They rode their horses at top speed; vaulting on their backs and discharging arrows with as much apparent ease as if they stood still.
Usually, in large operations of this kind, the main stream of water is divided in the final discharging hose into two or more streams, which spout out into the hillside as if from so many fire engines, but with immensely more force.
The value of violent and profuse cutaneous transpiration, thereby securing a rapidly eliminating channel for discharging poison from the system, is well known; in no other way can action be had so thorough, speedy, and prompt.
But being of its nature destined for union with a material principle, constituting an individual of the human species only by means of such union, and being capable of discharging some of the functions of this species, viz.
The royal demesnes were dissipated; and at the same time the king was loaded with a debt of three hundred and seventy-two thousand pounds, a sum so great, that the parliament could never think of discharging it.
One of the English columns marching along the wall, when it arrived at this spot, saw a great many people passing over the river, or waiting to embark, and discharging a volley at them, made very great slaughter.
We have already lost vast quantities in the attempt, and thereby have furnished our enemies gratis with what was designed for the discharging of your contracts, and for promoting the interest and commerce of our friends.
Mr. Nordenfelt's boats had means for discharging the smoke from the fires under the water.
She was fitted with "Dzrewiecke" apparatus for carrying and discharging torpedoes, two of which were carried on either side.
At nine o'clock Madame Blanchard went up in a balloon, discharging fireworks from the car, which formed a starlike crown set at a great height; she seemed like a magician in a fiery chariot.
The forts were discharging shells and bullets, which burst into flame, and were reflected in the water before they fell into the river.
Before leaving the library, return to the discharging desk in the Reserved Book Room all books drawn out, and reclaim and destroy slips.
In these humble schools many have learned to read, write, and keep accounts, and have thus been fitted for discharging efficiently their secular work.
In discharging their religious duties they have often to endure toil, undergo privation, and make sacrifices; but the more they do and suffer, the greater is the complacency with which they regard their religious position.
From it have gone out for many years bands of young men who now fill varied positions under Government, and it is believed they are discharging their duties with greater intelligence and a higher character than those they have succeeded.
When about to ease nature they are at great pains to conceal themselves from observation, yet are very indecent in discharging their urine, which they would do at any time, both men and women, while conversing with us.
Under these circumstances, he was forced to turn back three leagues to a place where he had observed a large river discharging itself into the sea, forming a good harbour, though open to the north-west.
The voyagers, again on their way, were forewarned of the confluence of the Missouri with the main stream, by the noise of its discharging waters.
They did certainly very well in discharging their consciences and speaking so plainly to him.
Discharging their carbines at an idle distance, they wheeled round and spurred from the field, leaving the nine infantry battalions of their comrades to be ridden down by the torrent of the allied cavalry.
In sheer mad desperation they climbed over every part of the mammoth, dischargingtheir revolvers at any seam in the metal or place where they thought it might be effective, breaking their bayonets on its iron coat--in vain!
Neither can anything be recorded of the virtues she displayed in discharging the laborious duties of the position in which her father placed her at so tender an age.
There is a mode of discharging sky-rockets without sticks, which consists in using balls of lead tied to a wire two or three feet long, and fixing the other end of the wire to the neck of the rocket.
There are some improvements on the girandole chest, and on the different modes of discharging a series of rockets.
Another mode may be used, similar to that for dischargingballoons or bombs, but on a scale proportionate thereto.
For the mode ofdischarging the Congreve Rocket, see the article on Congreve Rockets.
He informs us, that the Thracians disarmed heaven of its thunder-bolts, by discharging arrows into the air; and the Hyperboreans by darting into the clouds, pikes headed with pieces of sharp pointed iron.
Having completely prepared the rockets with all their appendages, we consider in the next place the manner of discharging them; in performing which some care is to be observed.
We find, also, that two modes are used for dischargingthe mortars.
Fire pots are called pots of ordnance, because they are used for discharging sundry substances, by means of gunpowder.
We need not suppose that all these offices were absolutely new; for instance, there must always have been a Precentor, or some one discharging the Precentor's duties in the immediate government of the choir.
As a Canon, he was one of a body, enjoying rights and discharging duties in common with his brethren.
Earlier in the year neither of them had cared to be assiduous in discharging social obligations, with the natural result that little notice was taken of them in turn.
Discharging his musket, he shot one of the assailants, and charged with the bayonet.
In February an order from the War Department discharging me as a private from the Harris Light Cavalry to accept a commission in the Twenty-fourth New York cavalry was received at General Kilpatrick's headquarters at Stevensburg.
During the following winter I was confined to my bed at intervals by abscesses forming preliminary to their discharging pieces of bone or cloth, the last particles coming out the following March or April.
He only asked permission to wipe his eyes ere his arms were bound behind his back; for tear after tear was falling on the grey beard of the warder who, outwitted and overpowered, no longer felt capable of discharging the duties of his office.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discharging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.