No matter how their salaries may increase they are proportionately behind with their hauling all the time.
If you save proportionately all through your payroll it will make a decided profit in itself.
In the same ratio that the senses are vividly roused in us, the influence of morality will be proportionately diminished; and reciprocally, as the sensuous loses, morality gains ground.
As man rises in education and moral feeling he proportionately rises in the power of self-restraint; and consequently as he becomes deprived of this wholesome law of discipline he sinks into self-indulgence and the brutality of savage life.
Its principal constituents are urea and uric acid, together with various other animal matters of less importance, and saline substances, held in solution in a proportionately large amount of water.
The number of schools was significantly increased, as were student enrollments throughout the system, although in 1972 the number of students continuing their education beyond the primary level was still proportionately low.
The number of students attending higher institutions was proportionately small, and the number receiving the basic degree was even smaller.
After leaving Campan the road ascends slightly through several small hamlets, each possessing a proportionately small chapel at the wayside, till Ste.
This was my artistic knot to untie, to put any sense or logic into the thing, and if I had known any way of producing more the image of their contact and condition I should assuredly have been proportionately eager to resort to it.
My brother, for whom this snug and secure little nook appears to have been soothing and sustaining, is better than when he came, and I am proportionately less depressed; but I still go on tiptoe and live from day to day.
The erection of the buildings on the New Bowery will about double the size of the Mission, and proportionately increase its capacity for doing good.
It is impossible to estimate these, but it is believed that the number is proportionately small.
These gentlemen will tell you that while their sales of staple goods are heavy, they are proportionately lighter than the sales of articles of pure luxury.
Aid of their Salaries, which on that Account were proportionately small from the Public; and this Situation of Clerk of the Roads was looked up to as the Reward of their long and arduous Labour in the subordinate Stations of the Office.
To charge the average cost would be to drive away a large portion of the traffic and so increase almost proportionately the average cost of the remainder.
In Great Britain the number of separate newspaper mails is extremely small proportionately to the number of letter mails.
This increase would then drive away a fresh portion, and so once more increase proportionately the cost to that still remaining.
To Him there is no moral inharmony; as we shall learn, proportionately as we gain the true understanding of Deity.
This meekness will increase their apprehension of God, because their mental struggles and pride of opinion will proportionately diminish.
There is a proportionately heavier drag on the machine and a greater strain on its most vital parts.
Consequently, the depth of colour and covering power of an ink reduced with "litho medium" would be proportionately greater than that reduced with varnish.
It does not follow, however, that the printer's responsibility has been proportionately increased.
He desired to put an end to the seizure of hostages from villages suspected of royalism; and also to the exaction of taxes levied on a progressive scale, which harassed the wealthy without proportionately benefiting the exchequer.
Failing to bend the Admiral, they then sought to cajole the retiring Governor, Wilks, who, having borne little of the responsibility of their custody, was proportionately better liked.
So great, indeed, was the force as to occasion strong remonstrances from the British Government, and a warning that a proportionately strong fleet would be sent to watch over the safety of our West Indies.
Here is one which inspires us with a feeling of compassion for the much-abused Spanish Inquisition, and proportionately increases our admiration of the "glorious Reformation.
The newspaper reporters of the council labor under far greater difficulties than did the army correspondents, and areproportionately inaccurate.
These quantities increased proportionatelywith the additions to the forces.
Those who open their mouths wide and frequently, thereby evince an open soul, while closed mouths, unless to hide deformed teeth, are proportionately secretive.
Since the first year, the licensing judges in Philadelphia have gone in for increasing the number of saloons, and proportionately with the increase of liquor shops the total of arrests for intoxication has risen.
In the next licensing year the number of houses was again reduced, and once more the number of arrests showed a reduction, though not proportionately large.
But unfortunately the differences of income among the working-classes are proportionately nearly as great as among the well-to-do classes.
Bismarck and his followers were proportionately delighted at getting rid of him.
The great facts of Jewish history were not yet clearly known, the philosophy of Judaism was proportionately vague and uncertain.
In the lower religions the conception of the Infinite was meagre and insufficient and the symbols in use proportionately gross.
Such a stack will give a draft sufficient to allow a boiler to be operated at 175 per cent of its rated capacity, and beyond this point the capacity will not increase proportionately with the draft.
As the heat transfer does not, therefore, increase proportionately with the volume of gases, the exit temperature for a given furnace temperature will be increased as the volume of gases increases.
In small plants the labor saving for stokers over hand-fired furnaces is negligible, and the expense of the installation no less proportionately than in large plants.
Stacks should be made of sufficient height to produce a draft that will develop the maximum capacity required, and this draft decreased proportionately for loads under the maximum by damper regulation.
The rationale of the blast may be simply explained by referring to the effect of contracting the pipe of a water-hose, by which the force of the jet of water is proportionately increased.
The contrast between these and the steamer-feathers is ludicrous; the price, too, is proportionately cheaper, for the feathers are infinitely better.
We passed the island of Chiloe to-day, where it always rains, and where the vegetation is proportionately dense and luxuriant.
Captain Lecky, being accustomed to very large ships, had not in the least realised how near we were to the water in our little vessel, and was proportionately taken by surprise.
They are extremely good in Chili--both views and portraits--but proportionately dear, the price being double what would be charged in London or Paris for the same thing.
The locusts have not visited this part of the country, and the pastures are consequently in fine condition after the late rains, while the sheep look proportionately well.