You may recall I have been moderately busy these last few years.
I believe I'd show upmoderately well by comparison with the Porter Robinsons and the rest.
Below these upper grades, girls are educated at the National schools, where, if they remain long enough, they are taught the common branches and plain needlework, moderately well.
The head moderately elongated, the parietals not approaching from their insertion, but rather diverging, so as to enlarge the cerebral cavities and the frontal sinuses; consequently giving to these dogs greater power of scent and intelligence.
The dog is, generally speaking, easily manageable, but nothing will, in the majority of cases, render the wolf moderately tractable.
The pupil wasmoderately contracted, but was scarcely affected by any change of light.
The head moderately elongated, and the parietals diverging from each other for a certain space as they rise upon the side of the head, enlarging the cerebral cavity and the frontal sinus.
Permanganate of potassium answers in this direction, but we find that a moderately strong solution of Mr. H.
Grind the drugs to a moderately fine powder, and mix with the oils and gums.
Grind the drugs to a moderately fine powder and mix them with the oils and gums.
Large black patch on the ears; tail only moderately long, and broadly rounded, with large white ends to the outer feathers.
Legs extremely long, and bright red; neck and bill moderatelylong and slender.
These large waders are found in moderately large flocks both in the interior and on the coast in the fall.
Bill moderately long and quite stout; form more robust than most of our shore birds.
In some, the explanatory text consists only of two or three lines; and in others it occupies so large a space, that if it were set up in moderately sized type, it would be sufficient to fill a duodecimo page.
It is a small folio consisting altogether of a hundred and one leaves of paper of good quality, moderately thick and white, and in which the water-mark is an ox's head.
This margin, where room is allowed, is separated from the engraved parts by a moderately deep and wide furrow, and is covered with a piece of paper serving as a frisket in taking a proof impression by means of friction.
This last method of "baiting" for bears is under ordinary circumstances the only way which affords even a moderately fair chance of killing them.
Once our dogs roused a blacktail buck close up out of the brush coulie where the ground was moderately smooth, and after a headlong chase of a mile they ran into him, threw him, and killed him before he could rise.
Any set of moderately good ropers and riders, who are accustomed to back one another up and act together, can accomplish the feat if they have smooth ground and plenty of room.
Humor is as fascinating in a woman as sarcasm is abominable; it requires the very highest breeding to make the latter quality moderatelysafe in the hands of young women.
The flask containing the liquid is then closed with a piece of paper, and allowed to remain in a moderately warm place until the odor of the gas is no longer perceptible.
In this case, the precipitate is placed in a small flask, allowed to digest for several hours with ammonia and sulphide of ammonium in a moderately warm place, and the solution filtered.
The two acids are dissolved by shaking the moderately concentrated fluid remaining in the retort with ether, and, upon evaporating the solution, will be obtained in a state suitable for examination.
Malaria requires for its development decaying organic matter, a high or moderately high temperature, and usually an excess of moisture.
The decomposition of urine is due to micro-organisms, and it is well-known that if urine be passed into an impure vessel, its decomposition takes place with great rapidity, especially if the temperature be moderately high.
Mr. Masterson had cause for exultation, and unbentmoderately to that sentiment.
Or now and again a Mexican became boisterous beyond what a judicious public sentiment permitted to his caste, and offered a case where the dignity of Dodge required that he be moderately "buffaloed.
But indeed the foregoing sentence virtually contains two propositions neither of which could possibly have been penned by one even moderately acquainted with the facts of Textual Criticism.
Left to ourselves, we might have bent to the storm; or, moderately supported with money and troops, we might have compelled Saladin to respect our valour, and grant us peace and protection on easy terms.
Seed meals are high in nitrogen and moderately rich in phosphorus because plants concentrate most of the phosphorus they collect during their entire growth cycle into their seeds to serve to give the next generation a strong start.
They are moderatelyrich in phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen.
If you've measured correctly no water should leak out the bottom vent holes and the bedding should not drip when a handful is squeezed moderately hard.
In moderatelyinfested vineyards, bordeaux mixture and arsenate are used instead of molasses and arsenate of lead, followed in about ten days with a second application of the same material.
The symptoms were those of moderately severe peritoneal collapse;" [In all the cases I have ever seen, I never knew of one showing any symptoms of collapse when the abscess ruptured.
This is largely because the people of the wealthy or moderately well-to-do classes do not appear in the street nearly so frequently as in the United States or in northern Europe.
It occurred to me that land-shells, when hybernating and having a membranous diaphragm over the mouth of the shell, might be floated in chinks of drifted timber across moderately wide arms of the sea.
On either side the islands are situated on moderately deep submarine banks, and they are inhabited by closely allied or identical quadrupeds.
It is good to wander along lines of sea-coast, when formed of moderately hard rocks, and mark the {283} process of degradation.
When a poor man becomes moderately rich, his children enter trades or professions in which there is struggle enough, so that the able in body and mind succeed best.
With ruminants the development of horns generally stands in an inverse relation with that of even moderately developed canine teeth.
Some species of Semnopithecus have their heads covered with moderately long hair, and this probably serves as an ornament and was acquired through sexual selection.