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Example sentences for "recognizes"

Lexicographically close words:
recognizably; recognizance; recognizances; recognize; recognized; recognizing; recognoistre; recoil; recoiled; recoiling
  1. A life of such labour, crowned by three brilliant discoveries, the world owes (and too late recognizes its obligation) to the harshly treated German genius, Kepler.

  2. All the world honours the bright genius and mathematical skill of Mr. Adams, and recognizes that he first solved the problem by calculation.

  3. In the next edition Newton liberally recognizes the claims of both Hooke and Wren.

  4. Leverrier, but it recognizes in him something more than the mere mathematician--the man of energy, decision, and character.

  5. I am beginning to be conscious of myself, now that I know there is some one who recognizes my meagre worth.

  6. The free man, we may observe, is not envious, but gladly recognizes what is great and exalted, and rejoices that it exists.

  7. The ideal mother (and father) recognizes the child as caring person, perfect in the moment and unfolding possibilities for becoming.

  8. Therefore, because the locus of nursing inquiry is the nursing situation, the systematic study of nursing calls for a new methodology that recognizes that fact.

  9. It no more recognizes his right to have anything to say in the matter, than if he were but so much weight of powder or ball.

  10. The government recognizes no such thing as any natural right of property, on the part of individuals.

  11. It recognizes and owns the ruin; but it counts on God.

  12. Faith recognizes God's government as well as His grace, and moreover it bows, in solemn awe, before each stroke of His governmental rod.

  13. Consciousness of it comes through your sense of touch; but after all it is merely a "rate of vibration" which your brain recognizes and names.

  14. When the master of these arts makes a mistake, he recognizes it instantly, and corrects it, or endeavors to avoid its repetition.

  15. Kindness recognizes this bond of the kind, or kinship, as far as it extends.

  16. The mean man is he who acknowledges no interest and recognizes no obligation outside the narrow range of his strictly private concerns.

  17. It recognizes the humanity of the offender, and treats him as a brother, even when his deeds are most unbrotherly.

  18. Also she recognizes Eurydice's touch, when at length the hand is put in hers from behind, like a most transcendant genius.

  19. A man is said to pay his oaths to God because he performs what he swears to do, or because, from the very fact that he calls upon God to witness, he recognizes Him as possessing universal knowledge and unerring truth.

  20. In like manner he is not cast down by dishonor, but despises it, since he recognizes that he does not deserve it.

  21. Humility is necessary on the part of the person praying, because he recognizes his neediness.

  22. Reason recognizes them with certainty under the most different appearances, in circumstances sometimes the same and sometimes dissimilar.

  23. The peculiarity of these principles is, that each one of us in reflection recognizes that he possesses them, but that he is not their author.

  24. A humble wild flower herself, she recognizes her Bridegroom as a noble tree, alike ornamental and fruitful.

  25. In this reply the Bridegroom sweetly recognizes His oneness with His bride, in the same way as she has shown her conscious oneness with Him.

  26. How can the Bridegroom truthfully use such words of one who recognizes herself as Black as the tents of Kedar?

  27. We thus see that the law of Japan fully recognizes the right of married women to hold property, although only in exceptional cases are they allowed the management of their own holdings.

  28. Whatever they may be willing to do for her, it is quite likely that they would begrudge aid to the children of another family, with whom custom hardly recognizes any tie.

  29. Now, the government recognizes merit only in its creatures.

  30. Of course the Constitution of the United States recognizes the existence of States.

  31. The President recognizes governments, foreign governments, as they appear from time to time in the occurrences of this changeful world.

  32. The bill, it is to be observed, expressly recognizes and admits the actual existence of the power of removal.

  33. No such power is given by the Constitution, in terms, nor anywhere intimated, throughout the whole of it; no paragraph or clause of that instrument recognizes such a power.

  34. The Constitution of the United States recognizes it as an existing fact, an existing relation between the inhabitants of the Southern States.

  35. It recognizes the President's power of removal, in express terms, as it has been practically exercised, independently of the Senate.

  36. By his knowledge and skill his average of failures is minimized; therefore everybody recognizes him as a great success.

  37. It is noteworthy that Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg recognizes without the slightest disguise, that Germany is violating international law by her invasion of Belgian territory, and that she is committing a wrong against us.

  38. In the year 1824, Scartazzini, the great Dante scholar of the Nineteenth Century, recognizes a new starting point.

  39. In the Grand Rue the dogs have a sort of air of being on the lookout--an air born of being obliged to get out of the way of many carriages every day--and that expression one recognizes in a moment.

  40. Every body knows the picture of the Coliseum; every body recognizes at once that "looped and windowed" band-box with a side bitten out.

  41. The policeman, as he passes along, recognizes him as a notorious burglar.

  42. The physician who recognizes the disease as such, but timidly turns to palliatives, will never remove the disease, but may well cause the patient to succumb after a shorter or longer sickness!

  43. The commonalty made acquisition free; Communism compels to acquisition, and recognizes only the acquirer, him who practises a trade.

  44. The modern worship of him as (with his wife) a deity of love and wedlock also recognizes a beneficent aspect of his nature.

  45. In Japan it is only the scholar who recognizes in Susa no wo the deity of the Rain-storm.

  46. The Yengishiki recognizes no other, though in the country districts the shoulder-blades of deer were long retained.

  47. Simply this--a knowledge of harmony which recognizes the ear as well as the eye.

  48. With Debussy, Strauss and others it is different, for the skilled musician at once recognizes an astonishing facility to produce effects altogether new and often wonderfully fascinating.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recognizes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.