The symptoms are noticed from four to six weeks after the stage of the induration of the chancre, and may continue to appear at any time, up to twelve months.
Induration and overgrowth of the connective tissue of an organ.
We must not omit that union of the parts of bodies which is the principal cause of induration and desiccation.
By the contraction of the coarser, after the escape or departure of the finer parts of a given body; as is exemplified in induration by fire, and the repeated heating and extinguishing of metals, and the like.
The Gentile ignorance of God was attended, as St Paul saw it, with an induration of heart, of which it was at once the cause and the effect.
Defn: Induration; hardening; especially, that form of induration produced in an organ by increase of its interstitial connective tissue.
A certaininduration of character had arisen from long habits of business.
The second case was an unmarried woman at the climacteric, the vaginal portion of whose uterus showed an induration which disappeared during the administration of chloride of gold.
The result of treatment with chloride of gold was, that in proportion to the decrease of the induration there was an increase in the consistency of the softened posterior wall.
After eight days the storm calmed down, and it was remarkable to witness the steady decrease of the induration in the cervical glands and mamma.
It happened that a woman presented an induration of the cervix, together with a remarkable softening in the posterior uterine wall.
The profession considers ulceration and induration of the uterus incurable.
In enlargement or induration of the prostate gland.
In atonic deafness, accompanied withinduration of the wax.
What was the need of this everlasting, eternal, never-ending manipulating to find how much induration there was?
This induration was quite sufficient to prevent reinfection, had there not been something out of the regular order to interfere.
It was attempted to relieve this induration by emollient fomentations.
Interference with the nutrition of a part by œdema or chronic venous congestion may impede healing; as may also induration of the surrounding area, by preventing the contraction which is such an important factor in repair.
In the female, the primary lesion is not so typical or so easily recognised as in men; it is usually met with on the labia; the induration is rarely characteristic and does not last so long.
It cannot be emphasised too strongly that the induration of the primary lesion, which has obtained for it the name of "hard chancre," is its most important characteristic.
The induration results from coagulation and partial organisation of the inflammatory effusion, and prevents the necessary contraction of the sore.
These facts, together with the disappearance of the induration under treatment, make it very likely that the lesion is really gummatous in character.
Enlargement of the cervical glands from secondary cancer may simulate tuberculosis, but is differentiated by its association with cancer in the mouth or throat, and by the characteristic, stone-like induration of epithelioma.
A chancre within the orifice of the urethra is rare, and, being concealed from view, it can only be recognised by the discharge from the meatus and by the induration felt between the finger and thumb on palpating the urethra.
The primary lesion is in the form of an indurated papule, in every respect resembling the corresponding lesion in man, and associated with enlargement and induration of the lymph glands.
It differs in some respects from the hard chancre as met with on the penis; it is usually larger, the induration is more diffused, and the enlarged glands are softer and more sensitive.
If the induration is well marked, the chancre can be palpated through the prepuce, and is tender on pressure.
The induration of the surrounding parts must be got rid of before contraction of the sore is possible.
This relapsed induration is often so like that of a primary chancre that it is impossible to distinguish between them, except by the history.
Meanwhile the induration extends, fresh vesicles form and in turn burst, and the eschar increases in size.
The induration is due not only to the dense packing of the connective-tissue spaces with lymphocytes and plasma cells, but also to the formation of new connective-tissue elements.
Here is the same induration of sandstone by means of fusion, that in the argillaceous strata has produced jasper.
The induration of mortar arises from the solution of a stony substance, and the subsequent concretion of that dissolved matter, operations purely chemical.
The change into a nympha, chrysalis, or pupa, commences with the horny indurationmet with in the Crab, and in the higher organized kinds of Snail.
This again takes place through the increased process of oxydation, which produces induration of the parts.
The greatest amount of induration must originate in the body of the spiral vessel, because in it the process of oxydation takes place in the most active manner.
The Tongans were subject to induration of the liver and certain forms of scrofula, which they often attributed to a failure to perform the requisite expiation after having inadvertently touched a chief or his belongings.
To guard against chronic induration of the valves, the iodid of potassium, in 1 to 2 dram doses, should be given early in the disease and may be repeated two or three times a day for several weeks.
These are simple thickening and induration of the cuticle by reason of continued pressure, notably in lying down on a hard surface.
These changes usually consist of thickening or induration of the inflamed structures.
If from the appearance of the parts, and from induration surrounding the tumour, malignant action has evidently taken place or is dreaded, then the incisions must be made wide of the base of the swelling.
In a female on whom I operated some years since, this advantage could not be obtained on account of induration in the belly of the sterno-mastoid muscle, with contraction.
