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Example sentences for "masses"

Lexicographically close words:
massaged; massaging; massas; masse; massed; masseter; masseur; masseuse; massicot; massif
  1. Masses of slain and wounded covered the plain.

  2. The sandy beach was divided in many places by masses of coral extending some distance into the water, among which the boat might easily be concealed.

  3. Here, so clear was the water, that although fully three fathoms deep, the bottom could be clearly seen, covered with masses of coloured coral and sea-weeds of various shades and tints.

  4. High-tossing waves, crested with foam, rose up around, while the sky was obscured by dense masses of dark clouds.

  5. The roar of the breakers sounded louder, while masses of foam could be seen flying in sheets over the rocks.

  6. The operation is as follows: A sail is stretched out and masses of oakum are fastened on to one side, so as to give it the appearance of a large rug of great thickness.

  7. Through the gloom the boat could just be distinguished, surrounded by leaping masses of foaming water.

  8. As the summits of the swells, till now as smooth as glass, rose higher and higher, they formed crests of foam, which sparkled in the ruddy light, like masses of jewels.

  9. As he listened to the sound of the wild breakers and watched the masses of foam which appeared through the darkness leaping over the rocks, he saw that if the ship was drifting she must very soon be dashed on the wild coast under her lee.

  10. Gerald was not mistaken, although their friends could scarcely be distinguished from the masses of mud which covered them and their steeds.

  11. Here rose masses of jagged rock, topped with acacia and juniper trees, deep valleys intervened with rushing streams, while heights extended as far as the eye could range over a vast extent of country.

  12. This may have been partly due to the fact that as the rotating earth moved on in its eastward motion round the sun the comparatively dense masses of the nebula were always encountered at the times when the eastern hemisphere was in advance.

  13. But then it must be supposed that the condensed masses in the nebula were relatively so small that they became successively exhausted, so to speak, before the western hemisphere had come fairly into the line of fire.

  14. They thus became stored up in great masses in royal and ecclesiastical treasuries; and became the highest standard of value.

  15. Sakwala ridge or boundary of the universe to the rim of a jar or vessel; the vessel filled with sauce representing the ocean and the continents, like masses of cooked rice floating in the same.

  16. The millions who do the work are learning to keep the arms in their own hands, and to forbid the banding together of masses of troops for the purpose of exalting pride and cruelty to a position of absolute and irresponsible power.

  17. Her long hair, through which, in the then mode, violets were wreathed and interwoven, descended in rich masses of curl over a neck white as marble.

  18. By this time De Meudon had risen to his feet, and stood leaning upon a tall headstone beside him; his foraging cap fell off in his effort to stand, and his long thin hair floated in masses down his pale cheeks and on his shoulders.

  19. My very heart is bursting as I think of her, as she sat up in her bed; her long, dark hair falling in heavy masses over her shoulders, and her darker eyes flashing with a brightness that seemed like wandering intellect.

  20. Mine was a name without interest for any; and the thronged masses rose to depart, while their over-excited minds found vent in words which, drowned all else.

  21. Masses of heavy snow melted by the rain fell at intervals from the steep roof, and struck the ground beneath with a low sumph like thunder.

  22. I thought she 'd have masses said for him.

  23. Such was the shock, I scarce restrained a cry from bursting forth, and a film fell before my eyes as I looked, and the figures before me floated like masses of vapor before my sight.

  24. These yeomen have, for the greater part, been swallowed up by the paper-system which has drawn such masses of money together.

  25. Not so much on account of their masses of green leaves, as on account of the variety of sights and sounds and incidents that they afford.

  26. What masses of manure may be created by this means!

  27. These masses produce a power of congregating manufactures, and of making the many work at them, for the gain of a few.

  28. All along the coast there are works of some sort or other; incessant sinks of money; walls of immense dimensions; masses of stone brought and put into piles.

  29. Upon beholding the masses of buildings at Oxford devoted to what they call "learning," I could not help reflecting on the drones that they contain and the wasps they send forth!

  30. The great masses of property have, in general, been able to take care of themselves: but the little masses have melted away like butter before the sun.

  31. Part of the cliff given way," thought Aleck, as he called to mind places here and there where masses of the rocky rampart which guarded the western shores had evidently fallen, and about which he had heard traditionary stories.

  32. The plan is in accordance with that sedulous avoidance of the concentration of great masses of power in the same hands, which is a marked characteristic of the American federal Constitution.

  33. You have only to look at almost any modern building to see masses of elaboration and detail that form no part of any real design and serve no useful purpose.

  34. In ordinary life the head man is not distinguishable from the masses of his fellow-countrymen.

  35. It is significant that those who have interpreted evolution to the masses have quite uniformly done so in terms of progress.

  36. But every practical movement, enlisting great masses of men and demanding tremendous sacrifice for its accomplishment, must have a rational basis.

  37. All about, beyond the little town, the tors raised their shaggy flanks surmounted by colossal masses of stone that recalled the youth of the planet.

  38. I told the gaoler that my dinner would suffice for the two of us, and that he could employ the young man's allowance in saying masses in his usual manner.

  39. I left the money in his hands, telling him to lay it out on masses on my behalf, feeling sure that he would make quite a different use of it, and he thanked me in a tone that persuaded me he would be his own priest.

  40. It is one tall, gray pointed arch, with cottages about it on both sides on the high banks of the Don, and mills, with masses of trees.

