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Example sentences for "rather short"

  • The intestine is rather short, but usually exhibits several convolutions; the large intestine is always furnished with two corea.

  • The face should be rather short, broad between the eyes, the nose pointed, and, in the ewe, fine and free from wrinkles.

  • They have large and single combs and wattles, large cheeks, rather short tails, and small wings in proportion to their bodies.

  • Pedicels, rather short, with their inner edges not forming a projection, as in S.

  • The first cirrus is rather short, with the rami unequal in length by about two segments: the anterior ramus is shorter and thicker than the other: segments numerous, each clothed with several rows of bristles.

  • These valves are sub-triangular in outline, with the basal margin straight and rather short; and with occludent and tergo-carinal margins more or less protuberant; in L.

  • Cirri rather short, broad, with the anterior faces of the segments protuberant, especially those of the first cirrus and of the anterior ramus of the second pair: spines on the anterior cirri doubly serrated.

  • The stem is rather short, nearly equal, white or whitish; the substance in the center is more spongy than the exterior, hence it is said to be stuffed.

  • The stem is rather short, thick, solid, equal, pallid when young, then black.

  • The stem is solid, rather short, blunt, yellowish, squamulose above or about the apex.

  • The stem is rather short, equal, solid, pruinose, of the same color as the pileus.

  • I found that Mr. Barlow is a new tenant, that he is rather short, wears a wig and spectacles, and always wears a glove on his left hand.

  • But the length of the stride shows that they were made by a rather short man.

  • They all have a rather short corolla, the limb of which is nearly regular.

  • Tail broad, rather short or of moderate length, of twelve feathers.

  • Stalk, rather short, inserted in a wide and deep cavity, which is lined with russet.

  • Stalk, rather short, inserted in a deep, wide, irregular, and angular cavity.

  • Head small and light, with very pointed, rather short, nose, fine and tapery, with a very slight curve upwards of tip of nose.

  • Strong and full, rather short, set broad on the shoulders, and slightly arched.

  • The following morning, after the empty canoes had been run down, we started, and made a rather short afternoon's journey.

  • They should be rather short in proportion to the hind-legs, but not so short as to make the back appear long or detract from the dog's activity and so cripple him.

  • NECK--Is rather short, strong, and slightly arched, but not carrying the head much above the level of the back.

  • NECK--Strong and full, rather short, set broad on the shoulders and slightly arched.

  • His neck is rather short, and instead of carrying his head proudly as does Lightfoot, he carries it stretched out before him or hanging low.

  • His tail is rather short and is not broad at the base like Lightfoot's.

  • His tail is rather short, but stout and hairy.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rather short" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    addressed himself; creative imagination; dollar gold; earlier years; express provision; fair means; lettuce leaves; rather coarse; rather common; rather curious; rather difficult; rather does; rather firm; rather like; rather more; rather narrow; rather soft; rather than; rather the; rather thick; rather think; rather tough; rather will; set down; two pieces; word used