The gastric juice also contains rennet, which acts directly on milk, and indirectly on all proteids.
In all these cases salvation is sought indirectly through works, though not particularly good works.
These decisions previous to 1891, resting on principles of trade-mark and not of copyright, indirectly assured a measure of international copyright.
In all our states a large proportion of the legislation enacted affects directly or indirectly the interests of particular persons, classes, or localities.
A further purpose of pruning is to effect indirectly a thinning of the fruit, so that what is grown will be larger and more valuable, and also that the trees may not become exhausted by a few exceptionally heavy crops.
It is much more injurious than the untrained fruit grower would suppose, because indirectly so.
A member of Parliament can not participate directly or indirectly in any public work benefiting his district.
Sometimes he suffered terrible disappointments, due directly or indirectlyto his great poverty.
The books he read were not merely those which bore directly or indirectly upon his own craft: if they had been, Tam Telford might have remained nothing more than a journeyman mason all the days of his life.
She would wander into her father's dressing-room before she went to bed, and, sitting on the arm of his deep chair, would tryindirectly to get him to solve the problems that were troubling her.
They are, so to speak, the sense-organs of equilibrium of the head and indirectly of the whole body.
Purity here is not primarily sanitary or even moral; though such considerations were no doubt indirectly present.
While Greek ideas thus came indirectly from the north, the south of the peninsula was becoming more and more Greek, and the gods and temples of Hellas, established first at the sea-ports and colonies, gradually came to Rome.
Not long since Great Britain sold her convicts, indirectly at least, to slavery; but he was no advocate for the trade.
There are many cases, of course, in which this must be done indirectly rather than directly.
I landed in Los Angeles, and indirectly through a friend of his I secured a job on an orange ranch in the San Gabriel Valley, which I held until the end of the season.
Whereupon through the medium of Mr. Rule I sent him 500 reals on my own account, without, however, directly or indirectly pledging myself to do anything more in his behalf, or to attempt to engage the Bible Society to do so.
Directly and indirectly it achieved for a moment a semblance of national unity.
The principle of the entire was questioned indirectly by various amendments of form; but it was always affirmed by a majority.
To annul indirectly by enacting a new and contrary law, instead of by expressly abrogating or repealing the old one.
Of, pertaining to, or designating, an organic acid, obtainedindirectly from mucic acid, and somewhat resembling itaconic acid.
Its immediate effect terminates on me, and it is only indirectly that it affects the final act.
Every thought which passes through the mind is directly or indirectly connected with, and suggested by something which preceded; and that something may be either a sensation, a perception, a conception, or an emotion.
These operations all have reference directly or indirectly to sensible objects.
Strictly speaking, it is the light only that we see, and not the distant object; that is known indirectly by means of the light that variously modified, travels from it to the eye.
Indirectly this vast struggle in which thousands of lives were being lost had come through his wife's disloyalty, however unintentional, or in whatever degree.
The maternal, the protective sense was big in her, and indirectly it had governed her life.
In her heart of hearts she was sure he had done it directly or indirectly for her sake; and that was infinitely more to her than that he should stoop from the heights to pick her up.
They would in fact be indirectly taxed, and their value would rise in proportion to the tax.
If it be added to the prices of the commodity, a miser may avoid the tax by not consuming; if it be indirectly deducted from every man's revenue, he cannot avoid paying his fair proportion of the public burthens.
If these drawbacks and duties be accurately laid, not only on the commodities themselves, but on all which they may indirectly affect, then indeed there will be no disturbance in the value of the precious metals.
Rent will therefore fall, and a part of the tax will be paid indirectly by the landlord.
But, notwithstanding my sympathy, and the additional fact that I must indirectly suffer from the effects of your suicidal policy, it is amusing to see you trying to squeeze the remaining value out of your own property.
This moral battleground is the pivotal point of the drama, indirectly putting in motion all the forces which terminate in the final catastrophe.
They are an excellent beginning, therefore, for young readers, since they are almost certain to hold the attention, and to lead indirectly to an interest in other and better poems.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indirectly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: guilefully; indirectly; sidelong; sideways