A little church then building in the Lower Town was named Notre Dame de la Victoire, to commemorate the victory.
In 1690 the name was changed to Notre Dame de la Victoire, to commemorate the repulse of Phipps.
The pools, looking black and weird among the hills, all have their legends, and the wells commemorate a multitude of saints known only to Cornwall.
A marble statue, representing a man seated upon a dolphin, was erected at Tænarus to commemorate this event, where it remained for centuries afterward, a monument of the wonder which Arion had achieved.
When, at length, the foundations of the Temple were laid, a great celebration was held to commemorate the event.
As Landa tells us that they erected stelae tocommemorate the 20-year period, the inference to which the Copan Stela F leads us is that it is a katun and that the twenty glyphs carved on it are year-signs.
It is curious to find that one of the Santa Lucia slabs seems to commemorate the existence of a central rulership and that of the four quarters.
As, according to native symbolism, the head is the symbol for chieftain this slab seems to commemorate the establishment and at all events testifies to the existence in Guatemala of the scheme of government now so familiar.
The general resemblance, notwithstanding the distinct individuality of each bas-relief, suggests that they commemorate the visions seen under similar circumstances by seven distinct personages of the same rank and position.
The vanquished foe is thrown to the ground and stripped of his casing of straw, which is torn to pieces and scattered about, while the youthful comrades of the two champions sing a song to commemorate the defeat of Winter by Summer.
The swings in which the Esthonian maidens still rock themselves on St. John's Day are said to recall the ship in which the lovers tossed upon the stormy sea, and the bonfires commemorate the burning of it.
In less than a year the Bahá’ís the world over will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of their Faith, and the Guardian is very anxious that the British believers should commemorate this historic occasion befittingly.
The day is drawing near when for the third time we shall commemorate the world over the passing of our well-beloved ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
I am not going to tell you anything new; and it is doubtless nearly altogether because I ardently wish to commemorate the hour and martyrdom and name I am here.
A national monument has been put up here, by order of Congress, to mark the spot--but what visible, material monument can ever fittingly commemorate that spot?
The management of the great Exposition did well to set apart this thirtieth of July to commemorate the coming together at Jamestown of the first legislative assembly in the New World.
Standing in the presence of this august assemblage of the people, upon the spot where Washington stood, we solemnly commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the laying of the corner-stone of the nation's Capitol.
My contribution to this occasion was the following speech delivered at Bloomington, Illinois, February 12: "We have assembled to commemorate one of the epoch-making events in history.
A grateful people have erected a monument to commemorate his public services, while from the French Broad to the Atlantic, alike in humble cabin and stately home, his name is a household word.
A true friend of his country loves her friends and benefactors, and thinks it no degradation to commend and commemorate them.
Sir, we are assembled to commemorate the establishment of great public principles of liberty, and to do honor to the distinguished dead.
A hundred years hence, other disciples of Washington will celebrate his birth, with no less of sincere admiration than we now commemorate it.
Since then it has been the practice tocommemorate the matter with music and other forms of delight within the large square at Si-chow.
And commemoratethe name of thy LORD; and separate thyself unto him, renouncing worldly vanities.
Eat therefore of that which they shall catch for you; andcommemorate the name of GOD thereon;u and fear GOD, for GOD is swift in taking an account.
Unto the professors of every religionr have we appointed certain rites, that they may commemorate the name of GOD on slaying the brute cattle which he hath provided for them.
And commemorate the name of thy LORD, in the morning, and in the evening: and during some part of the night worship him, and praise him a long part of the night.
The Monument (a conspicuous object on the right hand of the engraving) is a magnificent pillar, erected to commemorate the great fire of the city of London, in 1666, on the spot where it first began.
This mosque is still standing, and is of a shape different from those constructed at a later period, having, as it is asserted, eight pillars, to commemorate the circumstance of the eight religious men engaged in its construction.
It dates from the Crusades, and very probably was the entrance to some religious building, erected to commemorate one of the events of the Passion; or perhaps a convent may have been at this place.
Sharpe's identification) may commemoratehis name to this day.
It is tempting to suggest that the fine head of Hadrian, in 1863 found in the Thames, may have formed a part of a statue placed on the bridge to commemorate his visit.
Some ingenious antiquarians think they find evidence that this gigantic profile was made to commemorate the victory obtained by Alfred and Ethelred over the Danes at the ancient Æscesdune.
There is also in the neighborhood another very singular monument, called The White Horse, which also has the reputation of having been fashioned to commemorate Alfred's victories.
One reason for supposing that this last is the true locality is that there are the ruins of an ancient monument here, which, tradition says, was a monument built to commemorate the death of a Danish chieftain slain here by Alfred.
We were in Delhi at the time of the Mohurrim, the Moslem "Feast of Martyrs," designed to commemorate the bloody deaths of the grandsons of Mohammed.
With pardonable pride they are persuaded that the contingent which they contributed to the army of Wellington had no small part in deciding the issue of that terrible day, and they thuscommemorate their victory.
That the Chinese are imbued with religious ideas is indicated in the very names of the streets already mentioned, whereby, though in a singular fashion, they commemorate and glorify certain attributes of character.
Every Icelander to-day knows perfectly the sagas, the legendary stories that commemorate heroes and heroic deeds and which are so dear to his heart.
Churchyard Lyrist: consisting of five hundred original Inscriptions to commemorate the dead; 1832.
The suggestion that a monument should be builded to commemorate the valor and heroism of those soldiers of Indiana who gave their lives for the flag attracted my interest from the beginning.
No American citizen need avoid it or pass it with unsympathetic eyes, for, my countrymen, it does not commemorate a war of subjugation.