for eight days, and on the first of July the "Big Push" was to commence.
At the same time the enemy started to bombard Fresnoy with every available gun and howitzer.
Fortunately the enemy's artillery was not too active, and Foncquevillers was almost left alone, though he did one daybombard the Church.
We had scarcely been 24 hours in the new billet when, at mid-day, the 4th June, the Boche started to bombard the place with 5.
No one can tell now, but it is a fact from this point the German artillery was able to bombard the forts of Waehlen, Wavre, Ste.
It was next reported that enemy detachments had crossed the Nete river; that in a short while the artillery would be able to bombard the city itself.
Let us send an ironclad squadron to Heligoland and bombard the island and its fortifications until it crumbles into the sea.
Their departure showed the government that the commander intended to carry out his threat of sending for a fleet to bombard their town should his demands not be complied with.
He reported that an English light cruiser was lying off Bagamoyo, and had called upon the local Civil Administrator to destroy the telegraph station, threatening to bombard the place in case of refusal.
If they bombard it, they must be in a situation to begin it from all sides, or else the French will break through their lines, and establish a communication with the rest of France.
The enemy bombard Martinpuich, and our front and support areas, with heavy retaliation by our artillery.
The enemy resist stubbornly, and during the night bombard Courcelette and the whole front line.
There was no reason to bombard after the fort had been silenced, yet they had decided to destroy the town and cause the most widespread desolation possible.
Would the enemy advance up the river and bombard the town?
This was at once replied to, and while five of the vessels kept up their fire upon Inchkeith, the three others turned their attention towards Leith, and commenced to bombard it with common shell.
Was he apprehensive lest Russian ironclads should return, and again bombard the little town; or was he expecting some mysterious signal from some ship in the Downs?
Half an hour later the German batteries were silenced; and as a fourth rocket had gone up the seventy-fives continued to bombard the church as well as the village and its immediate neighborhood.
On one occasion the town and neighborhood were much alarmed on account of a report that the enemy were about to bombard the place.
In the other, which has the merit of exclusion, a select great few set a board with meat and drink; and then, installing the hero where all may see, they bombard him with toasts and speeches and applause.
While thus the General lays his Van Buren plans, misguided admirers bombard him with such marks of their regard as a phaeton built of unbarked hickory, and a cheese weighing fourteen hundred pounds.
Could anything be more devilish than to bombardthose defenseless towns up north?
First of all they are going to take Calais; then they are going to bring their big guns and bombard Dover.
Over their heads a heavy English battery began to bombard the German line.
They are beginning to bombard the chateau again," he said.
Had he not transported heavy cannon across the country from Lake Champlain to bombard the town?
It was certain that Latour would not withdraw his order; but whether he would meet force by force and command Count Auersperg tobombard the city, or offer himself as a sacrifice to the fury of the mob, we did not know.
April 23--Russian aeroplanes drop bombs on Mlawa and Plock, and bombard the German aviation field near Sanniky; Germans bring down a Russian aeroplane at Czernowitz, the pilot being killed.
April 1--British airmen bombard German submarines which are being built at Hoboken, near Antwerp.
It appears that the Germans systematically bombard the roads at night, hoping to destroy the camions bringing up the food for the city, fresh munitions, and men.
He was placed against a barn door, the firing squad lined up, when from behind the hedge bordering a wood the women began to bombard the soldiers with eggs.
In any event it proved quite useless, as he continued to pat the Tommies affectionately and to bombard them with impracticable suggestions.
The Consuls appealed to Captain Sturdee of the Porpoise to assist in the reinstatement of Mr Chambers, and he sent ashore a threat to bombard the town if any resistance were offered to Mr Chambers in resuming his seat as Chief Justice.
Landing a portion of his force at Beauport, he moved his ships into position to bombard the town.
Throwing up batteries of ice and snow, they began to bombard the walls; but their guns were too light to make any impression on the masonry, and the besieged kept vigilant guard against surprise.