Induration and enlargement sometimes occur along the urethra from effusion of lymph, or from obstruction and distention of the lacunæ.
Stony induration surrounds the exposed surface to a considerable extent, and the sore presents all the characteristic appearances of cancer.
A most extensive and dreadful disease of the organ is here represented; along with induration of the whole organ, ulceration had penetrated like a tunnel from the apex to the base; œdema of the glottis supervened.
Induration of the muscle is sometimes met with, also causing distortion; it may terminate in abscess, or after a long time be discussed.
As already stated, it must be had recourse to before hard and knotted swelling in the groin, with thickening and induration of the chord, has commenced, otherwise it can be of no avail.
In many cases the induration precedes ulceration, in others follows it.
The induration extends along the spermatic chord, and the lymphatics participate in the diseased action at an early period.
The new matter is not entirely absorbed; and thickening and induration remain, to an extent depending on the violence of the action and the propriety of the treatment.
In general, slight enlargement and induration of the epididymis remains.
Often the induration following abscess remains stationary for several years, and at length takes on a new action, forms morbid deposit, and is of rapid growth.
Malignant ulcer, with induration of the surrounding parts, and contamination of the lymphatics, occurs occasionally on the glans penis, or on the lining membrane of the prepuce.
Fresh collections and openings, either externally or internally, are apt to occur, with extensive induration of the cellular tissue, and disease of the gut.
The enlargement and induration left after the healing of the abscess require the application of tincture of iodine or of compound iodine ointment to the surface.
In scrofulous children the course may be protracted for several weeks, and in them resolution is occasionally imperfect, a degree of enlargement and induration of one or both parotids remaining for some time.
Malignant pustule is distinguished by its commencing from a minute red point with dark centre, and by its progressive extension from this point by a dark-red, puffy, and vesicular areola, with steadily advancing induration and gangrene.
This induration and a chronic pharyngeal and nasal catarrh are very serious matters in many instances.
When the induration is of both lungs, and equally so, the respiratory murmur and the inspiration remain the same, except that they become irregular.
In addition to the fact mentioned by Mr. Hunter[30] relative to the induration of soft sandstone, I would adduce an excellent example of the same effect in the cathedral of Basle, in Switzerland.
Various degrees of induration also results according to the intensity, the duration, and the frequency of the phlogosis.
Royes Bell states that, owing to the induration of the glans through the means of circumcision, masturbation and syphilis are less rife amongst the circumcised than amongst the uncircumcised.
Since then a number of cases of thickening and induration have been reported.
Repeated attacks of herpes preputialis and some consequent point of induration are looked upon by Petit-Radel, Chauvin, and Bernard as frequent starting-points for the cancerous affection of the prepuce.
Chronic indurationof the tongue sometimes remains unilateral, although the acute disease has not been unilateral.
The circumscribed tumefaction usually presents as an induration upon some portion of the side of the tongue, being most frequently directly or indirectly due to irritation sustained from a jagged tooth.
There is no induration about this sore, as nature does not seem to attempt to limit it or to set up any reparative action, and its surface is red and dry.
Lauenstein resected the pylorus unsuccessfully for what appears to have been an ulcer of the pylorus with fibroid induration around it (ibid.
Scirrhous cancer assumes often the form of a diffuse thickening and induration of the gastric walls, particularly in the pyloric region, where it causes stenosis of the pyloric orifice.
Palpation may elicit, besides tenderness, points or regions of induration or intumescence.
Fibroid induration of the stomach is of longer duration than gastric cancer, and it is less frequently attended by severe pain and hemorrhage.
Fibroid induration of the stomach; Hypertrophy of the walls of the stomach; Chronic interstitial gastritis; Sclerosis of the stomach; Plastic linitis.
A horny induration of the skin, with a central nucleus, very sensitive at the base.
In cases in which there is induration or dryness of the part, the use of warm embrocations is indicated.
I mean erysipelas of new-born infants, which commences at the genital organs, thence spreads over the skin, and terminates in the induration and destruction of this organ.
The lip is swollen and everted, and there is a considerable area of induration around.
Simple ulcers and fissures are usually recognised by the history of the condition, the absence of induration and of glandular involvement, and by the fact that they heal quickly on removal of the cause.
In the initial stage there is a localised induration in the palm opposite the metacarpo-phalangeal joint, and the skin over it is puckered and closely adherent to the underlying fascia.
Clinically, the indurationand fixation of the tumour suggest its epitheliomatous character, but the absence of a primary growth in the mouth or pharynx excludes its being a metastasis in the lymph glands.