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Example sentences for "casement"

Lexicographically close words:
casein; caseine; casemate; casemated; casemates; casements; caseous; cases; cash; cashbox
  1. From her tall casement toward the lawn; A prospect of a wide extent Glassed in her eyes and hateful shown.

  2. About her brow a diadem of spars, At her fair casement seated fleecy white Heark'ning wild sirens choiring to the stars Thro' all the raven night.

  3. The rain beats against the diamond panes of my casement as I write.

  4. All was unspeakably fresh and bright; the tiny panes of the casement twinkled in the autumn sunlight, birds sang, and hardy red geraniums bloomed in the cottage windows.

  5. How should I gauge what beauty is her dole, Who cannot see her countenance for her soul; As birds see not the casement for the sky?

  6. As through a casement now myself I see Pass down the shouting street; 'tis good to be Young, and the first Napoleon's son!

  7. He started upright, and pulled the casement to, for the night-air felt all at once chilly.

  8. Then he flung the casement back again in silence, came back to his chair, and he and his brother filled their glasses full and drank them down.

  9. From a spare garret with one poor casement it had grown in an hour into a palace, vague indeed, but full of rich vistas and rosy distances and quivering delights.

  10. Then many a fair maid hied her to the casement and gazed upon the street, where many high-mettled warriors were seen riding into the Burgundian land.

  11. Within a casement window Lady Kriemhild stood and looked out to see her kin, as friend doth for friend.

  12. The sixty lances of the Cid rode clattering through the town; From casement and from turret-top the burgher-folk looked down.

  13. Next morning as he lay on his couch, lost in the pursuit of the enigma which had presented itself to his thoughts, a dove, chased by a hawk, flew through the casement and fluttered to the floor.

  14. Shortly afterward there appeared out of the same casement a little cross made of cane, and by this token we concluded that some Christian woman was a slave in that house.

  15. Leaping from the casement into the arms of her faithful knight, Melisenda placed herself on the saddle before him, and setting spurs to his horse Gayferos made all speed to reach the gates.

  16. Fortunately the casement held, and white and well-nigh breathless, Kenneth slipped through the open window just as three or four Germans, alarmed by the clatter, rushed up to ascertain the cause of the uproar.

  17. Without mishap he descended until he was almost on a level with the open window, the iron casement frame of which swung outward.

  18. Then, to his consternation, Kenneth found that he had miscalculated the distance, and that the upper edge of the casement was six inches beyond his reach.

  19. A rapid upward jerk and the casement was free to swing; a little skilful manoeuvring and the weighted string drew the hitherto unattainable window frame within Kenneth's reach.

  20. I watched as you bade me, and, as she had promised to do, in token of the end, her woman waved a napkin from the casement of that tower where she lies.

  21. After his servants had waited upon him and robed him, bringing him milk and fruit to eat, he dismissed them, and sat himself down by the casement of his chamber to think a while.

  22. He sprang up, stepped to the casement and threw it open.

  23. Is it for nothing the wind sounds almost articulately sometimes--sings as I have lately heard it sing at night--or passes the casement sobbing, as if for sorrow to come?

  24. Moore opened his casement an inch or two to admit sound more freely.

  25. This brought us to the second feature of our position; for a window whose shutter was padlocked up, was unfastened; a bell was rung, and at a casement grated like our own appeared the Restaurateur of the Lazaretto to receive his instructions.

  26. Prudence was at an end; and many a midnight hour did the young soldier spend beneath the latticed casement of the enamoured beauty.

  27. As the shadow had slid past the casement of the upper floor, so her outline slipped now across a rising screen of memory not entirely obliterated.

  28. I saw a shadow slip across the casement window on the upper floor.

  29. The rain had nearly ceased, and she opened the casement in obedience to his gesture.

  30. With stormy eyes she pulled the stay-bar quickly, and, in doing so, caught his arm between the casement and the stone mullion.

  31. A bird came and sang at the narrow casement of his prison-cell as his spirit passed away.

  32. A flecking of stars marked a gold-barred casement that lent no illumination to the interior of the chamber.

  33. I was awakened by the noise of fighting in the streets--I looked out a casement and saw the Shemites cutting down people; then presently I heard you calling me faintly from the alley door.

  34. Faintly through the casement there came the clank of marching men in armor; gruff voices shouted in an alien tongue, and cries of alarm mingled with the shouts.

  35. The casement was not only open but open to its widest capacity.

  36. Nyoda with a shiver, eyeing the ugly screw holes in the smooth mahogany casement with housewifely horror at such marring of beauty.

  37. On the inside of the glass--if there was a pane of glass there--was a heavy black iron shutter fastened to the casement with great screws.

  38. She knew it was a window because it was framed in a mahogany casement like the other windows in the house, but instead of a pane of glass there was a dark, opaque space inside the casement.

  39. How he ever allowed anyone to put screws into that mahogany casement is a mystery.

  40. Instead of answering directly, he draws her to him and turns to the open casement overlooking the garden; he gazes thoughtfully out into the summer night and answers by a sort of tender object-lesson.

  41. In spite of Eva's clothes which she is wearing, the boy recognises Magdalene at the casement across the way.

  42. To exclude the dull roll of the thunder was less easy, for the night was oppressively hot, and behind the cloak the casement was open.

  43. His thoughts turned back hissing hot to the thing that had happened, and in a paroxysm of shame he shook his fist at the gaping casement and the sneering face of his rival, dimly seen in the background.

  44. But he found that the casement was set high in the roof, which sloped steeply from its sill to the eaves.

  45. The window itself is a casement on hinges; one of those antique affairs, iron framed, with the panes set in lead.

  46. The English girl has already guessed it, as told by the iron casement grating back on its rusty hinges, and left standing ajar.

  47. Parti-coloured lamps are placed at intervals along the walks, and suspended in festoonery from the trees, while the casement windows of the house stand open, people passing in and out of them as if they were doors.

  48. In the meanwhile, as our apartment was a corner one, and looked both east and north, I ran to the eastern casement to look after Drummond.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "casement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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