For these are things of importance, to wit, the making choice of a Midwife and a Nurse, because upon one depends the health and preservation of the life of the Woman; and on the other that of the Child.
The success of a man in business dependson his attention to little things.
Human life consists of a succession of small events, each of which is comparatively unimportant, and yet the happiness and success of every man depends upon the manner in which these small events are dealt with.
The common well-being of men, women, and children depends upon attention to what at first sight may appear comparatively trivial matters.
It is the accumulation of experience and skill that makes the difference between the workman and the no-workman; and it depends upon the workman himself whether he will save his capital or waste it.
The working man's happiness depends much more upon the kind looks, words, and acts of those immediately about him, than the rich man's does.
It will be obvious, from what has been said, that the practice of economy depends very much upon the facilities provided for the laying by of small sums of money.
The physical satisfaction of a child, for example, depends upon attention to its feeding, clothing, and washing.
It increases rather by accretion than by internal growth, and its color depends upon the humors.
So far as the operation of physicians is concerned, it is necessary only to be certain of the fact that obstruction to the passage of urine depends upon no other cause than stone or the presence of coagulated blood (f.
Abscess of the liver depends upon some vice of the blood, the bile, the phlegm or the black-bile.
His having this alternative, however, altogether depends upon the distance which the adverse King may chance to be from the scene of action.
This frequently depends upon your gaining the opposition, which you cannot always do.
It depends on why you did it,' said the lady, going to the point directly.
It depends on how long Mr. Griggs and Logotheti can keep them in the old study.
It is only during the past eighteen months, when I have thought that I had lost you, that I have known how much I love you, and how much my happiness depends upon you.
Now just see, gentlemen, what a little thing, humanly speaking, life depends upon.
But the amount of loanable capital which the proposed system can supply, hardly depends at all upon the amount of its currency that can be kept in circulation.
The power of the whole of this passage depends partly on the vividness of feeling and conception with which the thought is realised, partly on the august and solemn associations with which it is surrounded.
The variety of disposition in men and animals depends on the proportion in which these elements are mixed.
The maintenance of our whole system depends on the equilibrium of these opposing forces-- Sic aequo geritur certamine principiorum Ex infinito contractum tempore bellum.
As the diversity in the world depends on the diversity of these forms, the order and regularity of Nature imply that there is a limit to these varieties.
The individuality of things depends on the fact that no two are composed of exactly the same elements, combined in the same way.
Moreover, colour depends on light, and the atoms never come forth into the light.
In the case of water the power depends on the head, or height, of the surface of the water above the discharging orifice.
The arc of the curved end depends on the kind of lathe and the size of the work.
The liquid has an affinity for the metal, and creeps up the inside, and the distance it will thus move depends on the size of the tube.
The direct current electric motor dependsfor its action on the principle that likes repel, and unlikes attract.
Wireless telegraphy depends for its action on what is called induction.
Power from fuels depends upon the expansion of the materials consumed, or upon the fact that heat expands some element, like water, which in turn produces the power.
It depends solely on the principle of light contact points in an electric circuit, whereby the vibrations of the voice are augmented.
Health depends upon moderate action of external irritants; disease, upon either their weakness or their extraordinary strength.
Footnotes to Chapter I [1] The scheme of this old national metre, which depends on accent and not on quantity, may be seen from the two examples given below.
You must not lose sight of the instinct of building, but you must not think the play of the imagination depends upon it.
I am aware they exist, if you mean that,' she replied; 'but their existence chiefly depends upon the imagination.
If you were an honorable man, you couldn't possibly have said these things to me to-day when my living depends upon you.
And we love each other, and it absolutely depends only on ourselves whether we shall change our double unhappiness for a double joy.
I'll do everything possible on my side, but it all depends on yourselves and the men.
And accordingly, in dealing with a subject which dependsupon philology almost as much as astronomy depends upon mathematics, I have omitted philological considerations wherever it has been possible to do so.
But, however much the constitution may give us cause to wonder, it is clear that much depends upon the parents.
Hence much depends upon the nature of the rock-formation, and many a mighty precipice, even though it may fulfil the first and third condition, is nevertheless valueless as a breeding station.
Success, therefore, dependsupon manifold relationships which centre in the station, and these relationships vary in intensity with the conditions of existence.
He depends mostly upon flight and darkness for his protection, and rarely ventures a direct attack.
If there is any difference between an animal and a human mathematician, it depends upon special training.
The size of a dam depends entirely upon the wishes of its builders and location and general conditions of land and water.
The filling may be varied indefinitely, and its arrangement depends upon available materials.
It will take fully 1/2 hour, but the success of the dressing depends upon the mayonnaise.
Perhaps it is only something which depends on the way your eyes are made.
There is a refinement of nature, inborn, delicate, and sensitive, and there is a refinement which depends for its existence upon youth and innocence.
It's quite plain that I must lose credit with them, then, if it dependson my eating that.
That depends entirely on what the favour is,' he replied, without raising his head from his work.
And it goes without saying that its successful solution, in a reformatory for criminals, depends upon the character of the man who administers the institution.
Somehow, character must be built up, and character depends upon industry, upon thrift, upon morals, upon correct ethical perceptions.
It is easy enough when the news is developed, and everybody is discussing it, for the editor to fall in; but the success of the news printed depends upon a pre-apprehension of all this.
They are real dramas, the interest of which depends upon sentiment, upon an exhibition of human nature, upon the interaction of varied character, and upon plot, and we recognize in them a certain literary art.
How our life depends upon a continual exhibition by the critics of this divine attribute of charity it would perhaps be unwise in us to confess.
We come to know, to use a truism, that a person's highest satisfactiondepends not upon his exterior acquisitions, but upon what he himself is.
This largely depends upon English prestige in the Orient, and to lose India is to lose the grip.
Is it realized how much depends upon the clothes that are worn by the characters in the novels --clothes put on not only to exhibit the inner life of the characters, but to please the readers who are to associate with them?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "depends" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.