The lightning calculator who estimated the annual tonnage of drift-snow sweeping off Adelie Land was received as a futurist and thinker.
These were the nights when "curtains" hung festooned in the heavens, alive, rippling, dancing to the lilt of lightning music.
A considerable struggle was necessary in order to get the sledge to the top, but the lightningslide to the bottom more than compensated for the labour.
Thorpe's hand went to his belt, Pierre's sent a lightning gleam of steel back over his shoulder.
His fist shot out like lightning against the other's jaw, and the second guard fell back in a limp heap.
Lightning struck capriciously at those on whom this new society might frown, on those who as lately as last year had ridden the crest of the wave.
Some of them had little ornamental iron fencelets running along their ridgepoles, or lightning rods on the chimneys or at the corners, although thunderstorms were practically unknown.
Then he took to secreting the weapons in various pockets from which he produced and discharged them in lightning time.
Naught she spake unto them / as thence she swiftly passed, But fierce the lightning glances / that on her enemies she cast.
The mighty spear sharp-pointed / full through the shield did crash, That ye from off the mail-rings / might see the lightning flash.
We turned the head of the canoe like lightning and paddled down stream as hard as we could paddle, but the Indians sent a flight of arrows after us and killed poor Job Potter, who in his fall upset the canoe.
They halted, at length, upon a rising ground, but could distinguish only wild groups of struggling figures, as the vivid lightningdisclosed them for instants only at a time everywhere around them.
The thunder appeared to increase in loudness every moment, while flashes of lightning darted across the heavens from side to side.
Presently the thunder muttered in the distance, and flash after flash of blue lightning penetrated through the tent, dimming the light of the lamp which burned beside him.
These were followed very quickly by others: the lightning increased in vividness at every flash; and what was at first confined to the cloud which has been mentioned, now spread itself gradually all over the heavens!
There was a crash of thunder which seemed to rend the earth—a flash of lightning which almost blinded her.
They're moving together," he said to Billy, "and see that lightningreaching out?
But Billy knew that answer, and the reason for the gleam which played like heat-lightning in his eyes, and she hastened to stave off disaster.
The play of the lightning became almost constant, the rumbling rose to a tumult; and then, as if caught by resistless hands, the two clouds rushed together.
And it was by the friendly aid of the lightning that I was, in the midst of the melee, enabled to identify an object, which I had once or twice kicked from under my feet, as a flannel cartridge.
Pottle contemptuously; "d'ye think I don't know lightning when I see it?
There is no present indication of its ending," said I as I glanced through the window at the blackness outside illumined only by the quivering lightning flashes.
The lightning strikes down the totem-pole which we have raised for his pleasure.
When a line of lightning broke the sky, an exclamation burst from his lips and his bold cheek blanched.
One I killed, and the remainder fled, frightened by lightning which struck down a tree between us.
Through the unlighted streets of a city a way was revealed before the sleeper by means of lightning flashes.
As he spoke there fell a storm out of the night; a thunder of voices; the lightning of flashing swords; a rush of dark bodies around the boat.
I shall say how, as I lay on the hillside, I saw lightning strike the sentry dead, and how at the roll of thunder the door of this hut burst open and you passed out in a flame of fire.
The glare of lightning gradually ceased, the storm passing away to the westward with distant reverberations.
The slowly advancing clouds had not yet mounted high enough to obscure the moon, but hung densely massed across half the sky, low thunder echoing among the rocks, and jagged streaks of lightning tearing the gloom asunder.
It all abides in fevered memory not unlike those pictures of horror coming of a dark night whenlightning leaps from the black void.
Behind them lightning played in jagged streaks across the little patch of sky, and the black smoke of the torches curled upward to the roof.
A lightning bolt smote the cliff," I explained rapidly, "rending the solid rock.
I stared across the chasm and up the steep ascent beyond, still clearly revealed in the lightning flashes.
The lightning showed me that her eyes were closed, and I could tell by her soft regular breathing that she slept.
Well, we should be able to tell as soon as thelightning flashed again, whether they had set themselves free; or whether some human hand had undone the knotted bridles.
The lightning continued to play at intervals, and we had no difficulty in finding our way.
