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Example sentences for "socket"

Lexicographically close words:
sociology; socios; socius; sock; socked; socketed; sockets; sockeye; socks; socle
  1. Scarcely was he out of doors when his wound reopened, the bandage which covered his eyeless socket became stained with blood, and a red streamlet trickled over his cheek and moustache.

  2. He knew, from the accounts of his companions, that Rengade was not dead, that he had only lost an eye; and he clearly distinguished the unlucky man with his empty socket bleeding horribly.

  3. Examine Bradley’s Patent Parlor Croquet, with Indexical Balls, Socket Bridges, and Rubber Cushion, before purchasing the game.

  4. The ease with which the ringed stem is removed from its socket in the cap is another characteristic which distinguishes the plants from those of other genera.

  5. The stem is generally long and hollow, and, being of different texture from the flesh of the cap, is easily separated from it, often leaving a distinct socket at the junction of stem and cap.

  6. The under-side of the table is fitted with a brass plate holding a pin, about two inches long, to fit the socket of the stand.

  7. The explanation is as follows:--The lady's body is encased in a strong framework of finely tempered steel, into a socket of which the pole enters and is rigidly fixed.

  8. The apparatus is mounted with a ball-and-socket joint upon a wooden stand, as shown in Fig.

  9. A locking rod, f, moves in a ball and socket joint at g.

  10. This apparatus is screwed into a socket in the upper part of the torpedo case, as shown at Fig.

  11. The gun is mounted on trunnions attached to a vertical column, which rests in a suitable socket bolted to the ship's side; by this means a universal motion is obtained.

  12. A ball and socket joint, or the kind of articulation represented by such a joint.

  13. A shallow socket for the pivot of a capstan.

  14. A socket or bezel holding a precious stone; hence, a jewel or ornament worn on the person.

  15. An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile.

  16. The cavity or socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are situated.

  17. It has a tang to enter the handle instead of a socket for receiving it.

  18. A metal eye or socket attached to the sternpost to receive the pintle of the rudder.

  19. An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter.

  20. The bony socket or cavity in which the eyeball is situated.

  21. Into this socket fits the rounded head of the humerus.

  22. The socket for the eye has a jutting ridge of bone all around it, to guard the organ of vision against injury.

  23. The socket is padded with loose, fatty tissue, and certain membranes, which serve as a soft and yielding bed in which the eyeball can rest and move without injury.

  24. Its upper end has a rounded head which fits into the acetabulum, or the deep cup-like cavity of the hip bone, forming a perfect ball-and-socket joint.

  25. The root is held in its socket by a dense fibrous membrane which surrounds the cement as the periosteum does bone.

  26. When the mouth is opened wide, the condyle advances out of the glenoid cavity, and returns to its socket when the mouth is shut.

  27. They an divided into hinge joints, ball-and-socket joints and pivot joints.

  28. When covered with cartilage, the ball fits so accurately into its socket that it may be retained by atmospheric pressure alone (sec.

  29. The socket of the eye is hollow and was probably filled with some bright substance.

  30. He walked with cautious steps, feeling his way with a staff, down to the sea-side, to wash his eye-socket in the waves.

  31. The upper end of the femur enlarges into a globular head, which fits into the socket of the hip in the pelvis, while the lower end meets another long bone, which extends obliquely backward and downward and with which it forms the knee joint.

  32. The doctor would have helped her, but she took the lamp from his hand, replaced it in its socket and set about unharnessing without further to-do, coaxing Dapple the while to stand steady.

  33. It will be locked, no doubt,' said the doctor to himself, as he drew the off gig-lamp from its socket to light his inspection.

  34. In this manner the holder is always between the operator and the flash sheet, and it may be held in the hand or supported on a tripod, a socket being provided for the latter purpose.

  35. Adjustable Heads (extra) fitted with ball and socket joint, suitable for any of above Tripods.

  36. The illuminator is collapsible, but when set up, has the form of a half-round, light-proof box with socket through which is inserted an electric light bulb.

  37. It was fitted with a handle which was fastened in the socket with a rivet.

  38. A long handle was fixed in the socket and fastened by a rivet.

  39. That muscle which is most employed in the comminution of the food, namely, the temporal muscle, has its action very much limited by the position of the bony socket of the eye; yet sufficient room is left for all the force that can be required.

  40. Night brought thick, troubled shadows creeping around the single candle which dripped from an iron socket riveted to the wall.

  41. Indians struck me and thrust me back with clubs, for the great post at my back had been partly dragged out of its socket by my frenzy, but I did not feel the blows; I fixed my maddened eyes on Butler and struggled.

  42. At the end of that week Dulcima let me know that Jack had loosened one bar of his window, and could take it from its socket whenever I was ready.

  43. The plume socket affixed to the reverse appears to be contemporary, but has been resoldered.

  44. The plate is struck in copper, and originally it had a plume socket attached to the reverse.

  45. It is a hemisphere of thin brass with a round plume socket at the top.

  46. A plume socket affixed to the reverse appears to be original.

  47. What appears to have been a contemporary plume socket has been resoldered to the reverse.

  48. Struck in copper, there is a plume socket soldered to the reverse along with two looped-wire fasteners.

  49. The worthy fellow shaded his eyes with his hand, and kept twisting and turning and rolling his head about, as if it had been fixed on the ball and socket principle; but the object that had fascinated me was invisible to him.

  50. Roman candles, from the garden, whereat he fairly sprang off his chair, as if the explosion had taken place in the cushion of it, or he had been hoisted out of his socket by some sort of catamaran.

  51. The implements necessary for each man are a belt axe, an ordinary socket mortise chisel one and a quarter inch broad.

  52. He now produced an ordinary socket chisel of 1 1/2 in.

  53. Eucharist are kept: a socket permitting a mast to be lowered beneath bridges.

  54. About two thirds of the whole length is of fir rounded, and the rest of bone let by a socket into the wood, and having a head of thin iron, or more commonly of slate, secured into a slit by two treenails.

  55. Furthermore, a wall socket for the electric iron and washing-machine is a convenience very much appreciated.

  56. If a ceiling outlet is used it should be an electrical socket at the ceiling.

  57. The stem tapers upward from the socket at its base.

  58. Hymenophore or cap, the part which bears the spore-bearing surface, distinct and easily separable from the stem, which leaves a socket in the flesh when it is removed.

  59. Baly mentions a case of epilepsy occasioned by irritation in the socket of a tooth.

  60. Then a new socket opens for the eye, and it finally arrives at the end of its journey through the head, thus coming on the same side as the other eye.

  61. A thin, transparent skin grows over the socket and the eye sinks in and in, the bones moving away from before it, until it has come near the proper place on the other side.

  62. THE BANK-PIT In the diagram it will be seen that the carcass is fastened to a spit of green wood, which runs thru a hole in a cross log and fits in the socket D in the bottom log; the spit is turned by handles arranged like A, B or C.

  63. At the inside end of each notch make an indenture only sufficiently deep to barely hold the end of your spindle while you make the preliminary twirls which gradually enlarge the socket to fit the end of your spindle.

  64. The socket hole was drilled into a piece of jade (B), using for the purpose some sand and the drill shown in Fig.

  65. But these people not being campers have a permanent fire machine made by erecting two posts, one to represent the fire-stick and the other the socket thimble.

  66. Illustrations of this principle are as follows: The inner end of the socket in a dovetail joint, Fig.

  67. Over this tongue is fitted a grooved socket cut obliquely in the other beam.

  68. It is usually made with the handle fitting into a socket on the shank, in order to withstand the shock of heavy blows from the mallet.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "socket" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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