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Example sentences for "rather high"

  • This grows in sandy soil, at rather high altitudes, in Yosemite.

  • This grows on hillsides and in mountain valleys, at rather high altitudes, and used to be common and conspicuous on the "benches" around the Salt Lake Valley, but it is gradually being exterminated by sheep.

  • This sometimes forms immense patches on dry hills at rather high altitudes, as far east as Colorado.

  • This flourishes at rather high altitudes, up to seven thousand feet, and is conspicuously beautiful near the entrance to Ogden Canyon in Utah.

  • You're rather high up here," he remarked.

  • The young man who had got in, made another unintelligible joke in a rather high-pitched voice, which was somehow familiar, and again the gurgles broke forth.

  • His voice, rather high-pitched, had in it a spice of pleasant laziness.

  • Sodium sulphate, coal, and powdered limestone are heated together to a rather high temperature.

  • Oxygen and hydrogen combine with each other at ordinary temperatures in the presence of platinum powder, while if no catalytic agent is present they do not combine in appreciable quantities until a rather high temperature is reached.

  • STERN--The stern is long and tapering and set on rather high, with a moderate amount of hair underneath.

  • EARS--The ears should be set on rather high, of moderate size, rather wide at the base, and gradually tapering to a round point.

  • TAIL--Set on rather high, well carried, never curled or carried over back.

  • The values for the measurement are rather high, especially for such short people.

  • He showed that these animals used to live in rather high latitudes, and that the streams and rivers simply carried their bodies to the places where they were found.

  • The day was overcast, and the sea, outside of the docks, rather high; a stiff southwest breeze was blowing, but they could easily leave the Mersey.

  • Hatteras was the first to rouse himself; he ascended quickly a rather high hillock, which was almost entirely bare of snow.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rather high" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    accepted from; buried here; lying flat; ounces each; public attention; rather curious; rather does; rather fancy; rather fine; rather firm; rather have; rather high; rather less; rather like; rather nice; rather obtuse; rather open; rather the; rather then; rather tough; realized what; such case; that head; this connection; walk back; your account