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Example sentences for "quicks"

Lexicographically close words:
quicklie; quicklime; quickly; quickness; quickning; quicksand; quicksands; quickset; quicksilver; quickstep
  1. At a little after three they were in Quicks Hole, bobbing about gayly in the wake of a steamer.

  2. Then Dan, at the wheel, turned the boat's head southwest and they met the waters of the Sound on the quarter as they sped for Quicks Hole.

  3. Like a figure of retribution Mrs. Bindle stood in the doorway, hard of eye and grim of lip, whilst just behind her Mr. Hearty picked nervously at the quicks of his fingers.

  4. Mr. Hearty was preoccupied with the quicks of his finger-nails.

  5. I could have found time," said Mr. Hearty, as he picked nervously at the quicks of his finger-nails.

  6. If quicks are adopted, it will be necessary to put up a light wooden fence also to protect the young plants until they are well grown.

  7. The quicks are generally planted in a mound formed by cutting a continuous ditch, or gripe, as shown in Fig.

  8. The quicks are not so good as when they were planted; it can never make a good hedge.

  9. In the newly-planted hedge we shall find that the better the soil in which it is planted, the quicker and stronger the young quicks will grow.

  10. Those two rubies formed the eyes of some ugly god or other in a heathen temple in the Kwang-Tung province of Southern China where the Quicks carried on more nefarious practices than that.

  11. The Quicks were as sharp as their name--they knew the sort of men they wanted.

  12. But--is it probable that the Quicks would still be in possession of jewels that you saw some years ago?

  13. The great thing is--what was this precious secret that the Quicks shared, and that certainly had to do with some place here in Northumberland?

  14. Supposing that he let the Quicks into the secret?

  15. The Quicks had seen about as much of the doubtful and seamy side of seafaring life as men could, and all of us could contribute something.

  16. From that port we worked our passage to Hong-Kong: I had an idea that we might strike the Quicks there, or get news of them.

  17. Now I give you my word that that news was the first intimation we had ever had that the Quicks were in England!

  18. I knew the murderers of the Quicks were only an episode, a chapter in the story--the end was--where?

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quicks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.