Quick aslightning my eyes were directed towards the sufferer.
There was no noise accompanying this phenomenon--at least none produced by the lightning itself.
When the lightning flashed again, we had entered the thicket.
Glooscap sent the lightning to split open the North Mountain, and through the narrow opening Mr. Wolf sailed gaily back and forth between the Bay of Fundy and Annapolis Basin.
Like the lightning which sometimes made their hollow-tree home bright as day, it flashed into his mind.
She walked in the midst of the tempest, and bowed not her head; and she held converse with the wild lightning and the fierce hail, speaking of them as the ministers of her will.
The allusion to a mysterious visitor accomplished what the lightning of heaven could not effect--such is the secret power of mystery over the young heart.
At his left hand was an eagle; in his right the forked lightning of a thunderbolt.
That he was fierce enough for any atrocity she well knew; and the thought that he had killed her, and had fled, came swift as lightning to her mind.
Like lightning this thought came to her, and brought terror with it.
I was forced to allow my name to go there in self-defence; and I will now say that had any gentleman, friend or foe, received a majority of that convention over me the lightning would have carried a message withdrawing my name.
Like lightning bolt it hissed and whirred, A flash across the midnight blue.
A lightning flash revealed this to her, but did not prepare her for her companion's next words: "We got to go back!
That anybody, a little girl so much younger than himself, could "reckon" figures at such lightning speed was away beyond his dreams.
In some way she managed to get upon her knees and the next flash of lightning showed her thus, with her face uplifted and her hands clasped, while an agony of supplication was in her wide brown eyes.
With speed he flew to my relief, As on a cherub's wing he rode; Awful and bright as lightning shone The face of my deliverer, God.
Thy voice with terror in the sound Thro' clouds and darkness broke; All heaven in lightning shone around, And earth with thunder shook.
You know thelightning did come last week, mama, and struck the new church, and burnt it down.
The friends grew impatient, now; the telegrams did not come fast enough: even the lightning could not keep up with their anxieties.
Hawkins even built a new house, made it two full stories high and put a lightning rod on it.
Because," said Jenny, making a descriptive gesture, "because lightning goes downwards and not flat ways.
Anne; and turning to Gombauld, "You must be our lightning artist," she said.
Will gave vent to a half-muffled yell when a sudden vivid flash dispelled the darkness around them, as if lightning had cut the gloom of night.
There is a flash as of heaven's own lightning in some of his verses, and his name has become a spell to conjure with.
Yet sweetly the bard did sing, And learnedly talked the sage, And the seer flashed by with his lightning wing, Soaring beyond his age.
Often on summer evenings, when the sky appears to be cloudless, we can see faint flashes of lightning on the horizon, an appearance which is commonly called "heat-lightning.
Sometimes a cloud is so heavily charged that the lightning comes down like an avalanche, and in such a case the rods must have great capacity and be close together to fully protect a building.
In olden times we took a car Drawn by a horse, if going far, And felt that we were blest; Now the conductor takes the fare And puts a broomstick in the air-- And lightning does the rest.
This was an important invention, as it was the forerunner of our own Franklin's discoveries and a necessary part of his outfit with which he established the identity of lightning and electricity.
As we have said, Franklin believed in the identity oflightning and electricity, and he waited long for an opportunity to demonstrate his theory.
Previous to 1750 Franklin had written a paper in which he showed the likeness between the lightning spark and that of frictional electricity.
And because my line had connection with the earth it could have been disturbed electrically by conduction instead of induction; or it may have been the effect of ether-waves set up by the lightning discharges.
In most cases of thunder and lightning it is only a discharge from cloud to cloud unequally charged.
Many wonderful and destructive effects come from these lightning discharges and many lives are lost every year from this cause.
Although there is a just prejudice against lightning-rods as ordinarily constructed, it is still just as possible to protect your house and its inmates from the destroying effects of lightning as from rain.
In such a case you simply carry the surface of the earth to the top of your house, electrically speaking, and neutralization takes place there in case the lightning strikes the house.
Every American schoolboy has heard, from Fourth of July orations, how "Franklin caught the forked lightning from the clouds and tamed it and made it subservient to the will of man.