  41. Then Carpenter did purify the church to God for aye, With holy masses and good psalms which he therein did say.

  42. On the right the ground ascends for a mile or more, covered with rich masses of wood.

  43. The bridge is well carved over with names, and overgrown with masses of ivy.

  44. These were the real colleges at which he studied, and where he laid up enormous masses of information.

  45. Through this old stone wall, now well crowned with masses of ivy, there used to be a door, of which Cowper had a key, which let him at once into the wilderness.

  46. There can be no great orators, for masses of men are no longer influenced by oratory, but by newspapers.

  47. It was like battledore and shuttlecock, these huge masses whirling through the evening far above his head, now from one side, now from the other.

  48. Long rutted roads littered with shell-cases stretching through the wrecked woods in the yellow light; strung alongside of them, tangled masses of telephone wires.

  49. She thought he would be large of his age, with a fresh rosy complexion, bright eyes, an open countenance, crowned with masses of rich, curling locks.

  50. I will do my utmost," replied the Colonel, quickly scaling the outer side of the cliff, and dashing over and among the broken masses of rock that laid between him and the sea.

  51. Every sound was lost in the terrific roar of the great, heaving hills of water, which rolled in continuously; huge masses of wet gray cloud hung over all, obscuring or transforming every visible object.

  52. His bright chestnut colored hair was long and fell in waving masses on his shoulders.

  53. She saw the masses of soft brown hair, and the long dark eyelashes, which dropped upon the cheek like silken fringe.

  54. This spray is dissipated into a thousand shapes, sometimes flying up in columns fifteen or twenty feet high; and then being oppressed by larger masses of white foam, which exhibit all the brilliant colours of the rainbow.

  55. The land was now seen to take a southerly direction; and the ships proceeded along it, as near as they could conveniently approach for the floating masses of ice.

  56. A narrow tract descends about sixty feet down the cliff, and continues across a plashy meadow, through a copse, encumbered with masses of limestone.

  57. Attempts were made to liberate them by sawing through the ice: not long after the commencement of the operation, two immense masses of ice came violently in contact, and one of them, fifty feet in height, suddenly broke.

  58. Including the suburb of George Town, this city contains about twenty thousand inhabitants, who are scattered over a vast space, in detached masses of buildings, which appear like petty hamlets in a populous country.

  59. Great masses of the population cannot be unemployed, or robbery would be inevitable.

  60. The coast is indented with many bays and creeks, which extend far into the land; but many parts of it are altogether inaccessible by shipping, on account of the enormous masses of floating ice, which abound in the extreme northern seas.

  61. The streets are regularly built, but the buildings are ponderous masses of stone, erected with little taste, and less judgment.

  62. Immense masses of reddish granite are also scattered along the bed of the stream, and sometimes project from the shore.

  63. Plant in masses or lines, and the bulbs may remain undisturbed for years.

  64. As an annual the plants are very compact and effective, the leaves and flowers forming round glittering masses in the late summer and autumn months.

  65. May, and is valuable for naturalising in clumps or masses in the border.

  66. For the production of masses of colour, and to form showy clumps in the borders, the Turban varieties are of the utmost value.

  67. But it is also a splendid subject for masses in the mixed border, or in front of shrubberies; and alone in beds it makes a brilliant and lasting show.

  68. For general usefulness the early Tulips are the most valuable of all, because of their peculiarly accommodating nature, their many and brilliant colours, and their suitability for the formation of rich masses in the flower garden.

  69. Large clumps of some of the bolder colours should be sown in spots that are visible from a distance, and they will present glowing masses of flowers.

  70. It is at this juncture that annuals and biennials from summer or early autumn sowings light up the garden with welcome masses and bands of fresh and vivid colouring.

  71. As they may remain undisturbed for several years the spacing will permit them to spread and produce masses of their graceful flowers.

  72. In masses or beds within the garden, however, a richer effect is wanted, and the distance between the roots should not exceed from four to six inches.

  73. Half-hardy annual== At many leading horticultural displays in recent years masses of Schizanthus of extraordinary beauty have been exhibited with striking success.

  74. Masses of color; myriads of blossoms, each of clean and vivid hue!

  75. The upper half of it is strangely white with masses of snow and ice.

  76. The nearly vertical walls rise mainly in smooth, substantial masses from twenty-five hundred to nearly five thousand feet.

  77. There are rich, deep masses of red, white, and yellow heather.

  78. There are long stretches of quiet water, but in the Lodore, Cataract, Marble, and Grand Canyons are numerous and turbulent currents flowing amid masses of wild, rocky debris.

  79. Most of these rapids are caused by rock-jams--dams formed by masses of rocky debris that have fallen from the walls above or have been swept into the main canyon by tributary streams.

  80. The hugeness of their stems gave them an unearthly appearance; for they rose hundreds of feet from the ground before they burst out far, far above us, into colossal masses of vast-leaved foliage.

  81. It was built of stone; and masses of stone, shapeless and moss-grown, were lying scattered about on the ground around it.

  82. It was a wild and desolate spot, strewn with tempest-torn branches, a spot hidden from the sun by dense masses of pine foliage, and backed by sharp peaks of granite.

  83. This circumstance somewhat staggered us, and Sir Harry was examining the retreating masses through his field-glass, when suddenly somebody shouted, `Hintza has bolted!

  84. Then when morning dawned there was every indication of another day's desperate fighting; the mountains above the camp being alive with the enemy, whilst masses of their mounted warriors had assembled on the lower heights of the Chumie range.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "masses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    body; creature; dregs; flunky; follower; herd; inferior; junior; lightweight; many; masses; mob; pawn; people; plenty; populace; public; rabble; raff; riffraff; rout; score; scum; scurf; secondary; society; subaltern; subordinate; trash; underling; unwashed; underling; unwashed