But Durant's mind was too sane and versatile to be long concerned with passion yet unborn.
And when a clever versatile artist of Durant's type flings himself away in a mad struggle to give form and color to the invisible it is not to be wondered at if the world is puzzled and fights shy of him.
The whole family were richly dowered with musical gifts, and Maria was probably one of the most versatile and accomplished musical artists of any age.
Moscheles himself was a more bold and versatile player than any other performer of his school, but he aimed assiduously to confine his efforts within the perfectly legitimate and well-established channels of pianism.
Yet we may well wonder at the versatile appreciation of all types of beauty that these monuments evince.
We have confined our extract to the paragraph which introduces the caricaturist as a crony and erst fellow-pupil of the versatile chronicler.
The new king offered the best of securities for a sound administration in his thorough andversatile knowledge, wide experience in public affairs, and rich and harmonious endowment.
Strindberg, who is an able historian, ethnographer, naturalist and sinologue, is the most versatile and prolific of contemporary writers.
Almquist has not, like Bellman and Tegner, crystallized the Swedish national character in a lyrical form, but he remains, in spite of glaring defects, the most versatile and supremely gifted genius of Swedish literature.
Rudbeck does not owe his great renown to his mastery of any of these trades, arts or sciences, nor to any discovery, reform or invention by his versatile genius.
To this period, as well as to the next, belongs Elisa Hvasser, the greatest and most versatile actress Sweden has ever had.
This extract presents a curious picture, and a just notion of the versatile talents of these preachers.
Marchmont Needham, the great patriarch of newspaper writers, was a man of versatile talents and more versatile politics; a bold adventurer, and most successful, because the most profligate of his tribe.
The prophet himself was not a very successful preacher, but the versatile Sidney Rigdon more than made up for his defects.
They are versatile in their modes of finding food.
The ten acres of the reservation offered an excellent opportunity for truck-farming, and the versatile head of the family could not avoid trying his luck in this branch of work.
Loughnane is a versatile scholar, a man of bright mind, and keen sense of discernment.
The late editor Faulkes was a pungent and versatile writer, and under his editorial management the Gazette rapidly rose to a commanding position in the Iowa newspaper field.
He passed away in 1854 at the age of forty-six, just at a time when he had attained to a prominent place as one of the leading citizens of the town, in the promotion of which he had devoted all his time and versatile talents.
He passed away when he had just reached middle life, one of the ablest and most versatile men in Linn county at the time of his untimely death.
Durham, the versatile and polite Judge Israel Mitchell, the genial Oxley brothers, and scores of other southern men and women?
Genoa, was a brilliant and versatile man, author of a number of books, professor for eight years at Northwestern University, editor for eight years of the New York Methodist, and for nine years president of Allegheny College.
She was a woman of versatile talent, and set to music Burns's "And ye shall walk in silk attire," one of the most popular songs of her day.
The filaments elongate rapidly at flowering-time, and the lightly versatile anthers empty an abundance of finely granular smooth pollen through a longitudinal slit.
His mind was never more alert than in these years of adversity, his labour never more indefatigable, his powers of expression never more keen and versatile and strong.
The use of compressed air instead of a brush for applying paint, varnish, and whitewash is a further illustration of the versatile possibilities of air as a means of transmitting power.
Then consider how such operations are performed with the help of that versatile substance, air.
When Harrow had gone, Burton turned again to Bristoll, and with that systematic quality which made his brain so versatile he dismissed the annoyance for another matter.
The two were alike only in that each had a versatile and executive brain.
Without grace or imagination, he was yet a plausible, versatile man, quick and ingenious, resolute and ready, with a rare faculty for convincing men.
Here you rejoiced in his light; here he spent his last and his best days; here he had full scope for the various, the versatile powers of his vigorous mind.
Thus the future professor grew up amid the versatile life of the frontier, surrounded by the contests and traditions of public service.
Rather complex, but Sir Joseph's abilities are asversatile as his duties are varied.
He can give you all the particulars of the last, and latest, encounter with the versatile individuals, who claim acquaintance with you.
And now he feels chagrin at something like a reproach conveyed by that expression in Crozier's letter, "The versatile individuals who claim your acquaintance.
We get, too, a vivid knowledge of the religious side of Napoleon's versatile character.
This learned warrior-statesman was also a poet, and but for the solitude of exile we should probably never have seen that side of this versatile nature.
It was probably one of the last works of this very able and versatile author.